Saturday, 31 December 2011

NOTD: New Year's Nails

The big question when getting ready for New Years is not just what outfit you are wearing but what you are going to put on your nails also. What lovely polish will take you though to the new year?

I had so many lovely polishes to choose from and being nail polish being one of my favourite beauty items, this was a hard choice to make. I think I made the right one though as this will match similar colours which I am using on my eyes... perfect. 

The winning polish is... O.P.I Muppets Collection in Warm and Fozzie. 

I cannot express how much I love this polish I can only describe it as gorgeous with its pink and bronze sparkly bits in it. The way it looks when it catches different lights is wonderful, so much so that I can't take my eyes off my nails. I know that there are a lot of reviews on this polish but trust me this is something every nail polish lover needs in there collection. I adore it.

I hope that all you beauty bloggers have a fabulous evening and that your nails are looking super all the way though to the next morning. I would love to know what shade you all have chosen for you New Year festivities. Have a great New Year and may it bring you loads of happiness.



Friday, 30 December 2011

Lace Nails

Hello beauty babes

Are we all ready to get glamed up for New Years Eve tomorrow. I know that I am but the only question hanging over my head is what I am going to wear. I still hav'vt decided yet. We've all been there and what a nightmare it is. Hopefully I will have this all figured out by tomorrow.

A week or so before Christmas I had been experimenting with a few nail designs and coincidentally I was also asked to do a featured blog post on Beauty Smarties Blog. So I thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to do a nail tutorial for her blog. I was so flattered to be asked to do this for her and I would recommend every beauty blogger to have ago with this as it was so fun to do and is a great way to get to know other bloggers more. So without further ado here is the look I created. 

To find out how I done this head over to Beauty Smarties Blog here for step by step guide 

I would like to add that her blog is a great read also, so while you are there be sure to check out some of her posts. If any of you are interested in doing a featured post for my blog or vice versa please feel free to ask and send an email to me @ . Enjoy the rest of your evening my lovelies and take care


Thursday, 29 December 2011

Christmas, Chit Chat and Announcement

Hello my lovelies!! Hope you all had a fantastic time this Christmas

Just a little post for you this evening to let you all know that I haven't abandoned you all. I'm getting this post out a lot later than what I intended but I thought it would be a good time just to have a chit chat post. I can't quite believe that Christmas day is over (I know that this was a few days now but I had so much fun that I am still holding on to the festive spirit which will take me right into the new year). As well as all the wrapping presents, eating silly amounts of chocolate and spending time with those I love, I feel that all I have done is work work work :( which is the reason for lack of blog posts. Any of you working in retail will completely relate I am sure. If its not the busy shops leading up to Christmas then its the sales that come afterwards, gee whizz has it been busy. Having to juggle work and Christmas has flattened me right out this year, but I have enjoyed every minute of it (well at least the Christmas side of things). 

Things are finally getting back to normal though and regular routine is coming back into my life again which means a lot more blog posts up on here and I'm excited as I have loads of great ideas for the new year which I am excited to start.

The two days that I have had off this Christmas have been amazing though and I received some wonderful gifts and spent quality time with the family which to me is what Christmas is all about. I did and still do have in the back of my mind to do a post with some of the lovely things that were given to me. But one thing that I would like to share with you all has to be the best present that was given to me by far. My boyfriend of seven years finally proposed to me :D I am over the moon with this and have been hinting and asking him for the last two years now to ask me and its finally happened. I still can't quite believe it or get my head around the idea that he is no longer my boyfriend but fiance. 

No there wont be any plans for a wedding right away but never the less I am a girl and have been thinking about weddings and everything that goes with it for a long while and now I feel that I can fully indulge myself in bridal magazines and creating my wedding scrap book. Planning a wedding will definitely be a journey and one which I would love to share with you all on here. So watch out for wedding related blog posts next year!

All in all Christmas has been fantastic and I hope that all of you had a day full of festive cheer and continue to do so in this week leading up to the new year. I don't know whether I am going to make any New Year's resolutions as I never normally do. But I might give it ago and see how it goes. If any of you have any good ones let me know as I am in need to a little inspiration.

Hope 2012 brings everyone a great year full of happiness 

Lots of Love


Monday, 19 December 2011

Something Kinda Oooh

I've always been a fan of Girls Aloud and a fan of fake lashes so it was only right that I should try the Girls Aloud Fakes Lashes from Eylure. 

