Sunday, 30 December 2012

Christmas Goodies and a Big Hello

Hi girls and guys, first of all I want to say a huge hello/sorry and an even bigger Merry Christmas to you all. For lots of reasons (mainly my Internet going down)  I've piratically missed out on a whole month of blogging and taking a step out of the beauty blogging world has been a bit of a killer. But I am so happy to say that I am back and I am really looking forward to catching up with all your blogs and read what each and everyone of you have been up too though the month of December. 

I can't quite believe Christmas has now been and gone and were just a few hours away from saying hello to 2013! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and that Santa brought you all lots of lovely bits. Christmas goodies posts seam to be the number one thing to blog about right now - and why not, I know I'm not alone when I say I love having a good nose to see what everyone got - So I thought my first post would show you all what I got on Christmas morning. I will warn you in advance that this post is slightly picture heavy!

YSL Manifesto Perfume | Versace Woman Perfume | Lipsy Scarf & Gloves | Leopard Print Ear Muffs | Studded Scarfs | Next Gold Glitter Bag | Lipsy iPhone Case | Next Socks | Urban Decay Naked Pallet | Models Own Glitter Polish | Revlon Nail Polish | Revlon Lipstick 'Cherries in the Snow' | L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes & Gel Liner | Technic Nail Polish Set | A Selection of False Lashes and Nail Art Decoration Kit | Soap & Glory 'The Breakfast Scrub' | Underwear 

I feel well and truly lucky this Christmas as I received so many things on my forever growing wishlist as well as goodies that were thrown in which I wasn't even expecting. I am over the moon to finally have the Naked Pallet... There was seriously the biggest 'yay' ever when I opened this gem and I cannot wait experiment with all the different looks I can create with it. I also adore the gold glittery handbag, its absolutely gorgeous, especially the way it reflects off all the light. 

I love how most of my Christmas goodies all tie in very nicely with one another this year - I have enough beauty products to make myself look glam, perfume to keep me smelling lovely, winter accessories to keep me warm and cosy and enough nail polish to keep me entertained for a good few months. 

If you have done a 'what I've got for Christmas' type of post beauties, please let me know as I will be sure to check it out. Like I say I am back now and hopefully for a long time - that's assuming that I don't have another Internet disaster. Expect to see me popping all over your comments boxes over the next few weeks as I will be catching up! 

Lot's of Love and Christmas Kisses

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