Wednesday, 24 January 2018

My First Impressions of the I Heart Makeup Chocolate Elixir Palette

Last year I accumulated a lot of eyeshadow palettes, one of the many perks of being a beauty blogger. About a week or so before Christmas I had a surprise gift from the team at Tam Beauty which I was not expecting and I was pretty excited to see their new I Heart Makeup Chocolate Elixir Palette*. I know Tam Beauty might have quite a few chocolate palettes to choose from, but this is the first one I own and I was pretty excited when I opened the lid and saw some beautiful looking eyeshadows inside. My excitement continued when I realised that this was a very similar looking palette to the Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette, which has been on my wish list for so long. My reasoning's for never treating myself to the MR palette, is because I really do own far too many eyeshadow palettes, that combined with the price tag, I just don't know if I can justify it yet. So I'm more than happy to have something very similar looking in my collection. So if you're in the same boat as me or just want a palette that's just as pretty as the MR palette, then keep on reading.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Five Products From Urban Decay That Are Worth Investing In

When someone asks me what my favourite makeup brand is, I struggle to find an answer as there are so many brands that I love. However my makeup collection definitely speaks for itself and if you were to take a little look you would see that the amount of Urban Decay products shadows out the rest, so this can only really mean that Urban Decay is possibly my ultimate favourite. I was sorting through my makeup the other day and thought I would put together a post of my top five Urban Decay products, the ones that you really need and that are worth every penny. If you love Urban Decay as much as I do, expect to see some of your favourites in here, but if you're fairly new to the brand then hopefully you'll find my picks really useful.

Monday, 8 January 2018

New Year, New Makeup Brushes | Girls With Attitude Luxe Metallics Makeup Brush Set

Girls With Attitude Luxe Metallics Makeup Brush Set

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you're new year is going well so far and you're smashing any new years resolutions that you have. I feel pretty pleased with how mine are going so far. I love hearing about what goals everyone has set for themselves, so be sure to head over to my 2018 goals post here and share your plans with me. I've been reading a lot of goals posts on blogs recently and I've seen quite a few people mention that they want to improve on their makeup skills and try new products out this year. I like to think I'm pretty good with my makeup (I hope so as I've been wearing it for over half my life). If theres one thing I've learnt is that makeup brushes are the key to success! Not only does a good set of makeup brushes make applying products so much easier, but I've found the right brushes help you get the best out of your makeup. You guys know how much I love my Girls With Attitude makeup brushes, they are by far my favourite and to kick start the new year off, GWA have released their new Luxe Metallics* five piece makeup brush collection, which is perfect to get your makeup game off to a good start this year. So if you want to take a closer look at the brushes in this collection keep on reading.

Saturday, 6 January 2018

My Best Beauty Finds of 2017

One of my favourite things ever is discovering new makeup and trying new looks out. Every year I always add to my collection (even though I'm on constant spending bans) and I love taking a moment to reflect on the new discoveries I've made and share them with you all. One of the perks of being a blogger is being sent new things to try and I felt incredibly lucky last year with the things that I was gifted. I also managed to treat myself to a few things that had been on my wish list for sometime. So if you're looking to get a little inspired with your makeup collection this year, have a little read on...


Wednesday, 3 January 2018

My Plan For 2018 | Goals & Things To Look Forward To

Happy New Year everyone! How is it January already? Last year flew past and like most bloggers out there, I'm feeling fresh with ideas and ready to jump feet first back into the blogging pool. Unintentionally I took my a little break throughout December - As it was Archie's second Christmas I just wanted to enjoy every minute of it and we constantly had fun things planned throughout the month, so sorry if you missed me, I promised I miss blogging a whole lot more. I thought I'd kick start things off this month with a 'Goals' post. I never make new year resolutions as I always find it so hard to stick to them and only feel disappointed if I've failed at the end of the year. I think it's much nicer to just lay out some goals and things to work towards so if you're interested in what I want to achieve this year, then keep on reading.

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