Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Cute In Casual || OOTD


Fluffy Jumper River Island || Skinny Jeans River Island || Boyfriend Shirt H&M || Boots River Island || Bowler Hat H&M

Autumn is all about knitwear and for me I love nothing more than getting cosy with a fluffy jumper or two (my collection of colours is slowly building). I purchased this black fluffy one from River Island last year and since then it's become quite the staple in my wardrobe, I love it and it goes with everything. Today I've paired it with an oversized boyfriend shirt from H&M and I'm a little obsessed with anything that has a collar right now. 

For me this is just an easy go to autumn outfit and I think the bowler hat as an accessory just makes it a little bit more interesting, cute and girly, which is me down to a T.

Lots of Love


Monday, 27 October 2014

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Lipsticks || Happy Nude Year & Hot Pepper

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvets* £8.99 - Left Hot Pepper - Right Happy Nude Year 

When Bourjois released the gorgeous Rouge Edition Velvet liquid lipsticks, myself and every beauty lover went a little bit crazy for them and they are still such a hit. I think they've been my favourite beauty release of the year so far, so you can only imagine my excitement when I was invited to the Bourjous Party Ready event last week to have a sneak peak at their new christmas collection named 'Enchanting Nightbird' which will be available in the shops comes November. Seeing as the Rouge Edition Velvet Lipsticks are such a favourite of mine, my eyes lit up when I saw that Bourjois have added a few new shades to the collection. 

These liquid lipsticks are just perfect, I love their long lasting finish and the way they feel like a whipped mouse on your lips when you first apply them. This formula quickly dies to leave a gorgeous matte stain on your lips and the best thing about it, is that these are in no way drying at all, which gives you the perfect pout - Just what you need for the party season. 

The shade that I'm getting most excited about and the one which seems to be already a huge hit amongst the Bourjois girls is 'Happy Nude Year' which is the perfect nude pink.  This beautiful warm pink toned nude is going to work with so many skin tones and will compliment a smokey eye perfectly (which you know you'll be rocking come christmas time). I'm personally a huge fan on pink toned nudes as I find they add a little more warmth to your overall look than what the beige tone nudes do, I just love how 'Happy Nude Year' will work both in the day time and evening - And as these velvet lipsticks are so long lasting your not going to have to worry about your lips at all.

Being re-realsed as part of the christmas collection is already an all-time favourite of mine, and probably the lipstick that gets the most wear, is the stunningly bright orange toned red 'Hot Pepper'. I'm sure probably most of you already have this shade lurking around in your collection as it was a perfect summer shade, but as its such a vibrant and classic shade of red, it makes it perfect for the party season too. You know this is going to look gorgeous on come winter time when your wearing shimmery irradecant eye makeup, just adding this fiery red to your lips is not only going to look festive on but add an instant warmth to your look. You can take a closer look at "Hot Pepper' including swatches in my full review here

I'm so excited about these two Rouge Edition Velvet Lipsticks, and I just know 'Happy New Year' is going to be that one lipsticks that stays in my bag permanently! I would love to know what your thoughts are on these lipsticks and if your planning on adding any more Rouge Edition Velvets to your collection? Let me know in the comments below.

Lots of Love


Monday, 20 October 2014

10 Things Every Beauty Girl Needs To Know

Image 'Weheartit' edited by me

Loving makeup, looking good and feeling your best are some of the things that just come with being a girl. Thinking about this gave me a little inspiration for todays post and got me thinking that there are some golden rules that us beauty girls need to live by and I came up with a list of things that every beauty girl out there needs to know. Have a little read though it, see if you agree and let me know if there are any points on the list that you fail on - Being a beauty girl is not easy and there are loads of things that I could improve on, I would love to know what your thoughts are on this.

You can take on the world one lipstick at a time!

Lipstick is so important, actually whatever you decide to pop on your lips is important weather it be tinted balm, gloss or a the perfect lippie. Lipstick can make or break your outfit, give you confidence and set your whole makeup off. Choosing the right one is important, so be sure to pick the right one every morning, it really can make a difference.

Throw out your old mascara!

How many mascaras have you got in your beauty stash that are old, dried out and way too clumpy and clumsy to use. I tend to have a few mascaras on the go, and I'm probably the worst person for throwing out old mascara. I know that my mascara is coming to an end, but I'm pretty lazy when it comes to repurchasing a new one. I'm one of these girls who try and scrape every last bit of mascara out of the tube, even when it's gone dry and crusty. Mascara only has a self life of 3 months, so be sure to use, chuck and repurchase. Don't get lazy like me

Your eyebrows are sisters not twins!