I know that this is nothing new to the market and most of you will know that there is a different style lash for each of the five band members (although Cheryl has just released a new variation of her lash which I'm wanting to try out). I had never tired the Sarah Harding Lashes and a few good friends of mine always say that hers are the best from the bunch. The only ones I had tried before where the Cheryl Cole ones (old style) and I always found that they were a bit on the big side for my eyes making them look a bit droopy. However the Sarah Harding ones look as though they would fit and they did. In fact I thought they were super which is why I am recommending them to you wonderful lot. They were easy to apply and lasted all night long. 

Top Before | Bottom After 

Top Before | Bottom After 

I found that these falsies elongated my lashes and made them look very full without changing the natural shape of my eyes. You can by any of the Girls Aloud lashes from most drugstores such as Boot and Superdrug. I bought mine from River Island for £4.99. 

What do you think? I would love to know what your favorite false lashes are. 


Sunday, 18 December 2011

Lush Time

Hello beauty babes. You guessed it by the title that its time for a luscious Lush Post. I was lucky enough to have been given a few gifts from Lush as a Birthday Present. I know that this was way over a week ago now, but I just haven't had the time to blog about them till now. Like most I am a huge Lush fan and have been from the moment that they first started as a company down in Poole. There was just a small shop down a side street near where my Aunt lives and she would always take my sister and I down there for a Bath Ballistic treat. Its these ballistic treats which I have on show today and they make me super excited.

Left to Right: Twilight | Think Pink | Sex Bomb

Sex Bomb 

Out of all the products I received in my Lush bag this was the only Bath Ballistic that I have tried out of the three and this one has never left me disappointed. Its so pretty in colours and the smell is divine. 

'Sex Bomb Bath Ballistic: Drop in to a pre-run bath for a sensual, pink, fizzy, jasmine-scented soak'

I love the smell of jasmine it smells gorgeous and is defiantly one of those scents that is quite sensual and has  romantic feels to it. Having this ballistic a lovely pink and purple colour means turning my bath water into such a pretty colour making bath time more fun than ever.  


I have always been wanting to try Twilight Bath Ballistic as I have heard and read so many good things about it. I now finally have my hands on it and out of all three this is the one I am most excited to try. I don't know if its just me but, I was always expecting the smell to remind me of Edward Cullen from Twilight as it shares the same name.  Sad I know. But now that I have officially smelt this I now think that there is not much resemblance between the two other than Twilight smells so dreamy and lovely that I could smell it all day. And I suppose you could say Edward Cullen is dreamy also.  

'Imerse yourself in a lavender and ovaltine scented bath of froth and fizz' 

The smell just oozes lavender and this is a smell which completely relaxes me and I am looking forward to using this one as a Christmas Eve treat to help send me of to sleep.

 Think Pink

Again not having tried this ballistic I have to say that this little one gets me jumping for joy as it looks and smells so pretty. It may be small but the smell defiantly packs a good punch of vanilla. And how cute are the little flowers on top. This has everything girly about it and I am looking forward to a very pink bath with this one. 

'Dip yourself in a deliciously scented, bright, pink bath which explodes with confetti hearts! Drop your Ballistic into a pre-run bath for a sweetly refreshing, fizzing experience'

OMG this sounds great. Confetti hearts in the bath with pink water and lovely smells. Well to me that just sounds amazing. I love it when Lush pack little things into there products as it really does create the wow factor for me. By the sounds of it I am defiantly going to be re-purchasing this one.

Brrrr-illiant Present 

Now this little gift was not for me but something that I picked up in the week as a present for someone special and I know that they will love this. But I thought that I would put it in here too as  it just looks so festive. It contains two of the Christmas Products at Lush and the smells are very refreshing and zesty. 

It contains Whoosh Shower Jelly and Snowglobe Soap. The soap looks as if its come straight from the North pole and will be great for those early mornings. I'm actually thinking of picking up some for myself before my local shop sells out. This retails at £7.95 and makes the perfect little present. 

If you have tried any of these products I would love to know what you think, or what your favourite bath time treat it. Take care my lovelies and hope that you are all feeling fun and festive. 


