Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Hask Argan Oil from Primark

Hi beauties, I hope your all well? Like most of you I am completely hair obsessed and I love nothing more than experimenting with new and different hair products, but to my amazement and maybe yours, I have never ever gotten my beauty mitts on any kind of hair oil. Now unless you have been living under a rock for the last year (like I have) you will know that hair oils have taken the beauty world by storm and seam to be the perfect product to make your hair feel luxurious and add gorgeous shine to your hair. I spoke to my friend and fellow beauty blogger Sarah Modern Damsel how much I was wanting to try some hair oils and when she came over to stay she was a total babe and brought over a few for me to try - Of course she brought around what has to be the most famous hair oil around 'Moroccan Oil'. Over using Moroccan Oil over the course of the weekend, needless to say I feel in love with it, but with it being on the pricey side had to wait for payday to come around until I could get me a bottle (I'm still waiting, hello payday on Friday). So when I was doing a bit of shopping in Primark the other day I noticed this little bottle of Hask Argan Oil right by the cash desk for a very cheep and cheerful £2.50, at this price it would be just rude not to pick up a bottle!

I will be honest, when I first picked this up I wasn't expecting great things but after using it on my locks for just over a week now I can say I'm pleasently surprised at just how good this hair oil is. The actual oil has a quite a thick consistency and has a lovely smell of oranges - For those of you who don't like orange scented things, the smell doesn't hang around for long, nor does it transfer onto the hair. I've been using this Argan Oil, on wet hair before I blow dry it and on second day hair after styling and it really does do an amazing job at making my hair feel soft to the touch and adding a lovely shine to my locks. I love how when you pop the oil in your hair, you really feel as though your hair is being given extra nourishment, a kind that your average conditioner just cant provide which really makes your hair more manaegable. I find that when I use this before I blow dry my hair, it seams to remove all the frizzyness out of my hair, which means I can easily avoid the hair straightners which not only saves time in the morning, but also gives me a break from adding more heat to my already damaged hair - It's the added Keratin in this oil which will keep your frizz at bay and help to strengthen your hair. 

 I only wash my hair every other day, and since I have been using this oil I've found that my second day hair feels a little more weighed down than it usually does, but not any greasier - well nothing that a bit of dry shampoo can't fix. But I would say that this Argan Oil is a little on the heavy side and if you are one who is prone to greasy hair then you may find that this oil is a little heavy on your locks, other than that this oil works perfectly. I love how soft it makes your hair feel, you know that lovely kind of soft where you just want to keep on touching your hair. I'm also loving the massive amount of extra shine it gives my hair and you really can see a noticible difference. 

As for packaging, Primark have kept it pretty simple and I've noticed that they have cleverly used the similar blue to that of Moroccan Oil. Call me a little bit of a beauty snob, but I love that Primark logo is not anywhere to be seen on this bottle and love how it stands out on your beauty shelf as a product within its own rights. For your £2.50 you get 18ml of product, and I'm finding that a little really does go a long way. With the packaging being small and concealed in this test-tube like shape, it makes this oil very handbag friendly and perfect for those of you who require any touch ups in the day. With all this rain lately, my hair is prone to getting frizzy and its fabulous having something in my handbag that can sort that frizz out immediatley.   

All in all I think for the price this is a pretty good hair all oil and would reccomend it to any beauty who is wanting to dip their toes into the world of hair oil without forking out a heavy price tag. Although I've taken a right shine to this Hask Argan Oil from Primark I'm still eager to try other oils and especially get my hands on some Moroccan Oil of my own - I would love to see how this little gem from Primark really compares and let you know how I get on. 

Have you tried this Argan Oil yet, and how do you think it compares to other hair oils out there? I would love to know your thoughts beauties.

