Saturday 1 June 2013

Boots & Superdrug Haul | Holiday Shop

Hi gorgeous girls, I hope your all having a lovely weekend and enjoying the sunshine, even if it is a little on the windy side... Has to be better than rain, right? I'm sure a lot of you have all seen me expressing my excitement about my holiday to Turkey coming up, which is just one week away today! YAY! I don't know about anyone else, but going away seams like the perfect opportunity (excuse) to re-stock on some much needed beauty essentials to take away and of course get some try out some new bits and pieces  As everyone loves a good old haul, I thought I would share with you ladies what I've picked up recently to take away with me on my travels. 

I'm sure the first essential on everyone's list when traveling off to sunnier climates is sun care, protecting your skin from the heat is always a must! I mentioned this in a previous post, but whenever I go on holiday, Hawaiian Tropic is the brand I always turn too. In all honestly, I don't really know what makes a good sun cream and I'm pretty sure that which ever sun care brand you choose will do the trick - I just love the smell and formulation of the Hawaiian Tropic sun creams. I always find that the creams rub into the skin lovely, without feeling horrible or sticky as they dry pretty quickly. The lotions are really creamy and it almost feels as though you are rubbing a moisturiser into your skin rather than a sun cream. These ones from Hawaiian Tropic also claim to be very water resistant, which is perfect as I know I will be jumping into the pool every ten minutes to cool down.  I also love the way that these smell, they have that perfect yummy holiday smell to them and it just reminds me of coconuts and sunbathing. 

It will come as no surprise to you, that when I'm away on holiday I am a serious sunbather, whoever comes along with me always calls me a 'sun worshiper'. I know sizzling your skin is not good, but rarely do we get sunshine here in the UK and whenever the sun does make an appearance it always tends to be on those days I'm working - So when I am away I like to take every opportunity I can to enjoy the sun and of course catch a tan. Towards the end of my holiday I tend to get my serious sunbathing head on and this is where this oil comes in use. Again I like to use an oil from Hawaiian Tropic just because they are my 'go to' for sun care. I love using the Hawaiian Tropic Dry Spray Oil just because as the name states its quite a fast drying oil and the spray bottle makes it ever so easy to apply. Yes it does make your skin shine and it does feel oily to the touch, but after all it is an oil. But again its water resistant and the smell is just yummy - It has a lovely blend of coconut that's been combined with something fruity, but I can't pinpoint exactly what. Either way if your planning on using an oil spray whilst away on holiday, then I can't recommend this one from Hawaiian Tropic enough. If your looking to turn your skin into a disgusting shade of brown, then you need this product ;)

This vibrant green gel from Banana Boat is always another one of those holiday essentials that I take away with me on holiday. With all the daily sunbathing, having the right products to cool down with and pop all the moisture back into your skin is a must. When it comes to after sun I always take a pot of the Hawaiian Tropic After Sun Body Butter (you can read my review here). But i always combine my after sun routine with this Aloe Vera Gel from Banana Boat. Using products with Aloe Vera in after you've been in the sun all day is perfect as its really going to sooth, cool and replenish your skin and help aid any burns from the sun. This gel has been made with pure Aloe Vera and claims to be like 'having an aloe leaf in a bottle'. I love the way that this cools my skin down instantly after being out in the sun all day and it gives you that lovely refreshing feeling. The gel is not sticky in any  way and sinks right down into your skin in an instant - However that cooling feeling lasts for ages which makes this gel perfect. The smell wont be to everyone's liking, but personally I love it as its another smell that I associate with holiday. I remember my mum taking a bottle of this on one of my first holidays abroad, and the smell just takes me back to when I was a little one and all the lovely memories of that holiday come flooding back.