Thursday, 15 December 2011

Award | Versatile Blogger

Hello my lovelies, a few days ago I was excited to see that I had been nominated by Victoria, who has fantastic blog Cosmetic-Cravings for the Versatile Blogger Award. I was absoulty flattered and excited when I saw that she had put my blog up there on her nominations list (BIG thanks to you). Getting this feels that things are heading in the direction that I am wanting to go whooo. Do definatly do checkout Victoria's blog out at:

The Rules for this award are very straight forward and simple. All you need to do is 

1. Thank the person who nominated you and give them a shout out on your blog with a link to their blog

2. Share 7 random facts about yourself (as random as you like)

3. Send on the award to 15 other bloggers whose blogs that you appreciate and then let them know that they have won the award.

SO just for guys here are my 7 facts

1. I have a bit of an addiction to banana milkshake. I love it, it's the only flavour milkshake I will drink.

2. No matter where I go or if i go some place new I will always plan my escape route. Its important to me how I will get out the building if there was a fire or killer in the room. I probably watch to much t.v or films some would say

3. I sleep in the fetus position

4. I have an over active imagination. I am always telling myself stories before I go to sleep and I love thinking about different things and being creative

5. Learning about the solar system really intrests me. I find it hard to understand but I would love to go to a lecture that Brain Cox was leading as he makes it all a bit unserstandable for me.

6. I am mad about dancing and cheerleading is the best dance/sport that I have ever done.

7. I would love to have a bigger make-up collection. Even if someone said I could have the biggest there ever was but i wasnt aloud to use it I would be happy just staring at it all.

Here are my Nominations (in no particular order)

lina's Beauty Diary

Raiku Beauty

Frances Cassandra

Lippy in London

Flawed Excellence 

Moda Capital

Charlotte amd Diamonds

Never Tempt Fate

Victoria's Procrastination Project 

Union Apparel

Like Cosmetic Cravings I have only opted to list 10 just beacuse so many blogs that I follow are that amazing they already have this award. 

Once again thank you to Victoria for nominating me, you are a superstar!


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Cheryl Cole Shoes | Stylist Pick

Hello my lovelies. If you have been reading a lot of magazines recently then you will have seen or heard about some of the gorgeous limited edition of the Cheryl Cole Collection shoes which are only available to order on And I have to say I would love some of the shoes from the collection in my life as they are lovely!

Stylist Pick is a fairly new website which offers a monthly subscription service for anything fashion related whether it being clothing, shoes or accessories (similar to the beauty boxes) for a fee of £39.95. To be honest I never heard of the site or knew anything about it. It was only a magazine which had a page all about the Cheryl Cole shoes which directed me to it. Upon entering the site they ask you to sign up for free and ask a series of questions to find out what your personal style is. When completed you have your very own style board so its like having your very own personal shopper. I was impressed that they got my personal style pretty well and I am interested to see what things come up that would suit me in the future. If I see things I like then I think that this site could be worth while and defiantly something fun to get though the post once a month. Once Christmas is all out the way I will consider subscribing. If not I would recommend creating an account for free as they have pages and pages on there with great fashion tips and style advice. 

Any way back to Cheryl Cole, I love the shoes that are in this collection. Below are the ones which I have fallen in love with. They are called 'Ri Ri' retailing at £119.85 (sadly the Cheryl Cole Collection is not included in the monthly subscription from the website) But I am still sold on these shoes. I love leopard print, as it's my favourite type of any animal print and these boots don't over do it by any means. Those hidden platform also adds that extra va va voom. 


Another one of my favourites has to be 'Your Royal Hotness- Blush'  as they are stunning and in the most beautiful pink colour with gold studs all over the back of the heel. I do love a shoe which is more than just a shoe (if you get what I mean) and these beauts would look amazing on. I would wear them at every opportunity if I had them in my shoe collection. These ones retail at £79.90. Again a little more than what I pay for shoes but not much more than your High Street stores like Topshop and River Island. Plus wearing these designed by Cheryl Cole ( I think she is great) I would feel fabulous wearing them. Excellent work Chezza!! 

If you check out the website there are loads more different styles, something to suit everyone. If this is something you have signed up for monthly I would love to know how you rate their service or recommend it. If not have look and tell me what your personal style is just to compare. Mine was elegant, classy and sophisticated.  How do you rate the Cheryl Cole Collection?


Saturday, 10 December 2011

Mac: Glitter and Ice

Hello my fellow sparkles. As some of you may have noticed I've been a bit quiet on my blog over the last week. Its just such a busy time of year for me (I know this is the same for most with x-mas and all) But it was my Birthday!! So I was off gallivanting around seeing lots of different people. I was super lucky this year with what I was given ( I have some exciting news for you all too) and my lovely Muma got me some things from my wish list including the item which is on show in today's post, which is a Mac Mineralize Eye Shadow from the new Glitter and Ice Holiday Colour Collection.