I never thought eyebrows would become so important to me, but now every morning I probably spend way too much time trying to make my brows look perfect and it's no easy task. I swear my eyebrows are my beauty nemeses, I don't find it easy at all. Although I probably spend way too much time trying to get them to match and look as perfect as they can be, I need to remember that they are never going to look the same and thats ok - As long as you know the importance of doing your eyebrows that's all that matters.

Blend Blend Blend!

I know early mornings can prove difficult, especially now that its cold and dark outside, but it's the time of morning that we all sit in front of the mirror for our usual beauty routine. I'm more than likely half asleep when I apply my makeup, but it's so important to stay focused and make sure that you apply your makeup correctly and blend it all out. Getting to work and seeing that you haven't blended your foundation properly into your hairline is NOT a good look - trust me I've been there, totally awkward. Whether it be your foundation, eye shadow or blush, make sure you take the time to blend it all in. 

Say good bye to chipped nails!

Nothing looks as pretty as just painting your nails, but there comes those few days after doing your manicure where your nails start to flake and chip which is not a good look. I know I pay a lot of attention to hands, particularly my own, so that means other people do too! Don't leave your chipped polish on for too long, take it all off and paint your nails with another pretty polish that is hiding away in your collection

How to apply falsies!

Applying false lashes is by no means an everyday makeup task, but there is always going to be an occasion where its necessary pop these whispy lashes onto your peepers. Whilst these tricky little black things can be a right pain in the bum to apply, they do make you lashes and overall makeup look amazing and practice really does make perfect. There is definitely an art in applying them and using the right glue can make the whole process a lot easier. If your in need of some extra practice, wear your lashes on a Friday and use the excuse it's 'False Lash Friday' thats what I do.

It's ok to be naked!

Okay, well it's ok to be naked whist your in the bath, but it's also good to give your skin a break and sometimes wear no makeup whatsoever. Yes that's right I'm talking about those makeup free days. I find this one very tricky as there is rarely I day where I don't leave the house, and if I am going out you can bet that I will always put my bet face forward. Letting my skin be completely natural is something that I'm starting to do lot more though and my skin does thank me for it. Go on I dare you not to wear any makeup at all one day this week!

Don't be dirty!

Yes that's right I'm talking about the one big beauty chore that all of us hate doing, and that is cleaning your makeup brushes. I am so guilty of doing this and tend to put it off for as long as I possibly can, which I know is totally gross, but washing them is a makeup necessity. Just think you'll makeup brushes will look and feel all brand new and your skin will thank you for it I promise.

Sharing is caring!

I know that the majority of you reading this will be my beauty blogger friends, but how many of us share our top beauty tips on our blogs. I know sometimes that I get wrapped up in reviews and excited about the launch of new products that I very rarely get a post up sharing my top beauty tips and I know we all have them. Just think we are always looking for better ways to do our hair, apply our makeup etc. One small thing that you do in your every day routine could be the answer to someone else's beauty dilemmas. Sharing is definitely caring, even if it's amongst your nearest or dearest - Spread a little bit of beauty love.

Take the perfect selfie!

What's the point in making yourself look beautiful every morning and not sharing your gorgeous face with the rest of the world. Every beauty girl needs to know how to take the perfect selfie, I think it's a must these days. If you've still not mastered the perfect selfie (I know I haven't) then practice makes perfect, even if it does mean you take 20 pictures and work your way though them choosing the best one haha. 

So that's my ten points that is a must for every beauty girl. I would love to know your thoughts on this girlies, let me know if you agree and if you've got any more to add to the list please share in the comments below.

Lots of Love


Tuesday, 14 October 2014

You Are My Sunshine

Nothing beats a good bit of arm candy and the two little bracelets that you see in todays post are just too lovely not to share with you all. Whilst I was working the other week, my gorgeous best friend Meg popped out to the shops and came back with these pretty little bracelets as a gift for me. Meg is probably one of my blogs biggest fans and she thought that these two bracelets from River Island suited me and my blog down to a T. 

If Miss Sunshine & Sparkle were to ever have its own jewellery line (I'm thinking out of the box here) then I'm pretty sure that it would look a little bit like these two bracelets - Seriously how amazing is it that there is a sun, star and sparkle placed next to each other, it's so me. And the fact that the other one reads 'you are my sunshine' is just the sweetest thing ever. I am loving wearing these two little bracelets, especially with celebrating my blogs three year birthday recently, they are perfect.

