Saturday, 14 December 2013

Birthday Haul

So last weekend I turned another year older and celebrated my 26th birthday ('m an old beauty blogger I know)and despite being another year older - Trust me when I say I've reached the point where I no longer want to get any older, I think I had one of the best birthdays ever! It was so lovely spending the entire weekend with close friends and family and the whole weekend was filled with special moments that will stay with me forever.

On the Saturday I had my best mates over for a night out on the town and a huge girly sleepover. It was one of those nights where I didn't get any sleep whatsoever and I may of had too many cocktails, so much so that come 7 o'Clock Sunday morning I was still stumbling around my room in fits of laughter - Oh dear Dannie! 

My actual birthday was on the Sunday and my closest family came together for a big family meal to celebrate. We went out to one of the best Chinese restaurants in our town and spent about 3 hours there just eating, chilling and all catching up. It was just so lovely spending the day with all the people that I love the most and having a good ole giggle around the table. Once the meal had finished it was decided that everyone would give me my birthday presents. I'm one of these girls that want's so much, but realistically I don't need anything so come Christmas and Birthday time I always tell my family not to goo too crazy and just get me anything they think I will like. Well this year I was in total shock and surprise as I really received the best birthday goodies any girl could ever ask for. I couldn't believe how lucky I was when I opened a rather large box and found that everyone had chipped in to get me my dream camera! Everyone know's how blogging has been a huge part of my life over the last two years and I had been going on about saving up for a decent camera for the longest of time. I couldn't believe the amount of planning that was put into get my camera, and the thoughtfulness behind this gift was so overwhelming. I am now the proud owner of a Nikon D5200 and it's become my little baby... I love it. I think it's going to take me a good while to master this camera completely but already I've been snapping away and I can't wait to improve the overall quality of my blog though my pictures. This really is the best birthday present ever. 

Along side my camera I also got a few other gifts including this delicate and gorgeous heart Pandora charm. My sister also treated me to a Snow Fairy Gift Set from Lush as you can only get it this time of year and it's always been a little birthday present tradition. My best friend also got me another gift which had me squealing with excitement and it is another one of those presents that I will remember forever. I've probably mentioned this before on my blog somewhere, but for those of you who don't know penguins are one of my favourite animals. I just think penguins are so funny and are so adorable and I could actually sit and talk about them for a good few hours... With that being said I would love to introduce to you all Ricky...

Yes Ricky is my adopted penguin for the year, he currently lives at London Zoo and I have a ticket to go and see him sometime next year. I can't believe that I have my very own pet penguin which I think is pretty amazing. Just how adorable is Ricky with his blonde hair - I love him.

Overall I had the best birthday ever and I feel like the luckiest girl ever. I know my family and friends read my blog so I just want to say a huge thank you all for making my day so special. I also want to thank all my followers and to those of you who wished me a Happy Birthday over social media platforms too, I love you all to bits.

Lots of Love



  1. Happy Birthday for last week. I never knew you could adopt a penguin. That's so cute xx

  2. Happy birthday! My boyfriend adopted an elephant for me last christmas and I'm so sad that the year is almost over!! Love the charm x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter

  3. Ah babe what a wonderful haul of goodies.. you lucky, lucky girl! I am so happy for you! Your photo's are already so much better in this one post! I can't wait to see your photo's in the coming months! Ricky is soooo adorable too, bless him! xxxx

  4. Argh these are the cutest gifts!

    RICKY <3

    Georgina at

  5. Aw so thoughtful that everyone got you the camera, I bet your in love. And a penguin! Awww!

    Liza | Glambeautys | YouTube

  6. Happy Birthday Danielle :)
    I hope you had a lovely day. What lovely gifts you had, adopting the Penguin is amazing :)
    Amy x A Little Boat Sailing

  7. Happy belated birthday, amazing presents and aww a penguin how cute. x

    Catherines Loves

  8. Hope you had a fantastic birthday!

    Beth | BethBlogsBeauty

  9. Happy Birthday and lovely gifts!

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale |

  10. Aww happy belated birthday! I own a Nikon too and I feel the same way about it, I hope you love it. That Pandora charm is beautiful, and how exciting is it to be able to adopt your own pet penguin.


    Shree |

  11. aww im so glad you had a lovely birthday petal! Just having a good catch-up on your blog :)
    Thats so nice of your friends/family to get you the camera! How exciting!
    & your little penguin is so cuteee! You'll have to get some snaps of him when you go and visit :)



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