Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Aussie Beach Mate Shampoo & 3 Minute Miracle || Review

Hi beauties! How are we all? I hope you've all been enjoying this glorious weather, I don't know about you, but its been so nice to be able to sit in the garden and having a bit of chill time outside. Gosh it was so hot at the weekend we even popped the paddling pool out to cool down and I've not stepped foot in one of those since I was a teen. 

As much as bathing in the sun is lush with a big fat capital 'L', the sun can really cause some troublesome hair disasters. Since coming back from holiday and enduring the hot sunny days we've had since, I've found that my hair has taken a right old beating from the sun - It really pains me to say that it's possibly been in one of the worst conditions its ever been in my life, which really turns pops an upside down smile on my face in the mornings. My hair has felt ever so dry and brittle at the ends, so for a good few weeks now I've done nothing but put all sorts of lotions and potions on my hair to try and bring some life back into it and to add some much needed moisture. On my usual shopping trip to Boots, I had a look down the aisle's filled with hair products on the search for something new that could give my locks a bit of a boost. Now as you know I am a huge huge huge fan of Aussie hair products and I couldn't stop smiling when I saw these products from Aussie's Beach Mate range and I popped them straight into my basket. Seeing as I have never seen or heard of the Beach Mate range before I'm guessing they are new to Aussie, as I really don't think I would have missed them before now.

The Aussie Beach Mate range is made and designed for hair that has had a little too much sun and with its rich ingredients of Australian Balm Mint and Australian Macadamia Nut Oil , it will help to revive hair that has been dried out and frazzled. The Beach Mate Shampoo informs us on the bottle, that is has the same formula as Aussie's Miracle Moist shampoo, however I think the scent is a little different and the Beach Mate shampoo seams to be a little more intense when it comes to putting some much needed life back into your hair. I love how the shampoo contains macadamia nut oil as we all know in the world of beauty, that stuff really is your hairs best friend - So for me it's amazing to be using a shampoo that contains it. 

As for the Beach Mate 3 Minute Miracle, it contains Australian Balm Mint which helps to make your hair super silky soft - trust me when I say it does. I've been using these two products every time I've washed my hair over the last three weeks (along side with other hair treatments - my daily dose of Moroccan Oil is always a must) and I have to say I've noticed a big difference in my hair. I can honestly say my hair feels in better condition now than what it was before I left on my holiday. Not only is it soft to the touch, but my hair has just gone incredibly shiny and I think it's this shine which makes it look healthy as well as feel healthy. The shampoo lathers up in no time at all and once you've rinsed out the 3MM you can feel an immediate change in the way your hair feels whilst your in the shower. I am so pleased that I picked these two products up as I really think it has helped with saving my hair.

As with all Aussie products, these two smell just amazing and will fill your shower up with smells that just make you go 'mmmm' and what's even better is that the smells transfer onto your locks too and you get a good whiff of them when you swish your hair. I would give it ago at describing what they smell like, but I'm useless when it comes to describing scents and there is nothing stopping you from putting your nose to the test on your next trip to Boots.

Overall I can't recommended these products enough, they really are a must for this time of year. If your hair has been feeling a little dry, or was in a similar state to mine then you can't go wrong with this duo from Aussie. Not only do they work wonders, but they are also pretty cheap in terms of pricing for a good shampoo and conditioner and Boots are forever having offers the Aussie range.

Have you tried these? What are your thoughts? Also if you have any hair saving tips from the heat be sure to let me know :)




  1. Haven't tried this range, but I LOVE Aussie, especially the smell mm :)

    Sophierosehearts x

  2. I LOVE ALL AUSSIE PRODUCTS! They are amazing!! xx

  3. LOVE Aussie anything, it all smells amazing, and really work. I've not tried this range, but this looks like the perfect duo for holiday fun! xxxx

  4. Yay another Aussie lover, I use the 3 miracle conditioner & swear by it! But I've never seen the beach mate range, it sounds fab!
    Maybe Its Megan Leigh xx

  5. I love Aussie, not tried this particular one though x

  6. I love Aussie products and they smell amazing. I think they are a great drug store shampoo and conditioner that's really reasonable x

  7. I love Aussie products, in fact I used their shampoo only this morning :) I'd love to try this range out.
    Amy x
    -A Little Boat Sailing


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