Lot's of Love


Tuesday, 26 February 2013

L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes | Review

Hi beauty babes! This evening I wanted to talk to you all about mascara, one that I have been particularly loving - L'Oreal's Volume Million Lashes in Extra-Black. Now when it comes to buying mascara I've never been a fussy one, I tend to buy whats on offer and over the past year or so I've never fallen in love with a mascara so much so that I've said to myself 'as soon as this runs out, I need to repurchase this immediately' until now that is. 

As a little stocking filler for Christmas I received two tubes of L'Oreal's Volume Million Lashes and I have to say I am so impressed, I'm now on my second tube and know as soon as this runs out, I'll be off to repurchase it immediately. When it comes to mascara, I sway towards ones that add volume, rather than lengthen as I  like that to have that false lash effect. As you have probably guessed by the name L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes is all about adding volume and I love how thick and full my lashes look after application. Although Volume Million Lashes formula is to provide a lot of volume I also find that it does an excellent job at adding more length to your lashes too, which in my opinion is a great bonus - Who doesn't love a bit of volume and length! In the pictures below I've only applied one coat and as you can see the mascara has separated my lashes wonderfully, added plenty of volume and lengthened them all with minimal amount of clumping. 

As for application, I find L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes really easy to apply - The wand is a plastic brush, usually I prefer a bristle bush as I find they make for a better application and plastic brushes can tend to be a bit on the flimsy side; but this plastic brush seams to glide though your lashes with ease. The actual brush for me is the perfect size, not too big, not too small and I love how the brush thins down towards the end, so you can coat all those little lashes in the corner. L'Oreal claims that the brush is designed to create a lovely fanned out lash look and I couldn't agree more. The little bristles on this brush perfectly coat each lash, and its this fanned out look which gives your lashes bundles of volume. What makes the L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes stand out from other mascaras is the fact that the wand has been designed to avoid that awful clumping look some mascaras can give you - Volume Million Lashes has 'in-build excess wiper' which remove any excess mascara on your wand, which means you get the right amount of mascara per lash. I also find that this mascara does last a lot longer than your average mascara and can only presume that it's down to this clump free wand. 

As for packaging L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes outer-casing doesn't particularly excite me, but it does look pretty sleek and has that 'expensive' look with its black and shiny gold tube. Like most drugstore mascara's it's around the £10 mark, and sells for £10.99 from Boots. Normally I begrudge spending anything over £10 when it comes to mascara just because I think they are getting ridiculously over priced, but I've fallen in love with the Volume Million Lashes so much that I'm willing to spend those extra few pounds just to have beautiful volumised lashes.

I feel that the finished look that Volume Million Lashes gives you comes pretty close to the results that a high end mascara would give you and would recommend this to anyone who is wanting to try a high end mascara but not wanting to pay double the amount. Overall I love this mascara and I see it soon becoming a little bit of a Holy Grail beauty item for me. 

Have you tried L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes, if so I would love to know your thoughts.

Lot's of Love


Monday, 18 February 2013

Models Own Coral Reef | NOTD

Good evening beauty babes, I hope your Monday has not been a typical one and full of those awful Monday blues, if it has been, then good news that its Tuesday, which only means were one step closer to the weekend... Yey! Yesterday I posted about how much I love Topshop's Rio Rio Lipstick, how much I adore the colour and how I love that it's the perfect mix between a red and orange (you can find the link here). Well being the BIG beauty geek that I am, I find that finding a colour nail polish to match the lipstick I'll be wearing brings me nothing but joy - Anyone else get this little bit of excitement knowing your lipstick and nails co-ordinate or is it just me? It's especially a great when feeling when someone notices a match made in heaven like this and goes on to state 'Did you know your nails and lipstick match!' urrr hello of course I do, this is no coincidence! So for those of you beauties who love Rio Rio and want the perfect nail polish to match your bright beautiful lips, then Models Own Coral Reef will be the perfect polish for you.

