Monday, 24 October 2011

Rimmel london: 3 for 2!

Last week I popped in to one of my fave drug stores Boots, there was nothing in particular that I needed or couldn’t live with out, and I went in there to have a bit of a splurge to be honest with you. I find buying any sort of makeup or toiletries so therapeutic more so than buying clothes or shoes etc. I seriously cant help but jump for joy when I see all the makeup counters and everything displayed so perfectly with pretty colours and packaging (does anyone else feel this way). There’s nothing quite like swatching all the testers on your hand and thinking how that is going to work for you. My poor hands always end up looking like a clown when they leave.
I noticed that Rimmel had a 3 for 2 promotion on all its products and I always love a good deal :) in the past I’ve found that I’ve have had a bit of a love hate relationship with this brand, so much so that i cant even remember the last Rimmel product I had bought. But seeing as the new Kate Moss lipstick was on show and I had seen it advertised all over T.V and magazines I thought I would take Boots up on this offer.
So what did I get I bet your all wondering well, I decided to go for the lipstick in the new Kate Collection and a mascara from the Brit Collection. I wasn’t too sure what to get as my freebie in the deal and know that I was in desperate need of a new nude lippie, and as it’s so near to the festive season i cant afford the luxuries of Mac :(. So I chose one from the moisture renew range and here is what I thought of my purchases...

(Left to Right: Kate Moss Lipstick in shade No 08, Moisture Renew Lipstick in
700 Nude Delight. Bottom: Extra Wow Lash in Black)

(sorry about the funny wash in pictures *see below)

So after having tested these products after a week I have to say that I was impressed with what I had bought, especially the Kate lipstick. When buying it, it was the packaging that really drew me in as it was really sleek for a Rimmel lippie. The one thing that is great about this product defiantly has to be the pigmentation and it had great staying power, just what you need in a product (very useful if you don’t have time to keep reapplying all day). However keeping your lips soft and smooth wasn’t so great with this, my lips kept feeling dry after about an hour of it being on which made me want to apply more. But for the price you really cant go wrong with this lipstick and I would recommend it to anyone, especially those just getting into makeup.

The other lipstick I bought which was the moisture renew one had the complete opposite effect, it was soft and creamy but its staying power was not the best, I do though love the colour and it’s a very natural looking nude but not one that washes you out and makes your lips look like a manikin. To spice things up a bit I decided to wear a clear lip-gloss over it some days which looked fabb!! And a great look for autumn.

(Topt: Kate Moss Lipstick in shade No 08,
Bottom: Moisture Renew Lipstick in 700 Nude Delight)

Lastly is the Rimmel London mascara I bought, the extra WOW one, and sadly to say it was not one that made me scream out wow :(. To be honest I didn’t have huge high hopes for this mascara so I can’t really be that disappointed with it. Rimmel mascaras are the whole reason why I have this love hate relationship with the brand as they don’t seam to do anything for me at all. I find that they just look very clumpy on my lashes. But there is hope as I have to say this is one of there better ones that I have tried out (there is hope :))

Rimmel describes this mascara as a lash building one and after a few coats it defiantly does the job giving your lashes a spidery effect which I do love, but I did find it went a little clumpy on me which is a shame seing it’s such an affordable price. My only other niggle with it was the wand. From the picture you can see that it has a spiral effect and gets a lot smaller at the tip for those lashes in hard to get places and it did do this, but I found the brush so scratchy on my eyes which I didn’t like., I want it want to glide though with ease with each coat. But it’s not the worse maraca you could get and I will continue to use this one up.

I would love to know if any of you have tried ant of these products recently or other Rimmel products you like, if you haven’t tried any do do do do go and get the Kate lipstick. I think it’s great! Check out Boots while they still have this 3 for 2 offer on, for the price you can't go wrong.

Love Danielle xoxo

* Really have no idea why some of the pictures are uploading a bit funny, I am still new to this and am trying to figure how to fix this. please bear with me, if any of you can help with this it would be a huge help


Friday, 21 October 2011

Gossip Girl Inspired

Righteo bloggers as you can see from the title of this post i am a fan of the hit show Gossip Girl, and I love this show, it has to be one of my favourite all time things to watch. I remember when the O.C had finished and thought that nothing would be able to compare to it, but how wrong i was. Gossip Girl definitely wins hands down and i think the story lines are just great. If you haven’t yet watched i i would highly recommend that you give it ago.
One of the things that i love about the show other than the scandals story lines and keeping up with who is with who has got to be the fashion and beauty element to the show. The female characters on the show have amazing and i mean amazing wardrobes and i feel that each character can relate to someone’s personal style. You can easily see that the all the clothes they wear are designer which a girl like me can only dream to wear. Although bloggers i think there is solution for us not been able to have a taste of designer heaven and that is a lot of these outfits can be recreated for a lot less and they can even inspire a whole new outfit. When watching the show on Wednesday i was really inspired some of the outfits Serena van der Woodson (the stunning Blake Lively) wore, especially the one in the picture below.

