Wednesday 17 July 2013

NSpa || Beauty Ritual Products

I'm sure I'm in agreement with many of you beauty lovers when I say nothing beats a good old pamper session - So when the lovely people over at NSpa got in touch with me, asking if I would like to try and test out a few samples from their special beauty blogger bags, I jumped at the chance and said yes (obviously). 

For those of you who don't know too much about the brand, NSpa are company who bring you luxurious body and facial skincare products that are spa quality but at affordable high street prices. Not only are each and every one of their products set out to give you a bit of indulgence in the comfort of your own home, but the NSpa ranges have been brought to us by experts at the UK's No. 1 day spa, Nirvana Spa. I absolutely love spa days, but with prices being so high these are few and far in-between. Of course, there are a lot of spa inspired products that you can get your mitts on these days, but NSpa have a range that covers every single on of your beauty needs and having tried and tested all the goodies in my blogger bag, I can report back that they are delightful treats to use for those nights you need a bit of a pamper.

Within my beauty blogger bag I was lucky enough to receive three generous samples of some of NSpa's Beauty Ritual Range, which are products for facial skincare. As you will notice from the pictures above, each bottle is numbered one to three, with No.1 being your cleanse, No.2 being exfoliate and No.3 your treat. Nspa also have a step 4, which is to finish off with a moisturising. 

Melting Cleansing Gel

When it comes to cleanser I will be completely honest when I say I've not still not found my holy grail product, although I've still not tried the Liz Earle cleanse and polish, which I have extremely high hopes for. Generally I use a cleanser and once its used up I'll browse around in shops till I find a new one to try - Very rarely do I go back to one that I've tried before, mainly because I have sensitive skin, especially around my eye area. It can be really hard to find one that does the job I want without causing irritation around this delicate area. I have to say I have been so impressed with this Melting Cleansing Gel from NSpa as its so gentle on my skin and no irritation occurs whatsoever when I use this. The gel is packed with Ginseng and Vitamin E, which are proven to help moisturise your skin It also contains Grapeseed and Essential Oils  to help to hydrate your skin and regenerate skin cells. Not only does it contain all these amazing ingredients, but it can also be used for all skin types including sensitive skin - which is just perfect for me. 

When using this cleanser as part of my nightly beauty regime, I found that it didn't really lather up and as the name of the cleanser suggests, it almost melts away when massaging it into your skin. What I really noticed when using this cleanser is how amazing it smells - think of slightly fruity scents combined with a spa smelling products. Since using this gel, I've found that my skin is definitely agreeing to it - I've not had any breakouts and my skin looks and feels a lot more healthier. I also have combination skin and it hasn't made my skin feel any oilier around those pesky T-Zones than what it usually is. The only downside to this product I've found is that it doesn't do the best job at removing makeup, even though this is one of its claims. I always use a micellar solution to remove the majority of my makeup anyway, but I do struggle to get the last stubborn bits off with this cleanser - Other than that I can't fault it and I feel that I want to carry on using this once this sample size has come to an end.

Hot Cloth Polish

I do love using a hot cloth polish in my beauty routine and I really approve of this one from NSpa. I find that it compliments the Melting Cleanser ever so well and the two of these products make a great duo. It has a similar scent to the Melting Cleansing Gel and it does wonders at giving your skin a gentle exfoliate  Although this is an exfoliating product, I find it gentle enough to use each night and after each use my skin looks and feels amazing. Not only is it an indulgent product to use, but it gives my skin a lovely glow afterwards and for this reason alone I love it. The hot cloth polish contains cocoa butter which makes the product really rich in its formula and it definitely feels like a spa product, rather than you average facial skincare product. Again this product can be used for people with sensitive skin and I've had no irritation occur when using it at all. 

Illuminating Beauty Serum

When Nspa describe the Illuminating Beauty Serum as a treat for your skin, they are not kidding! Out of all three products this has to be the most exciting and pleasing to the eye out of all of them. This illuminating serum gives your skin an amazing healthy glow and feels wonderful on your skin. The serum is packed with the tiniest flecks of gold shimmer, which you can see as soon as the product has been dispensed. However, once blended in the shimmer disappears (so your not looking like a disco ball) giving you a gorgeous glow and kind of gives the illusion that you've been on a detox. I tend to use this serum at night time, so I wake up looking a little more fresh when I wake up and again in the morning underneath my moisturiser for a morning pick me up. I love how fast drying the serum is and it makes a great base for putting on your makeup - I don't know if its the serum or just me, but it makes my makeup look so much better. NSpa say that you can use this anytime of the day and even pop it over your makeup, I'm yet to try this - But seeing as the product is fast drying, I can see it giving you an amazing pick me up throughout the day (someone please remind me to pop this in my handbag in the morning!). Overall I love this serum and with it's illuminating shimmers it really does make it so different to any other serum I've tried - I can't recommend it enough.

Overall I am so impressed by this little selection of skincare goodies from NSpa. Although I've only talked about three products from their Beauty Ritual Range, NSpa offer a total of twelve different products in this range so there is something to suit everyone's skincare needs - If you would like to see what NSpa products are available you can find them all on the link here. As I said at the beginning of this post, NSpa are a brand which offer amazing spa inspired products at fabulous prices. Some of the products from Beauty Ritual range start from as little as £3.00, which is amazing value, so there really is no excuse not to take some time out and have a pamper. NSpa are available exclusively to Asda, so next time your doing your food shopping be sure to have a look down their beauty isle - Which is something I know that majority of you all do anyway! Sadly I don't have an Asda near me, but next time I make my way into one, I will be taking a look at the NSpa range and popping a few products straight into my trolley no doubt. 

Have you tried anything from NSpa? What's your favourite products from their Beauty Rituals Range?

Lot's of Love



  1. These seem so lovely! If only they were available in the Philippines, I'd go out and get them, like now!

    Beauty By Telie

  2. These products look so good, so tempted to buy them!
    would love for you to check my blog out!
    kels x

  3. ahh look so good! love your reviews, always sop helpful x

  4. Looks amazing!


  5. I've been using the hot cloth polish for a few months and quite like it and yes the smell is amazing!
    I also love using the toning mist after the polish and their face cream and eye cream are lovely too.
    Hannah x

  6. How do I not know about these? I believe a detour to ASDA is needed after payday...
    The serum sounds good but do you know if they do an eye cream?

    BKY Bubble oOo Beauty, Life, Baby, Bits & Bobs

  7. I often see these products in Asda, yet I must admit I've yet to try them. They do have some light body mist fragrances that I wouldn't mind trying :)

    Amy xx
    -A Little Boat Sailing

  8. These products look great but I personally trust the herbal products more than anything. Herbal creams are the best anti aging cream for face. At least they are worth a try to see the results.


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