Models Own Coral Reef has always been one of those polishes in my collection that is like the hidden gem in the treasure chest, in the bottle the colour does't always jump out to me and insists that I wear it on my nails. But as soon as I apply it, I find myself wearing it repeatedly. It has the most gorgeous shades of red and orange mixed together which create what Models Own call Coral. For me its not your usual shade of coral, but the name combined with it's colour makes me think of Ariel from the Little Mermaid and the little creatures under the sea, which always brings out the Disney princess back in me and for that reason I love it. The polish has a high shine glossy finish and in the pictures above I've  painted two coats and have used no topcoat. Two summers ago I wore Coral Reef non stop and sadly neglected it last year - But I have to say, my nails and I are loving this shade on right now and seeing as I've totally fallen in love with Rio Rio again, this is all that's going to be on my nails for the next few weeks. 

If your wanting to add Models Own Coral Reef to your collection I would really recommend it, it's one of my all time favourite polishes and is perfect for the spring/summer - Not to mention that is looks just amazing with a tan! You can pick it up from Boots for £5.00 here

Have you tried Coral Reef yet, what are your thoughts?


Sunday, 17 February 2013

Topshop Rio Rio Lipstick

So the excitement of Christmas and New Year is officially behind us and since then we have had nothing but cold drastic weather with the snow and I know loads of us have been suffering from colds which has made us all feel a little bit rubbish. However the last few days the sun has been out and the weather has been a bit milder, which I am hoping only means one thing, Spring is well and truly on it's way. I am so ready for the change of Seasons now and with the change of Seasons always comes a change of look - The perfect excuse to buy more beauty products if you ask me. As much as I've been loving the deep rich berry colours on our lips over the Winter, I feel so ready for a change now and I'm over the moon that orange is going to be a big colour for this Spring. What better way to start this repeating trend off with adding a pop of orange on to our lips! 

Over the last few days I have completely rekindled my love with Topshop's Rio-Rio lipstick.  Now you may look at this and think its more on the red shade, and I would agree and say it's more on the red side, but has the most beautiful orange undertones to it, which makes it the perfect in-between shade.Perfect for those beauties who want a bold lip, but not a go fully out there with a drastic red lip, and perfect for those who want to try orange, but are like me and not brave enough to wear full orange lip. I know how popular orange lipstick has been in the past, especially around the blogosphere with Topshop's Infrared being a firm favourite. But if I am being honest, I've always found the thought of wearing a true orange on my lips a little daunting, so Rio Rio is the perfect shade to go for, especially if your wanting to jump on the orange trend. Rio Rio is a matte lipstick, which is extremely pigmented and really makes your lips stand out, not to mention that it has a lovely creamy formula. There is always that little worry we have with matte lipsticks and the fear that they might be too drying, but I've found Rio Rio a dream to apply and it lasts on the lips for hours, fading only to leave lovely stained lips. There is something special about the formula of this lipstick as I find that bleeding or smudging rarely occurs and there have been plenty of times I've worn it without pairing it with a red lip liner. In the pictures I have used Barry M's red lip liner, just to define my lips a bit more, but you really don't need it. 

I know that this is soon going to be my go-to lipstick again and I can see me wearing this all the way till Summer as you will find that it looks amazing when you have a tan! There is something that get's me all excited about Rio Rio and I am loving the new change on my lips. If your wanting to pick this up you can find it on the Topshop website here, it retails for £8.00 and is worth every penny... I love it!

Have you changed your lippie for Spring ladies? I would love to know what your go to shade is going be.

Lot's of Love


Saturday, 16 February 2013

Disco Pants and Brooklyn Tee | OOTD

Brooklyn Tee £15 | Disco Pants £30 | White Pimsolls £15 - All River Island 

Hi lovely ladies, what a week its been! First of all I would love to say a huge thank you to those of you who commented or got in touch from my last blog post 'Be Beautiful, Be You' the response was quite overwhelming and I am so happy that the post popped some positive beauty love into your life - If you've not had the chance to have a read yet you can find the link here.

