Wednesday, 10 April 2019

My Top Tips for Taking The Perfect Photo of You & Your Toddler

Over the last couple of months, I've really tried to switch things up on Instagram and move away from the beauty flatlay's. You guys know that I love my beauty treats but I'm slowly moving away from all of that and focusing on becoming an established mummy/family blogger because that is my main focus on life right now. One thing that I love doing is taking photos of myself and Archie, I find these photos do really well on Instagram and they are great keep sakes for the family photo album. Whilst these kinds of photos are my favourite, they are by far the most difficult to take and I'll warn you now sometimes your photos shoots will be a complete fail. Trust me, I have an album on my laptop with hundreds of crazy blooper photos. Trying to take a photo of a toddler on their own is hard enough as it is but taking a nice photo of you and a three year old who isn't sleeping and refuses to sit still is a nightmare.

As most of the photos that you see of myself and Archie over on my Instagram are taken by myself, I thought today that I would share with you some top tips and things that have really helped me to take those photos. Plus a few of you have been asking how I take these pictures and if my three year old really sits still for the camera (he really doesn't).
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