Sunday 17 May 2015

LouLouBelle Skincare || My favourite 3 step Skincare Routine

LouLouBelle London Skincare - Combination Skin
LouLouBelle London Skincare - Combination Skin
LouLouBelle London Skincare - Combination Skin

A very happy Sunday to you all, I hope you've had a great weekend. I was thinking that my blog has been very makeup based recently and it's been a little while since I showcased some skincare products. I find this surprising as I've actually discovered so many new skincare products over the last few months that are definitely worth sharing with you all. With this being said I thought I'd take the opportunity to talk about a three step skincare routine that I've been loving recently. All these products are from the brand LouLouBelle London* which is a brand that I've only been introduced too recently, but the products are so lovely that I just have to share.

First of all for those of you wondering LouLouBelle is a skincare boutique which make skincare products from all natural ingredients, essential oils and floral waters. It's these natural combination of products that really have a positive effect on the skin. With most skincare routines there are three steps - Your cleanse, followed by toning and completed by a moisturiser. I'm one of these girls who love to do all three steps religiously every evening and I really love it when a brand provide all there products that are equally good as each other and LouLouBelle Skincare do just this.

LouLouBelle London Skincare - Combination Skin

Starting with the cleanser, the LouLouBelle Lavender & Lemon Rebalancing Cleanser is just gorgeous. First of all I love any skincare products that have a citrus scents, I just find them very refreshing to use. Secondly I find the lavender to be very soothing on my skin. I would say this cleanser is more like a cleansing milk and every time I wash my face with this, my skin literally feels so soft, looks brighter and I see a noticeable difference right away. When it comes to skincare I do want something that brightens up my skin, especially on my cheeks and around my eye area, and this cleanser does a fantastic job at this. It also does a great job at removing eye makeup, it's so delicate on my skin that I have no irritation whatsoever. 

LouLouBelle London Skincare - Combination Skin

Next up is my favourite out of the three products, the Geranium & Grapefruit Rebalancing toner. This product is such a pleasure to use and as soon as I use it my skin instantly feels refreshed and looks so much brighter. If you've used the Lush Eau Roma water, it reminds me of that but ten times better. What I really love about it is that it feels like water, it so gentle on my sensitive skin and it actually gives my skin a little hydration boost, which I never get with other toners. Once I've finished using this my face feels so clean, its one of those products that I love using in the morning and the evening. 

LouLouBelle London Skincare - Combination Skin

The last product in the three step LouLouBelle routine is the moisturiser, this Mandarin Rebalancing moisturiser just completes the skincare routine perfectly. Not only does it work amazingly with the other two products, but compliments them too. I love that there is the same citrus and lavender theme running through all three products, it makes using them so lovely. What I really love about this moisturiser is that it works perfectly with my combination skin. Whenever I use this in the morning I feel as though my skin has a lovely glow to it and it does a great job at keeping my skin feel well balanced throughout the day. I would say for the evening it's not always heavy duty enough for me as I do like to use a night cream now and again, but for the morning its perfect. The moisturiser is so lightweight, absorbs quickly into my skin and hydrates my skin beautifully at the same time. 

Overall I am so impressed with the LouLouBelle Skincare range, you can pick up each product on their own or receive them as part of a gift set like I have which comes beautifully packaged in a box. LouLouBelle also offer their skincare products for every skin type too. I've picked the products for combination skin, but there is also dry and oily skin products on offer too. Head over to their website (here) to take a closer look. 

If you're thinking about trying something new on your skin and are looking to invest in a new skincare routine I can't recommend LouLouBelle enough. I would love to know what your favourite skincare items are? Let me know in the comments below.

Lots of Love



  1. I adore skincare that have natural ingredients! I have never actually heard of this brand but the products sound wonderful x

    Jordan | Keep Dreaming ♥

  2. I haven't heard of this brand, the products sound fantastic x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness

  3. I've actually not heard of this brand, so its nice to read about them. They do sounds lovely as well.

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  4. Ah yay natural skincare! So glad your experience went well with natural products. I haven't actually tried anything from this brand but you've put them on my radar now :) xx


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