Having tried and tested this little lip balm from Banana Boat last year I can honestly say its a little gem and much needed when you go away on holiday. Your protecting your whole body from the sun with all kinds of lotions and potions, and it's really important not to forget to protect your lips too! This Banana Boat lip balm is not the most exciting thing in the world, but it really does come in handy while your away and with a SPF of 30 there's no worry or fear that your lips are going to burn and the fact it's also water resistant is a huge plus. I had a good look around Boots and couldn't see any other lip balms or lip products with a higher SPF than this one, so popped it right into my basket. This lip balm is not the best I've ever used in terms of leaving your lips feeling soft and hydrated. Actually it feels rather heavy and waxy on your lips - But it really does do the job and last year I found myself reaching for this all the time as my lips kept getting really dry and it worked perfectly. It also has a nice tutti-fruity smell to it.

You ladies know when it comes to hair care, Aussie are always a winner. Honestly if you ever saw my shower then you would never see it without some kind of product from Aussie - I'm addicted to the stuff. I love how the Aussie products are affordable and time and time again they do exactly what they say on the bottle and leave my hair feeling gorgeous. I like to use a combination of all the different Aussie ranges and I find that using the Miracle Shine Shampoo followed by the 3MM Luscious Long Deep Treatment always makes my hair feel great and good enough to 'swoosh'. Due to the intense heat whilst I'm away the 3MM from Aussie will become take place of my every day conditioner as I find that the sun drys my hair to a crisp and I need to pop as much moisture as I can back into it as possible. The Miracle Shine Shampoo has to be my favourite one from Aussie (review here) as it smells of cotton candy, and if your looking for shiny locks, this bottle has it in a bundle! I also picked up a bottle of the Aussie Miracle Hair Insurance as any beauty who has long hair will know hair gets so easily tangled at the best of times, let alone when your taking a dip into a pool or the sea constantly. This spray will definitely be popped into my beach bag to keep my hair knot free and in good condition whilst I'm in the sun.

I was in desperate need for a new face wash and I decided to pick this one up from L'Oreal simply because it said 'new' on the bottle and I have to say I've been quite impressed with some of L'Oreal's other skin care products recently. I am terrible when it comes to cleansers as I never stick to one and I'm always on the look out for that perfect one and still haven't found it yet - So if any of you do have any recommendations for me I would love to know - Just for reference I have normal to combination skin. I'm looking forward to trying this one out though as it claims to remove impurities and unblock pores which is just what my skin is needing right now. I'll be sure to let you all know how I get along with this.

This is a repurchase for me as I absolutely love this stuff, it makes taking off makeup a dream and is so fuss free - I love it. I'm almost out of my other bottle so when I saw that Boots had a 3 for 2 offer across all their skin care, I popped one in my basket. If you would like to see my full review of this you can find it here.

I've become a little obsessed with Original Source shower gels recently, just because the scents of their gels really pack a punch. I've never tried this lemon and tea tree scented one before, but I thought it would be perfect for my holiday. The smell is just so zesty and smells a bit like lemon curd. I think this will be quite refreshing to use while I'm away and I'm a big fan of citrus scented things, so I'm looking forward to trying this out.

Again this is another repurchase, but this light moisturiser from Simple has been my go too  morning moisturiser for around the last two years now. I'm a little shocked that I've not actually mentioned it on my blog before now if I'm honest. After using a heavy night cream, I find that I don't need a heavy moisturiser in the morning, especially as my skin is a little on the oily side anyway. I love using this light one from simple as it sinks into my skin very quickly, is fuss free and gives my skin just the right amount of hydration. It's perfect for those of you who are like me who also suffer with sensitive skin.

Usually I wouldn't show a deodorant in a beauty haul, as it's not very exciting. But it is an essential none the less, especially if you don't want smelly underarms... ewww. This Pearl and Beauty one from Nivea has always been a favourite of mine as I love the scent of this one. It's light, smells girly and for me it works brilliantly - Definitely my 'go-to' deodorant.