Thank you so much Meg for getting me these you really are an amazing BFF!

Lots of Love


Monday, 13 October 2014

Brightside || Lush Bubble Bar Review

Lush Brightside Bubble Bar £4.75

When it comes to bath time I honestly believe that no one does it better than Lush and whenever I'm looking to give myself a lovely hot soak and pamper evening you can guarantee that I'll find myself popping into my local Lush store on my break time and picking up some bath time goodies. On my most recent trip I decided to pick up the 'Brightside' Bubble Bar - For some reason I had never picked on up, although I've always heard so many amazing things about it from other bloggers.

What I really love about the Lush Bubble Bars has to be that they give your bath millions of bubbles, even when you only crumble a small amount of the bar into the water, it really is heaven in a tub. I don't know why it took forever for me to try 'Brightside' as I'm pretty sure if I was describe myself as one of Lush's Bubble Bars "Brightside' would definitely be me! (I can't believe I just compared myself to bubble bath?) 

First of all how amazing does 'Brightside' look? The colours are just gorgeous and I love the brightness of it all, it reminds me of summer which is something I'm already starting to miss! Not only does it look fantastic, but this bar smells so gorgeous and just uplifts my mood straight away. This bar really does have some great citrusy smells running though it, Sicilian mandarin and tangerine oils really give it an orangey smell, which is amazing and comforting at the same time as it's not too overpowering. 

I love how this bar turns my bath water into a bright orange colour, although I have to say you can't really see any water though the mass of bubbles that this bar creates! The bubbles are so soft on your skin, 'Brightside' really is the perfect bath time treat. 

I know that this might be a bit of a summery product, but if your like me and always get a serious case of winter blues as we creep into the colder months, then you will absolutely love this Bubble Bar, it's amazing!

I would love to know what your thoughts are on Brightside and if it's a favourite of yours too? If not what is your favourite bath time treat from Lush? Let me know in the comments below.

Lots of Love


Saturday, 11 October 2014

Mac Lipstick Giveaway!!

Hi everyone, today is a really special day for me as it's my blogs three year birthday. It actually shocks me a little bit typing that out because it's just a crazy thought to think that I've been positing every week for three years and I'm still enjoying every bit if it. My blogging journey really has been an incredible one and I remember sitting down and typing up my first post three years ago thinking nobody would be reading my rambles at all. Three years later and I've seen my blog go from strength to strength and it amazes me that so many of you stop by, say hello and leave a comment or two - It really does make my day.

I think it's fair to say that blogging has been one of the best decisions that I've ever made in my life, and it has completely changed my life (soppy paragraph right here, you have been warned!). I've made so many amazing friends though blogging and being part of the blogging community really is incredible, its great being able to chat about makeup and beauty any time of the day with you all. As well as getting to know some wonderful people, I've had some amazing opportunities come my way though blogging which have given me those WOW moments in life. 

I absolutely love blogging and working on Miss Sunshine & Sparkle, I'm really excited to see what the next year holds. My blog has always been a hobby for me, but with the support of all of you, it has become so much more and it's such a huge part of my life. Without everyone that follows, visits or interacts on my blog, it would not be where it is today! I am a big believer in giving back and to say thank you and to celebrate I'm running a giveaway! 

I thought for a prize I would give away a Mac lipstick of your choice, if you've been following my blog from the start you will know I love my Mac lipsticks and there is something so exciting about adding a new one to your collection - The lipstick will have to be in Mac's permanent line and the giveaway will be open internationally so anyone can enter! All you have to do is follow the simple steps. 

However as this is my THREE year giveaway I'm going to be adding in a few little extras that will be a surprise treat! Good luck everyone and thank you so much for supporting Miss Sunshine & Sparkle.

Lots of Love

Terms & Conditions - 
This giveaway is open internationally. If you're under 18 years of age, please make sure you have parental permission to enter. Winner will be announced via Twitter, and will be emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to the email to claim the prize, or an alternative winner will be selected. All entries will be moderated and verified to ensure the giveaway is completely fair.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

OOTD || Missguided Off The Shoulder Jumper

Jumper - Missguided
Skinny Jeans - River Island
Sandals - Missguided

The weather this week really has taken a turn for the worse and although I'm already starting to miss summer (I am Miss Sunshine! Ha) I have to say I'm rather looking forward to wrapping up warm and getting cosy with an oversized jumper or two. As the temperatures have been cooling I've found myself reaching for my pastel pink off the shoulder jumper from Missguided a lot and have found it to be the perfect transitional piece going into these colder months. 