I adore the chunky turquoise necklace and the simplicity of the yellow outfit, together it looks flawless and fabulous. I only wish that I had seen this picture at the start of summer as its far too cold now to go dressed around like that. But this outfit could be created for a lot less without the designer price tag.
You might say its a bit early to start planning next years summer outfits but this is defiantly something i want to recreate when the sun gets his hat out next year. i am on the hunt for a necklace just like this, i haven’t found any as of yet but if any of you know where I can get one from please let me know. it would be a great staple piece for a great summer outfit.

Another bit of inspiration that i got from the show was the hair styles and Serna has amazing hair, which i do envy a bit. In the show she was sporting the classic ponytail, all hair sweeping back from her face and in the messy get out of bed look hair and the result. Well i thought she looked effortlessly beautiful.
i am forever wearing my hair down, getting the straightners on it and feel that it always has to be so perfect. On the rare occasion i do have it pinned up I always have bits dangling down, having them perfectly where I want them to be placed. Well as it’s a new season I have decided I am going to embrace the unknown and let my hair take a walk on the wild side. i haven’t decided how I am going to recreate this look, as simple as it looks i know the perfectionist in me will want it looking right. But you have my word that as soon as I have had a good play around with my hair and got it looking right I will share the love on here with you all. I think that this style will look great for Autumn with wearing lots of layers and minimal make-up.

I would love to know what new things that you are daring to try for the new season or any tips you have on creating the just got out of bed messy up-do

Hope you are all having a great day

Love Danielle x0x0


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

In for Autumn

So over the last week here in the UK there has defiantly been a change in the temperature and i think its fair to say that summer has well and truly gone till next year. But this sudden change in the seasons defiantly has to be one of my favourite times of the year. There is nothing like wrapping up warm, layering up your jumpers coats and scarfs to embrace the outdoors, but the best bit of all is getting back in from the cold and getting all cozy and i am one of these people who love to go all out on this.

  1. Hot Bath
  2. Pj's (or jimmy jangas as i like to call them)
  3. Candles
  4. Hot chocolate
  5. Good old book
  6. Shutting the curtains when it gets dark
So as the days get colder and my nose is becoming a lot redder by the time i have walked to work, i thought i would treat myself to a luxurious Yankee Candle. i do find that they can be a bit pricey side but if you look in the right places you can always find a bargain, i found this one in the picture above in a little homewear shop for a total of £9.50 and i know they charge double that in places like House of Frazer. My chosen scent was lavender and vanilla and it smells lush and completely sets the mood. It just makes me want to hibernate, which is exactly what i will be doing from now all the way till it gets hot again. But i have to say i love love love it!

I would love what your favourite candle scents are and what you to do get IN for Autumn.

Ohhh do you know what else i love also when the leaves fall off and they make that crunchy sound when you walk over them, i just love that crunch crunch crunch.

Happy autumn people and defiantly stay tuned for some upcoming posts which will be fashion/beauty related :)

Danielle xoxo


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

First post on my little space

Hiya fellow bloggers/viewers welcome to my blog sunshine and sparkle. Wow finally got i here and am doing my first post, as a few of you may have noticed that i have been playing around with the settings over the last few days and not actually posting but now i feel that i am ready to enter the world of blogging :)

Well as this is an introduction the best thing would be to tell you all a little bit about myself and what kind of posts you can expect on here. My name is Danielle and this little space that has been created for me on the Internet will have posts mainly about beauty and fashion related things, however i shall also be including things about my life and other things that make me happy or things which inspire me.

Over the last six months i have been having a good old goosey gander over many blogs (which many are incredible by the way) and i have thought to myself that this is something i can do and it looks like a lot of fun. Just a heads up to you all though, i am not the most technical person when it comes to using computers etc so please bear with me, but i thought that it would be a bit of a learning experience as i go along. Any comments from you which can help me improve my blog will greatly be appreciated.

Anyway i think that this is a long enough of an introduction but here is to the adventure of blogging and i am very excited to maybe get to know some of you and to be a member of this happy blogging community

Happy blogging my lovelies

Danielle xoxo

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