It's been absolutely forever since I last did an OOTD post for you all and this week turned out to be uniform week at work. Anyone else who works in retail will know that getting your new uniform allowance though is the ultimate work perk and is probably the best thing about working in a clothes store...Hello free clothes! When the uniform allowance comes though, you'll be surprised at how stressed we all get trying on and picking out the clothes that have to last us for the next couple of months. Choosing the right outfits can be a little tricky, but I managed to pick up some good bits and thought I would showcase a few of them in a OOTD post. We're aloud to pick up one pair of bottoms and I was ever so tempted to get a pair of high-waisted denim shorts, but having said that I must be the only beauty blogger not to get my hands on a pair of disco pants... Well not anymore! River Island have had their own version of the disco pant out for ages now and I just never got around to treating myself to a pair. Well as soon as I tired them on, I knew I had to have them in my wardrobe and can completely see why everyone loves them so much.   When it comes to bottoms I float between a size 6 or 8, just depending on where I shop. As most of you are aware the Disco Pant craze started with the American Apparel pair which are a whopping £75, but if your looking for something more affordable then these ones from River Island are a bit of a bargain at £30. In River Island I am an 8 and found that the size 8 fitted perfectly - So if your thinking about getting a pair I would definitely go with your usual size, don't feel the need to go up a size because they are tight fitting. 

You can see from the pictures that the disco pant is a shiny, high-wasited thick material which is somewhere in-between a legging and pant. As the pants are very figure hugging, I always thought that they would be one of those pants would be restricted and uncomfortable to wear, but much to my surprise they turned out to be one of the most comfortable things I have ever worn. As I'm not much of a curvy girl, it's really nice to be able to wear something that shows off your shape and extenuate the little curves that I do have. One thing I love about these Disco Pants more than ever is the fact that they are so versatile and you really can take them from day to evening. In the photos above, I've paired them with a loose oversized tee for a causal day look, but to dress it up a little bit I could tuck the tee in to show of the disco pants a little bit more (and my figure). If I was going out for dinner or wanted to dress up a little more, I would pair the disco pants with some glam heels and a lovely little blouse tucked into them - You really can pair anything with these, I've fallen in love with them so much in a short space of time that I'm already having a look at getting different colours for more outfits - I'm thinking red, which will be perfect for nights out on the town.  Overall I love them and am just so shocked that I've taken forever to get a pair.

If your loving Disco Pants as much as me I would love to know what your favourite thing to pair them is.

Lot's of Love


Sunday, 10 February 2013

Be Beautiful Be You

Hello lovely ladies, I hope you are all well. I've been wanting to get a post up for ages about 'true beauty' seeing as anyone who reads my little blog either has their own beauty blog or is completely beauty obsessed like I am. I've never done a serious blog post on here before, but I thought it was about time, so I'll warn you now - I'm not sure 100% where I will be going with this, I'm just going to type and let my thoughts spill onto the screen, so it maybe long and seam like a little bit of a ramble (though sometimes we all love a good ramble on) and I hope by getting all my little thoughts out I maybe able to help if some of you relate. 

So... The other day I posted the '50 Random Things About Me' tag and my last random fact was I am a huge believer in the saying 'you must learn to love yourself, before you can expect anyone else to love you' and I had quite a few responses from you lovely ladies saying that it was a good way to think and it made me realise that we all need to take a few more moments out of our lives to think on the positives about ourselves, myself included. It is far too easy these days to get down about the way we look especially seeing as there as are so many constructed ideas in society of what beauty is and how we should all look. It brings the question to mind 'what is beautiful' and are we all showing the world and ourselves our 'true beauty'. I think it's fair to say that every woman, girl no matter how old or young are all far to aware of our flaws and sometimes it can be far too easy to focus on these, so much so that it makes us feel down about ourselves and just miserable. I don't understand why us ladies can't look in the mirror more often and see the good things staring back at us in our reflection, instead of picking out the bad and letting it get you down for the whole day.

