Sunday, 26 January 2014

What's In My Bag

This morning I woke up bright and breezy and was really in the mood to get some blogging done, however the weather really wasn't on my side as its been dark, miserable, grey and full of downpour all day. It's really typical that the one day off I get in the week where I have time to take pictures and I have no natural light to take them in. As you know it can just be very demotivating when a pretty lipstick wont transfer on to camera because of the lighting. I was thinking about alternatives as what I could blog about today and it occurred to me that I've never done the classic blogger 'What's in my bag' post. So I decided to make the best out of what lighting I did have and got snapping away at the contents of my bag.

I have no idea why its taken me this long to get this post up as I love having a good old nosy at what other people carry around with them in their handbags. I suppose I just always thought that the contents of mine where never that exciting, so apologies now if this post does not live up to your expectations as my bag doesn't really contain anything too juicy.

The bag that I'm currently using and am still in love with has to be my super glittery gold sparkly Next bag that I received for Christmas the other year. Throughout the year I'm like most girls and will change up my bag depending on the seasons and outfits. However I always find myself going back to this bag as its perfect. Its just the right size so I don't end up carrying too much stuff around with me and I love how it glitters and it really jazzes things up a little, especially with the weather being so dreary and dull.

I thought I would start with beauty essentials, no matter what handbag I'm carrying around with me I will always pop in my makeup bag for those much needed top ups during the day. I wont go into the details of whats in my makeup bag as this post will go on forever so I'll save that for another day. But at the moment I'm currently using my new Ted Baker makeup bag, its just the perfect size to fit into my bag and I love the style of it, it's so pretty. As well as carrying a makeup bag around with me I'm very guilty of just chucking in endless lip products into my bag for on the go or when I'm leaving the house in a hurry. Currently I have two Revlon Lip Butters floating around in there (Raspberry Pie and Wild Watermelon), along with the infamous Rimmel 107 Lipstick by Kate Moss, its a fave! As well as carrying around lipsticks no handbag would be complete with out a trusty lip balm and I'm loving this strawberry flavoured one from Rose & Co.

Following on from makeup essentials, I also carry around some much needed hair accessories to keep my hair well under control. The weather is always so unpredictable and my hair never will never look as good as what it did first thing in the morning when I leave the house. I love my purple zebra Denman Brush as it does a great job at brushing out any tangles with ease. Alongside my hairbrush I will always find a few kirby grips, hair bobbles and clips floating around at the bottom of my bag too.

These next items are pretty standard and will be in everyone's handbag, but you can't leave the house without your purse, keys and mobile! I'm currently using this leopard print purse which is also from Next - it's getting a little old now and could do with an upgrade (I'm thinking about treating myself to a Ted Baker one). I also have my keys with my cute little Me To You Bear attached to it. My phone is a little bit on the boring side as I have no fancy phone case on it at all as the last one I had broke and I'm not one of these people that purchase endless amount of cases - I really want to have cute and cool phone cases but they are always on the bottom of my to buy list and I'm forever forgetting to get a new ones. If any of you know good places to buy phone cases please let me know.

Next in my bag are those products I'm forever grateful that I've popped in there because they are great for those little emergency moments. I hate having dry skin and although I moisturise every morning without fail, I can find sometimes that my skin becomes dry during the day. I love this Strawberry Body Butter from the Body Shop as it smells so dreamy and does an amazing job at hydrating and nourishing my skin - I love that it's the small travel size pot too which makes it perfect for on the go. 

I also have to carry a hand sanitser around with me as you never know when your going to need to clean your hands on the go, especially when your out and about. I'm not really fussy when it comes to choosing a hand sanitser as long as it smells nice and does the job - Currently I'm using this thyme and tea tree oil one from Radox which smells rather pleasant.

I'm also like every other typical girl and will carry a nail fail around with me. Currently I'm using this little baby pink one that came in a Ted Baker grooming kit and I love how it says 'Single File Please' written on it - I love simple touches like these and it definitely handbag worthy.

And last but not least I have those little miscellaneous items that get thrown into my bag. For some reason I will always have a little bit of emergency chocolate in my bag - Does anyone else do this? I'm always on the go and sometimes I don't have time for lunch or breakfast and need a little sugary snack as a pick me up during the day. I'm really fortunate as my dad works for Cadbury so there is always an endless supply of chocolate in my house and currently I have a whole box filled with these miniature dairy milks which make a great emergency chocolate.

I also have a padlock in the bottom of my bag, which may seam so random but I have to use one for the lockers at my Gym and for some reason it's made its way out of my gym back and into my regular bag.

As well as emergency chocolate and a padlock I also carry around with me my locker key and card for work which is an item I cannot leave the house without (on work days of course).

So there we have it, the full contents of my bag - I told you that it wasn't that exciting so I really hope that this post has not been too boring but like I said its always good to have a little peek at what others carry around with them. I would love to know if any of them items in my bag match yours? Be sure to let me know in the comments below.

Lots of Love


Thursday, 23 January 2014


Hi ladies, I mentioned this in my latest OOTD post, but the other weekend I had a special invitation down to ASOS Headquarters to take part in a Swap Shop along with some fellow ASOS insiders. I've been meaning to get this post up much sooner, but I really wanted to share with you all just what we all got up too down at ASOS because I truly had the best time ever....

I woke up on the Saturday morning  of the Swap Shop feeling so excited but a little bit anxious at the same time because travelling to London on my own is quite a big thing for me (I'm not the best in places I don't know especially when I'm on my own) and this was the first time that I would be meeting some other beauty and fashion bloggers and although I know were all a lovely bunch it can be a little bit daunting at times meeting so many new people all at once. Needless to say I had no need to be feeling anxious at all because all the girls I met at ASOS where so lovely and I've made some new friends out of the whole experience.

