Tuesday, 25 September 2018

My Top Three Transitional Palettes To Take You From Summer To Autumn

Autumn is here, it's officially here and I'm loving that September is off to a colder start. Usually we can get some nice weather this time of year and hold on to that last bit of summer. But this year I'm so ready to whip out all of my cosy jumpers, wear boots with extra fluffy socks and enjoy some cosy nights with the heating on and a hot chocolate in hand - Sounds good right? Whilst I'm pretty much ready to dive right into autumn, I'm not quite ready to change my makeup looks completely and whilst I want to dress for the colder weather, I still want my makeup look glowy and fresh. I think it's nice if makeup has more of a transitional phase into a season, rather than jumping straight in. Slowly my lipstick shades are getting darker and I can't wait to bring out the berry toned lipsticks. Today I want to talk about eyeshadow palettes and I've picked out my top three palettes that I think are perfect for this in-between stage of seasons and that you can carry on using throughout the season.


Sunday, 16 September 2018

The Best Lush Bath Bomb for Busy Hardworking Mums

Lush Twilight Bath Bomb

Like most people out there I'm a huge fan of Lush! Actually I'm yet to meet anyone who doesn't like the brand - Lets face it, who doesn't love a company that not only make products that look and smell incredible but who also make the best bath products ever! I've loved Lush since my very early teens, before Lush even became a huge global brand. My aunt lives in Poole, which is the birthplace of Lush so whenever my sister and I used to stay there during the summer holidays, she would always take us to the Lush shop and treat us to a few bath time treats. One of my favourite products back then where the bath bombs and they are probably still my favourite things to buy from Lush almost twenty years later. Picking your favourite product from Lush is just as hard as choosing a favourite family member, so much so that I don't think I've ever tried a product from Lush that I didn't like or fall in love with. I'm always buying things from Lush, so I want to start sharing more of my favourite products from the brand. I thought the perfect way of doing this would be to start up a little mini series where I choose favourite products for all my different needs and today I thought I'd share my favourite bath bomb for us busy hard working mums.... Which of course is Twilight.

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