Over the last few years I have really tried hard in trying to see the positives that makes me beautiful and really focused on changing my negative mind set about myself. I'm aware that that sounds incredibly vein, but I honestly believe each and every single one of us is beautiful in our own way and it's up to us to find our true beauty, embrace it and let it shine though for the world to see. I want to be completely honest with you beauties, for most of my life I used to have the most negative mind set about my body image and it caused me nothing but misery and had such a negative effect on myself and those around me. When I was around 5 I went though a stage of not wanting to eat at all and as I grew older this love/hate relationship with food developed into an eating disorder. When I was around 17 my body image was completely distorted and I lived my life for a good 6 years, not eating, looking in the mirror only to see flaw after flaw. Magazines and images online (which I know are all mostly photo shopped) gave me this idea in my head of what being beautiful was and I felt the need to look a certain way and be a certain shape and size. I became obsessed with looking in the mirror, standing there for hours on end thinking 'I look too fat', the longer this went on, the more weight I lost and the more I found myself hating my body image. My opinion of myself became so low, that I lost so much of my confidence, pushed all friends and family away because the only thoughts that I had room for was, loosing weight, food, the scales, the mirror and thinking when I can fit time in to exercise as much as possible. I got stuck in a horrible cycle for 6 years where  the only words in my mind constantly were - fat, ugly, imperfect, disgusting and 'I want to be skinny'. The truth was I was skinny, way too skinny and I found that not only was I looking terrible on the outside I was feeling pretty terrible on the inside too. My once bubbly personality was gone and I lost my 'spark' as so they say. At 22 I had caused the people that love and care about me way too much worry and reached out and got the help I needed to put me on the right track again... and the right track is where I am now. Yes there are times where I have my moments, but I've not counted a calorie for 3 years and haven't put myself on any ridiculous diets or intentionally tried to loose weight. 

I know my story shows an extreme way of how you can get down about the way you look, but I know that all of us beauties have our own battles with our appearance and I see it in those that are close to me down to women that come into work, trying on clothes; we all have our own body flaws. Which brings me on to my next point - How do we change our way of thinking and start to see how beautiful we all really are? Well I don't think it is the easiest task at all, but I do know that we all have something that makes us special and we just have to take the time to compliment ourselves a little bit more so we focus on the good rather than the bad. You may have the most amazing eyes, so take 10 minutes in the morning to do your eye makeup really well, to extenuate this feature. You might have spent years growing your hair, take time to have a look in the mirror and give it a swish and a flick to pop a smile on your face. You might think you have a really big bum, but could have the most beautiful smile in the world - focus on this. I honestly believe that for every bad thing we could find about our body, you can find at least two good features to outweigh this bad and this is what we need to focus on to help us feel more body confident. My number one tip to help with having a good body image though ladies has to be 

Don't compare yourself to anyone else, just be beautiful and be you!

I found that it was way too easy to compare myself to someone else, thinking I wish I had her body, looked like her and all that do will make you feel crappy about ourselves.I used to cringe thinking about what features I liked about myself, but I found that starting with others can be a great way into building that confidence up. If you find it hard to compliment yourself try complementing those around you and let others know that they look beautiful; this will be sure to spread some good beauty love around and will help others to be more body confident and I can guarantee that it wont be long before the beauty love starts to come back your way. Most of the things we don't like about ourselves can be changed, although there can be extremes as I have mentioned, but I've learnt that it's so important to just be comfortable in our own skin. We can change the way we look, but our bodies are always changing everyday anyway, which makes it all that important to learn to love the things about ourselves daily and embrace your body confidence in the moment.

