Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Mummy Post | Archies 5 Month Update

Mummy and Baby, Mummy, Parent, Parent Blogger, Archie, Baby Boy, Baby Feeding, Baby Sleeping, 5 month baby update

Mummy and Baby, Mummy, Parent, Parent Blogger, Archie, Baby Boy, Baby Feeding, Baby Sleeping, 5 month baby update

For those of you who love to keep with Archies update posts, I'm really sorry that I missed out his 4 month one for you all. Don't worry it's not because I had forgotten, it's just that there wasn't really too much to update you on and I thought that the post might have been a little very similar to his 3 month update. The only real difference there was between month 3 and 4 was the size of him, he's becoming quite the little chunk; I don't know why but theres something about babies and they're really chunky arms and legs which is so adorable! Today my little man reaches the 20 week mark and I can't believe where the time has gone, its going crazily fast and he's really starting to come into his own. There have been lots of new changes in him so this post will have lots of new updates for you all.


Archie is still a fantastic sleeper and he still sleeps the whole way through the night. His bedtime is now at eight every night and he has his last bottle of milk around half 7. He has a lovely little bedtime routine. Around 7 we start bathing him (we only bath him a few times a week as he gets really dry skin), if were not bathing him we settle down with a nice baby massage which he loves, followed by a bedtime story and then his milk. Usually by this point, he's in a full blown milk coma and after a few sleepy cuddles, he's in bed and sleeps the way through. However there have been those occasions where he's still wide awake after his last feed. I like to stay up with him for a little bit to let his milk go down, then I'll put him in his cot read him a bed time story and this is the part that makes me so proud, wait for it.... He falls asleep by himself. Its like he knows that its bedtime and he will just drift off when he's ready. I've read that so many parents can struggle with getting their little ones to sleep by themselves at nighttime and I can't believe Archie has overcome this already at such an early stage in his life, he's such a little gem. Having a baby that loves sleeping through the night is a dream, but it does mean that spends a lot of the daytime wide awake. 


This is where I've seen the biggest change in Archie over the last month or so and its my favourite part, I would say that right now he has become such a little character and he just makes me laugh all the time. Over the last month I've seen him laughing and chuckling, blowing lots of raspberries and making lots of baby sounds. He loves all the interaction and he responds to so much, its the special moments I have with him that make everyday so precious. Already he loves to make a lot of sounds and I think once he starts talking he will be one of these boys that won't keep quiet, he's very rarely quiet at the moment. I've also seen a huge change with him with his toys and his hand eye co-ordination is really coming along. Right now he wants to pick up everything in sight and pop it his mouth. It's really funny because he keeps trying to grab hold of my nose and try and pull it towards his mouth.

Mummy and Baby, Mummy, Parent, Parent Blogger, Archie, Baby Boy, Baby Feeding, Baby Sleeping, 5 month baby update


Archie loves his food, its really the only time he cries or gets grizzly is when a feed is due. He will have five bottles a day, every three to four hours. He is starting to teeth though which means that feeding times have become a little difficult. Because his gums are so sore he does try and refuse his milk sometimes even though he's hungry. Some days are better than others, but on the days where his gums are sore a feed can take best part of an hour. I'm really excited for his 6 month mark though as that means we can start weaning him and I can't wait for him to explore different tastes and try food. Now and again James and I will give him the odd bit of food, like rusks mixed with his baby milk and baby rice and he loves these, so I know he's going to love trying foods for the first time. Already he's taken such an interest in our food and tries to grab whatever is on our plates.

Body Changes & Movement

Archie now has full control over his head and no longer needs our hands to support it which is lovely. He can't sit up unaided yet, but propped up in a chair or with the support of us he sits absolutely fine. He loves sitting up and being able to see the world from a different angle. He was bought a baby play chair when he was born from his godfather and he has been loving it the last few weeks. He loves trying to pick up his toys and has a lot of fun trying to get them in his mouth. Archies still not the biggest fan of tummy time though, he gets frustrated very quickly and its not long before he's grizzling to get back on his back. It's something we try with him daily and he is getting better at it, but just doesnt like it. 

I have to say the last month has been the most enjoyable with Archie, we're way past that routine of feed, sleep and repeat; everyday he's learning new things and everyday his personality is shining through. I'm really excited for next month, if you have any tips on weaning then please share them with me.



  1. This was lovely to read, Archie is so cute and what a lovely name too :) I'm due to have a little boy in 2 months time & I hope he sleeps as well as your little one does! x

    Gemma Louise

  2. he looks so full of life! I bet he will be one of those babies that crawls and then walks really fast! :) he is precious!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

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