Sunday 9 June 2013

See You In Two Weeks

Image: We Heart It - Edited by me

Hello beautiful ladies! I just wanted to get a little post up to let you all know that I shall be missing in action for the next two weeks. If you follow me on Twitter (@sunshinesprkle) you will have seen me expressing my excitement about me travelling to sunnier climates. Yes I am heading off on my holidays, travelling to Turkey to see some family that live out there. I am beyond excited I tell you, and I definitely need the break :) I just wanted to say I hope you all have a beautiful two weeks whilst I'm away and I will be sure to catch up with you all when I'm back - Expect to see some holiday related posts.

As I will be gone for so long (in blogging terms) I have lined up some fabulous posts by some lovely guest bloggers for while I'm away, so be sure to keep a look out for those - There are some right little beauty treats in store for you. Keep well and safe beauties and I hope the sun continues to shine for you all - If not I'll try my hardest to send some of Turkey's glorious sunshine your way.

Lot's of Love



  1. Have a great time ! :)

  2. Have a lovely holiday :)

    Hannah x

  3. Have a lovely holiday! I'm so jealous! xx

    & check out my blog sale:

  4. Hope you have a fab time in Turkey Hun :)
    Megan xx


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