Being beautiful is not just about looking beautiful too, true beauty definitely comes from within and the saying 'the best accessory a woman can wear is her smile' couldn't be more true. I think its very easy for our personalities to shy away when we get wrapped up in negative thinking and as a result you miss out on all the important things that are going on around you and you aren't showing the world how beautiful you really are. I love how we are all so different and each have a bit of sparkle in us that makes us beautiful on the inside and out, we just need to embrace this and love ourselves a bit more. So ladies before you leave the house tomorrow be sure to be happy about one thing about yourselves and try to leave the house with a smile on your face. What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful (can anyone name that song). 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this ladies, let me know if you have any good tips on being body confident so we can really spread the beauty love. And remember you are beautiful!!

Lot's of Love


Wednesday, 6 February 2013

50 Random Things About Me | TAG

Hi beauties, I'm sure that you have all seen this tag flying around blogs and YouTube and I thought its such a quick and fantastic way to get to know each other all a bit more. I love how random this tag is and yes 50 maybe quite a large number, but there only facts and I've been surprised at how quick I've read through other peoples and how much I have enjoyed reading them. So if your still 'umming' and 'arrring' about whether to give this one a little go... I would say just do it and if you do let me know as I would love a read. Let me know if you get to the bottom of this post and hopefully you will get to know a little more about me!

1. I don't think before I speak.

2. I'm really ditzy.

3. I am one of these people who will get on with almost everyone.

4. I studied drama/dance at College and University and would love to teach it one day.

5. I have never tried tea or coffee and the thought of drinking it makes me want to be sick.

6. I can't drink out of anything that isn't see through, unless its disposable and I know I am the first person to have drank out of it. The thought of drinking out of a mug makes me want to be sick - Weird.

7. I've broken both my wrists (not at the same time). 

8. I was once a brownie (pixies) and a girl guide (blue-tit) - You other brownie and girl guide girlies will know what I mean! 

9. I never realised how much I love photography, until I started blogging 

10. I am a really bad sleeper, take forever to drift off and always wake up though the night - Weirdly though I can nap anywhere, any time of the day.

11. I can't cook a meal unless I have a recipie to follow, or someone in the kitchen with me to answer all my cooking questions (even on meals I've cooked before).

12. I believed the 'If you say thank you after a sneeze a fairy dies' saying, and always did the two claps if I did just to stop the fairy dying... Secretly I still do it, just out of habit. 

13. My favourtie TV show has to be 'America's Next Top Model' I've watched every series at least twice. 

14. I am a huge fidget bum

15. I play with my hair when I get nervous.

16. I overthink everything and think way too much.

17. Sometimes I think I'm secretly a bit psychic.

18. I am so so so clumsy. Always tripping up, falling over or dropping things, can't take me anywhere.

19. I like to laugh a lot and loudly.

20. I love to dance, if I'm in the house I will get so side tracked and dance in between jobs.

21. I've never been a bridesmaid :(

22. I went to an all girls school. Bitchiest place ever!

23. I made my first best friend on the first day of school and we are still best friends. Our teacher used to call us Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and everyone still calls us it when were together. Louise I love you!

24. I would love to have a one on one dance lesson with Ashley Banjo.

25. I've always been quite flexible.

26. I was once a vegetarian for three years.

27. I have a younger sister, who looks and acts way older than me.

28. I am a big F1 fan.

29. I love being at home, and love my home comforts.

30. Dogs, penguins and elephants are my favourite animals. 

31. I find people watching fascinating and love sitting by a window and watching the world go by.

32. I have three stepbrothers, two of them are twins and I have one stepsister who is Polish.

33. I am the worst person ever to ask for directions, I have no sense of direction whatsoever.

34. A lot of people come to me for advice and help with their problems, I make a good listener. 

35. I spend way too much time on my phone.

36. My favourite film has to be 'Bring It On' - Cheerleader for life <3

37. I sometimes wish I had a much more exciting last name, Smith is so dull. 

38. I ask an awful lot of questions, just because I get confused way too easily. 

39. I've always been a bit of a 'good girl', never doing anything wrong or breaking the rules, over the last few years I've seen the fun side of breaking a few - which has been fun!