Super excited I was when my mum gave me this all wrapped up in a glitzy silver gift Mac bag. I had no idea what was inside but was over the moon when I found that she had gotten me something from the new collection.

First of all I love the packaging of the Winter and Ice Collection. I know that there have been a lot of reviews and videos posted about the silver foil boxes and white outer casing and how much everyone is raving about it. And rightly so, I love it. Its so eye catching and I think everything looks better in white. I certainly wouldn't complain if Mac released every product in this super sleek white case look. The colour of the Mineralize Eye Shadow I have is called Winterized and its the most gorgeous blend of purple, silver, indigo and a dusty pink.  Its so pretty I could stare at it for hours and not get board.  


 I've always sort of sat on the fence when it comes to the Mineralize Eye Shadows by Mac. Some are great others not so much, normally I find that the colours take a lot of build up or not as pigmented as I would have liked. But this shadow has not disappointed me. I think that the colour is super for this time of year and I've had a lot of compliments when wearing it. Normally I stay very safe with my choice of eye shadows (neutrals and warm golds/bronzes). But I like stepping out of my comfort box with this shade. My only issue now is that I have a strong desire to have more from the Winter and Ice Collection.

On another note, for those of you who are wondering at the beginning of this post I said I had some exciting news and I am so excited I want to write it now. But there will be a post coming up next week for you all which will explain everything. All I can say is that I've never been so happy ever!!

If you have tried anything at all from Mac's Winter and Ice collection I would love to know what you would recommend as I am thinking of adding a few more products on my Christmas wish list.

Lots of Love


Friday, 9 December 2011

Aussie Haul

There's more to life than hair but it's a good place to start- The Aussie Philopsophy 

Hello beauty babes. Today I have a post for you all on some amazing Aussie hair products. I love love love this brand and for a high street buy these products really do work wonders on your hair and do exactly what is says on the bottle. I am sure many of you have read lots of posts and reviews on this brand so I'll try keep this post short and sweet! 

First of all there is a great offer on at Boots right now where you can buy most of the Aussie hair care range. 3 products for £10.00 

I've tried and tested most of the shampoos and conditioners that Aussie have to offer, except the ones from the Luscious Long Collection; Seeing as my hair has grown quite a considerable amount I opted for this range.

I went for the Luscious Long Shampoo, Luscious Long Conditioner and the Luscious Long Leave-In Conditioner. These products all have the same smell to them which is a lovely mix of Australian Blue Mountain Blend containing two different types of Eucalyptus extract.  Eucalyptus has so many amazing qualities for your hair including  encouragement of hair re-growth and increasing the hairs natural elasticity. Perfect for those maintaining long hair and those who are trying grow your hair. 

As I said the smell is amazing (if I were any good at describing smells I would give a detailed description but the best thing to do is have a good smell when you see them on the shop shelves). If you like strong smelling hair products then you will love anything from Aussie. I've been using these products for a few days now and the smell really does transfer onto the hair and you get constant whiffs of it throughout the day. Not only that it will leave your bathroom smelling lush for hours after you showered. 

On the bottle it claims to ' turn your long hair into a soft, luscious, swingy curtain of gorgeousness. Oh, and its nearly curtains for flyaways, too' . I'm not too sure what it means about the curtains but this shampoo and conditioner defiantly does make my hair feel gorgeous, smooth and silky.  

 The leave in conditioner is something that was new for me to try and its to be used on towel dry hair. It has the same great smell as the shampoo and conditioner which is fab! This product states to protect the hair from heat, so far I think it works but I haven't used it long enough to state how good it works on my hair. However I find that it works wonders on de-tangling and getting rid of those knots which are just a pain. No matter how much I brush my hair before its washed, the knots will always be there. But this makes brushing so much easier. Defiantly worth every penny if you have this problem. 

Two of the products also came in a super cute limited edition bottle with fireworks scattered everywhere. I am not 100% sure what anniversary they are celebrating as a brand. But the little touches on the products look so appeasing to the eye (I am a huge one for packaging and how it looks)

 For those of you who are interested here are what the products look like out the bottle (I only wish I could share the smell with you though the screen!) 

Right Luscious Long Shampoo 
left Luscious Long Conditioner

Luscious Long leave-In Conditioner 

Do you love Aussie as much as I do, If so I would love to know what your favorite collections are and if you agree with the brands philosophy.

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