It's the 9th January and the new year is already in full swing. Every year I like to reflect and set out a few goals that I would like to achieve throughout the year. But I fail miserably, every year without fail I never actually manage to tick anything off. That makes my years sound incredibly uneventful and that I don't actually do much, which is not the case at all. I find that I start well, then life just takes different turns and directions and I never actually achieve the things I originally set out to do. However this year is going to be different, I can already feel it and I'm ready to start making some big changes. Over the last few weeks, I've looked back at previous blog posts that are similar to this one and there is one common thing running between all of these posts and that is I don't set my targets or goals big enough, which may be a factor of not actually achieving the things I've set out. I've always been in the mindset that if I keep my dreams realistic then I take away any pressure and if I don't make them happen then no big deal. Well, this year it is a big deal as I'm a little bit fed up of starting a new year, reflecting on all that I've done in the past and feeling a little bit disappointed. Not anymore! The last few days I've been doing a lot of thinking about what it is exactly I want to achieve and I wan't to share my goals with you all. Some of you may read this and think I'm setting myself unrealistic goals or that I've got my head in the clouds and thats ok. But some of you may read this and feel the exact same as I do year on year out and like me are ready to actually do something about it and are ready to make a change.