40. I would love one day, to walk to work and for the whole world to break out in song and dance just like in a musical. 

41. I read 50 Shades of Grey and didn't like it at all. 

42. I can't bring myself to throw away any of my nail polishes, even the ones that have gone horrible and yucky. I'm such a hoarder.

43. The simple things really do make me so happy.

44. I think that if your having a good hair or makeup day, then your day will automatically be a lot better. If your lucky enough to have a good hair and makeup day at the same time, then your day will just be perfect - Very true I am sure ladies.

45. I've had driving lessons and found out that I am a really bad driver - On my first lesson I forgot how the breaks work and pulled back on the steering wheel to try and slow the car down - Total fail!

46. I love peanut butter, especially on something hot like crumpets so the peanut butter melts and sinks into the food - scrumptious.

47. I go all shy and feel a bit intimidated when there is a large group of guys - especially when I'm at work, working on men's wear with no where to escape and I have to talk to them because it's my job. 

48. I hate failing, what ever I do I will always try my to my very best.

49. I love cheerleading and everything about it - It's dancing, stunting, tumbling; a sport that's all about teamwork, bows, sparkles, glitter, facials and it's just so much fun!

50. I'm fully aware of my flaws, but I am a huge believer in the saying 'you have to be able to love yourself, before you can expect anyone to love you'. So I'm just going to say it... I love me! 

So that's it ladies, 50 random things about me :) Hope you found it interesting and let me know if you think were similar in anyways. 

Lot's of Love


Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Soap & Glory The Righteous Butter

I absolutely love body butters and nothing beats the feeling of getting out of the shower, feeling squeaky clean, then smothering a load of scrumptious body butter onto your skin, letting it work its magic so your skin feels soft soft soft.  Besides washing my hair, it has to be the favourite part of my whole shower routine. What really gets me excited with a body butter, is when you get one that works like a dream and smells absolutely scrumptious, you can guarantee that I am one of these girls that will stand there in Boots  and do the all important 'sniff' test, before purchasing the perfect body butter for me.

For Christmas I received a little Soap & Glory moisturiser gift set which contained this small travel size of the famous S&G Righteous Butter. I cannot believe I have left this famous body butter left on the shelves for so long and have never thought to pick it up before. I am just completely in love with this body butter and it is by far one of the best ones I have ever tried, it's simply divine. For me the S&G Righteous Butter completely ticks all the boxes - it has a really rich and thick formula which feels heavenly when you apply it to your skin, I find its one of those body butters that you feel really works into your skin, long after is application. I love that it doesn't feel to greasy and gives you that horrible sticky feeling afterwards, especially when you pop your clothes on after. And... did I mention that  the smell of this is just luscious, heavenly and oh so yummm!! - It has the recognisable signature S&G smell to it and if you love that smell as much as I do, you will be most pleased to hear that the smell stays put on your body for hours and hours afterwards - Hallelujah!! 

Although I've only used a small amount of this dreamy body butter, I feel that the Righteous Butter and I have become the best of friends and would suggest that anyone who is suffering from dry skin will love this - the application of this moisturiser distributes very evenly over the skin and works amazingly on all those dry areas such as elbows and knees and everywhere else in between. As soon as my little pot runs out, I know I will be getting myself down to Boots and be purchasing the full size 300ml tub which retails for £10.50 which you can find here. I've seen online and from other reviews people saying that the S&G Righteous Butter will last you for the longest of time; but I honestly don't see it lasting long at all - only because I am one of these people that feels the need to cake body butter on me; I don't like to use them sparingly at all. But if you wanted to a little pot of this could go along way, it just depends on your personal style of body butter application. Either way though I think this is a fantastic product and one I have fallen in love with right away. If you love this as much as I do, I would love to know your thoughts beauties. 

Lots of Love

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