Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Bondi Sands Self Tanning Foam - Full Review

Bit of an unrelated mum post for you all today, but I felt like taking it back to how I used to blog a few years ago and talk about beauty. I actually can't remember the last time I posted about a beauty item and I know so many of you are still around for those posts, so here we are. Back when I first started my blog, I used to have a mini series called 'Bronze me Beautiful' so this post is a little ode to that because todays topic is all about the tanning life and what tanning products I'm obsessed with right now.

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Why a Girls Holiday is Still Ok When You Become A Mum

On Friday night two weeks ago, I had my bags packed and ready to leave the airpot to head to Ibiza for my best friends Hen Do. Before deciding to commit to the Hen Do, I had a lot of worries and doubts and even considered backing out of my best friends important weekend, all because I had the mum guilt. Mum guilt is very real and I get it in waves about the smallest and simplest of things, so you can imagine what kind of guilt I was feeling about leaving my baby for a long weekend. After some long discussions with the other half, who insisted that I went, I secured my place with my deposit and off I went the other weekend on what I would class as one of the best long weekends away I've had in a long time. I know a lot of us mums get thrown in situations where we feel torn between choosing our children and our desire to do things for ourselves; More often or not our babies win every time (and rightly so), but every now and again it's ok to do something for yourself. So today I thought I'd sit down and tell you why it's ok to get out the house and let your hair down once in a while. Grab a drink and some cake if you have some lying around as this is probably going to be a long post as I have a lot to say about getting over the mum guilt fear.
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