So this has to be in my opinion the most exciting part to my haul - These beautiful Sleek blushers. I have been lusting after some pretty summer blushers for the longest of time and can you believe it this is my first ever Sleek purchase. As I'm more of a Boots kinda girl, I rarely step into Superdrug, but seeing as they have the 3 for 2 offer across all their makeup right now, it would be extremely rude of me not to take them up on this offer. I picked up the shade Flamingo, which is the most pigmented and brightest pink blush I've ever seen - Along side this I picked up Rose Gold which is a pretty pink coral with plenty of gold shimmer running though it. I'm so excited to try these out and just think they are going to look stunning on. I'm so impressed with the packaging of these as they look ever so 'sleek' and a lot more expensive than there £4.49 price tag. Expect to see a whole post dedicated to these as I have a feeling I'm going to love them!

I'm coming to the end of my most favourite and beloved L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes, and needed a new one for my hols. Being a mascara lover, I like to try out whats new out and every other advert on TV right now seams to be advertising this new Rimmel Scandal Eyes Lycra Flex Mascara - So it went straight into my basket, no questions asked! I love the packaging, its so vibrant and eye catching and what I love even more is that it's a super big bristle brush. I find that so many mascaras these days are made from thin plastic wands, and the old school bristle brushes are always a favourite for me when it comes to choosing mascara. I cannot wait to start tying this one out and I really hope that it impresses and gives me that volume that I look for in a mascara.

So that's everything that I picked up, and I feel more ready than ever for my holiday now that I've picked up some much needed beauty essentials. I would love to know what you've been treating yourself too lately and whats on your holiday shop list. Be sure to let me know in the comments below.

Lot's of Love



  1. Some of my favourite products here, I loveeee Hawaiian Tropic, the smell just reminds me of holiday! I'm also a big fan of the Aussie haircare range, the 3 minute miracle is ideal for holiday and repairing damage from sun, sea and chlorine. Have a really great time!! :)

    Lyndsay xx

  2. Oooh that suncreams sounds lovely! I love the original source shower gel too :) lovely post honey! X

  3. Great holiday shop! That Sleek blush in rose gold is one of my favourites :)

    Sophierosehearts x

  4. Huge haul here!
    Rose gold is a gorgeous shade, you will love it! Flamingo will look gorgeous on you :)
    I'm a big fan of Aussie hair care, their leave in conditioner is really nice.
    Amy xx
    A Little Boat Sailing

  5. Great haul :) I cannot wait to place a Sleek order, that Rose Gold is on my list :)


  6. Looks like you stocked up on some great products! I want to try that L'Oreal Micellar water! xoxo

  7. This is what I did a couple of weeks ago, I bought to much though and my suitcase was over!! Oops, I love sleek blushes & cant wait to see your review of the mascara!! Ive seen mixed ones! xo

  8. Great products, especially the Sleek blushes :) And I hope you'll have an amazing holiday :)

  9. The Sleek blushes are so pretty! I love the Hawaiian Tropic Sun Lotions! Have a lovely holiday.

    Hannah x

  10. Fab haul honey!! Its made me want to go shopping for my holiday essentials now!! I hope you have a brill time - I bet you'll get a fabulous tan!! Also, how creepy are those Anon comments ^ blergh! Xx.

  11. Really really want to try the Sleek blushes, they look so nice!


  12. I love aussie shampoo I couldn't be without it ! Once you try it nothing really compares!

  13. oh wow! hope u have an amazing holiday!

    love sleek blushes... im addicted! xx

  14. Big fan of the simple moisturiser, definitely a morning product! have you tried the clearasil cleansing pads yet, they're quite refreshing!! Oh and thank you for the comment on my blog x

    Muchos Love
    Jamie-Leigh x x x

  15. I got the Sleek Flamingo blush in a Glossybox. It looks really scary in the pan, but if you only pick up a little bit it's really lovely.

    Colour Shimmer Sparkle

  16. Hey there :)
    Great looking blog. Now following you!
    Feel free to have a look at my blog to if you like :)


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