I'm still loving pastel colours and I'm not entirely prepared to let go of summer just yet, so this outfit works perfectly for me. Today I've paired it with my favourite barley there sandals also from Missguided and a pair of light wash skinny jeans. 

I would love to know what your must have item of clothing is right now and if your starting to miss summer just as much as me, let me know in the comments below.

Lots of Love


Monday, 6 October 2014

Mac Cranberry || The Perfect Autumn Eye Look

Finally the weather has started to change and I feel like I can fully embrace autumn. The one thing that I absoltley love about the change of weather and seasons is changing things around in my makeup bag and picking colours that suit my mood and the weather outside. The thing that really gets me excited about autumn is bringing out the berry toned shades whether this be in my choice of lipstick, blush or eye shadow. After what seams years of having this eye shadow on my wishlist I finally got around to picking up the gorgeous frost Mac eye shadow in the shade 'Cranberry' as it must be the ultimate autumn shade to wear on your peepers.

As soon as I got my little beauty mitts on this shadow I feel in love, it really is that gorgeous. Uusually I tend to stay away from anything with a frosty finish as I find that it can be a bit too much for daytime and I don't want to go out looking like a disco ball, however 'Cranberry' has just the right amount of frost finish to it - I find it rather subtle and it really adds a pop of warmth to my makeup look. 

As far as an eye shadow goes, its everything that you would expect from Mac and more; It has a long lasting finish, is super pigmented and blends like a dream. Today I've paired it with 'Toasted' and 'Hustle' out of my Naked One Palette to create the perfect autumn eye look. I've popped  'Cranberry' all over the lids of my eyes and then blended 'Toasted' and 'Hustle' in the crease and outer corners. I think for more of an evening look, cranberry will look gorgeous paired with a gold shadow such as 'Half Baked' for a more of a glitsy look, but the look I've created today works so well for daytime and evening, especially if your wanting to make a bit of a statement with your eye makeup, its perfect.

I would love to know if you have 'Cranberry' in your makeup collection and if your planning on wearing it this autumn, let me know in the comments below.

Lots of Love


Organic Surge Daily Face Wash || Review

Organic Surge Daily Face Wash* £5.95

Being a beauty blogger means I'm always changing up my skincare routine as I just love trying and testing out new products. This rapid change of products is probably not great for my skin, but I know that so many of you reading will be in the same boat! However over the last few weeks I have been sticking to one cleanser which seams to be doing my skin the world of good and I am loving using it - I'm talking about the Organic Surge Daily Care Face Wash.

I've been trying out a lot of products from Organic Surge recently and it seams that this brand can do no wrong, I absolutely love it and this face wash in particular has been a dream to use and it works great on my sensitive skin. Not only does this face wash smell pretty incredible with its scented with rose geranium scented oils, it always leaves my skin feeling fresh and looking radiant. 

This face wash starts off in a gel form and as soon as you start to wash your face it works up into a lovely soapy lather that really leaves my face feeling clean. I love that it also gets rid of all those bits of stubborn makeup that my remover always seams to miss. The one thing that is an essential for me with any face wash is that it keeps my skin looking clear and keeps any nasty spots that think about making an appearance well at bay. Well after using this little beauty of a face wash for some weeks now I can report back that my skin has been super clear with only the pesky little spot or two popping up which I think is amazing! I really wasn't expecting that at all from this cleanser.

Not only have Organic Surge brought out an amazing face wash, they've made it suitable for all skin types too which is great. I have oily to combination skin, which is also a little prone to getting a bit dry and this face wash seams to work perfectly with my complex skin, so I'm feeling pretty confident that it will work wonders no matter what skin type you have.

This face wash has definitely become a favourite of mine and I know that once it's gone I will be ordering some more, I love it!

I would love to know if you've tried any products from Organic Surge and what your favourite face wash is? Let me know in the comments below.

Lots of Love


Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Topshop Twinsets || OOTD

Boots - River Island

Leather Boots - Topshop 

You guys know how I feel about twinsets at the moment, so you can only imagine my excitement when these two gorgeous knitted twinsets from Topshop hit the shops. My friend Emily over at Lost In Knit and I had so much fun shooting these cute co-ordinates, they really are the perfect pieces for autumn don't you think?

I would love to know your thoughts on the Topshop twinsets and how your planning on working your knitwear into your wardrobe this month, let me know in the comments below.

Lots of Love

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