Tuesday, 26 June 2018

New Fantasy Palette from Girls With Attitude | Swatches & Review

Don't you just love it when one of your favourite brands comes out with a new release? Last week saw the launch of the new Girls With Attitude Fantasy Palette. You guys know how much I love my eyeshadow palettes and I'm obsessed with anything from Girls With Attitude, so be prepared for a whole lot of love in this blog post. The new Fantasy Palette features eighteen eyeshadows that have all been beautifully selected and are perfect for any occasion coming up this summer, so if you're on the look out for your new summer makeup bag essential then keep on reading...


Tuesday, 19 June 2018

A Little Tour of Archie's Nursery

I was scrolling through my blog the other day hoping that some inpirstation would strike (I've had a bad case of the dreaded bloggers block recently) and it occurred to me that I've never shared Archie's Nursery with anyone on the Internet. I know a lot of you who read here are fellow mums or mums to be and I know that I loved reading these posts whilst I was pregnant and I spent way too many hours browsing Pinterest for nursery inspiration. Archie is now two and it makes me a little sad to think that not only is he growing up, but its time to start changing things up a little bit in his room and start making things a little less babyish in there. Theres talk between the hubby and I about upgrading Archie's cot to a bed as he's almost out grown it (he's really tall for his age) and with a new bed I think it's time for a new theme (hello Pinterest). So before everything gets turned upside down and redecorated I thought I would grab some snaps for you guys and myself - Because let's face it, I would be gutted if I didn't have these photo's to look back on in a few years time.


Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Get the Perfect Summer Skin with GWA Liquid Glow Illuminators

Summer is just around the corner and I don't know if it's just me, but there seems to be a lot of hype and love right now for products that make your skin glow. I know my Instagram feed is full of beautiful products which will illuminate the skin and so many people are raving about the new Sol de Janeiro Ipanema Sunset Glow Oil which looks stunning, but with a price tag of £35.00 it's not at the very top of my wish list of things I need to buy. It got me thinking about cheaper alternatives and straight away my two favourite Liquid Glow Illuminators from Girls With Attitude came to mind. I've had the two illuminators in my makeup stash for a little while now, but have only really used them as highlighters - But it got me thinking about other ways that I can use them to achieve a really similar look to the more pricey Sunset Glow Oil and I thought I'd share with you my top tips on how I use these two GWA Illuminators to get the most gorgeous summer skin.

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