Wednesday, 25 July 2018

What's In My Everyday Summer Makeup Bag

As much as I love makeup, I like to keep things to a minimum in the summer. Even though I live nowhere near a beach, I love that 'I've just walked off the beach' kind of look, so less is definitely more. Not to mention with this heat wave we are having, my makeup is just melting away by the afternoon so there really is no need to cake anything on. I thought I'd show you all the contents of my summer makeup bag, just to see what I've been loving recently and it might help you narrow down your essentials too.


Wednesday, 18 July 2018

EvyTechnology Sunscreen Mousse For Kids | The Best Sunscreen for Kids

This heatwave in Britain right now is amazing and I'm loving all the holiday sunshine at home - Who needs to go abroad when the weather is this good? One thing I get really worried and paranoid about is protecting my skin against the sun and I try to avoid sunburnt skin as much as possible. I worry about sun damage and exposure even more so now that I have Archie and the last thing I want is him burning - It's so important to stay safe in the sun and I'm sure every parent will agree with me that its a top priority when it comes to fun in the sun. Archie's a few months past two now and right from the beginning he has hated me applying suncream to him. I've tried everything from creams to sprays, ones that roll on and ones that say they are easy to apply and are non sticky. Everything I've tried always ends in Archie running away from me, crying because I'm applying lotion onto him and more often or not half a bottle of sunscreen all over me. Not only is the sunscreen application a disaster for us, but Archie is always so sticky afterwards which always makes him look really uncomfortable in the hot sun. I always hoped that there was a solution to my sunscreen nightmares and luckily for me there was. A brand called Evy Technology got in touch with me and their revolutionary sunscreen has changed everything for us. So much so that these nightmares are a thing of the past, so I feel like it's my duty to tell every parent out there about how amazing the Evy Technology Sunscreen is, especially if my story is sounds all too familiar for you.


Monday, 2 July 2018

3 Ways To Keep Your Hair Hydrated & Healthy This Summer

With the heat wave last week, it feels like summer has officially started in England and I love it. This week is still going to be hot and with these scorching high temperatures, it actually feels like I'm abroad and as I'm not actually planning on going away anywhere this year, I'm enjoying every ray of sunshine. With the weather being as hot as it is, it's really important to up our beauty routines and take extra care of our bodies and today I'm focusing on keeping your hair happy and healthy. I mentioned this over on my Instagram the other day, but when I go away on holiday I pack everything to ensure that I look after my body and skin, wether this be taking sun creams, after suns, lip balms, hydrating shampoos.... You get the idea. But I think because we never expect it to get as hot here in England and the majority of us work five days a week, you don't think this heat wave is the same as heat you get when your on holiday - Does that even make sense? I think a few of you will know what I mean. I guess what I'm trying to say in a nutshell that it can be easy to forget to look after yourself in this weather because you're doing normal everyday things still. With this in mind, the last few weeks I've been upping my beauty regime and I thought I would take you though my top 3 tips on keeping hair happy, healthy and hydrated this summer. Right now my hair is in the best condition that its been in for a long time and I can only put it down to these three steps.

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