After a rather speedy train journey to London I arrived outside ASOS HQ just before 11 and met up with Lizi another ASOS insider who I had been speaking to over Twitter. We both found the ASOS building pretty quickly as we had been told that its a huge building and has these giant cats guarding the entrance (ASOS always do it best).

Apon arrival us Insiders were able to have a little mingle and were treated to a yummy breakfast filled with delicious pasties and some yogurt in mini little dishes. Everyone was so excited about the Swap Shop and it wasn't long before we were all talking about the items of clothing we had brought in to exchange for something new or for another insiders item of clothing. Everyone loves shopping and this was even better as it was like free shopping. I had always heard a lot about these Swap Shops, but this is the first one I had ever taken part in. For those of you who are not quite sure what I'm going on about, I'll explain. To take part in a swap shop you just take in some items of clothing (that are in good condition) and swap them for something else. Let's face it we all have that dress that we buy, only wear once and have it sitting there in your wardrobe collecting dust. 

After breakfast and a quick browse of the swap shop rails, ASOS put a little talk on for us all about the ASOS Marketplace. I had a little idea about what the ASOS Marketplace was about before the talk but I was amazed by hearing just how much the Marketplace has to offer. I love ASOS (as you know) and I'm forever placing orders and treating myself, but never have I ordered something from the Marketplace bit, but I've learnt that it really is a great place to shop especially if your after something vintage or a little more bespoke. There are so many Boutiques on there offering so many wonderful items of clothing that you just can't find on the high street or on other online shops - I'm definitely going to make it the first point of call when I come to doing some online shopping again.

Not only do the Marketplace offer online selling for Boutiques but they also have a wardrobe section where the likes of you and I can sell our clothes and of course we can shop there too. One of the ladies in the talk said 'Without a doubt fashion bloggers have the best wardrobes' so if your after something you've seen in another fashion bloggers OOTD then the wardrobe section on ASOS is a great place to look.

Once the talk was over, we were treated to a fabulous lunch and let my just say ASOS know how to put on quite the feast! The food was gorgeous. Once our bellies were full it was time for us all to get down to serious business, which of course was the Swap Shop. Everyone kind of had a good mind about what items of clothing they wanted to take home with them and because there was only one of everything it really was going to be a race to see who could get what item first. Oh my gosh guys let me tell you I've never had a shopping experience which has been filled with so much adrenaline and excitement - All of us ASOS insiders lined up ready for the word 'go' so we could start shopping and I think its pretty safe to say that everyone had that excitement fluttery feeling in our bellies. 

The shopping experience was over pretty quickly as it was a race to get the best picks, but I think its fair to say that the majority of us all got the items of clothing we had our hearts set on. I was so pleased to pick up the gorgeous red check tartan trousers I had my eye on and a gorgeous baroque velvet dress - I was very chuffed indeed. As ASOS had kindly donated a load of items for the Swap Shop there was a lot of things left over and after all the swapping and shopping was done ASOS kindly told us that everything must go and just to help ourselves and we did exactly that. I was thrilled that not only did I get my two amazing items of clothing for exchange of a dress and jacket that I'd never wear again, but I also managed to bag a pair of shoes and some lush cigarette trousers which would be perfect for work.

After being well and truly shopped out it was time for another sit down, this time the talks were lead by Mod Dolly and House of Jam - Two of the ASOS Marketplace Boutique sellers. Both talks were so insightful as they explained how their business' have grown and how ASOS Marketplace has been a great platform for them to do so.

After the talks it was time to say goodbye (until next time) and make my way home to Northampton. I honestly had the best time and met some lovely ladies including Lizi from Glasses Gil, Lucy from Lucy Loves, Charlie from Freakum Dress, Charlotte from Apple Charlotte and Hanna from the Wardrobe Challenge - All great girlies and I would love it if you had the time to go and say hello to them.

I would love to say a HUGE thank you to ASOS for inviting me down to London for the Swap Shop I had such a great time and I can't wait for the next Access All ASOS event. If any of you ladies have been to a Swap Shop be sure to let me know in the comments below, I would love to know how you got on. 

Lots of Love


Sunday, 19 January 2014

The Best of 2013 Makeup Favourites

Usually every month without fail I manage to get a monthly favourites post up for you all, however my feed on Bloglovin over the last few weeks has been filled with everyone's favourite beauty items for 2013 in replacement of a monthly favourite post. I realise I am a little late in getting this post up and am completely jumping on the 2013 favourites bandwagon, but I've been loving reading these type of posts  so much and its always nice having a nosy to see what everyone else has been loving. Today I thought I would share with you all my most loved and favourite makeup items from last year...

Revlon Color Stay Foundation 

I first picked up a bottle of this foundation around summer time and since then its been the only foundation that I've used. The Revlon Colour Stay foundation has become a bit of an holy grail product for me and here's why... When it comes to foundation I really love a matte finish and something that is long lasting which also gives me full coverage and this foundation really ticks all of those boxes. I am one of these people who don't have the time  and nor do I want to have the trouble of keep topping up my makeup throughout the day and the Revlon Color Stay really does stay put and makes a great base as the rest of my makeup never needs topping up either (apart from my lippie of course). I love how this foundation makes your skin look flawless and perfect and its a bonus that its a drugstore product and wont cost the heaven and earth. 

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer 

I can imagine that this concealer from Collection has made an appearance in everyone's yearly favourite posts as is such a cult beauty item and I can see why - It's ah-ma-zing. Without fail I always have one of these little tubes of concealer in my makeup bag and I reach for it daily. The doe-foot applicator makes this concealer so easy to apply and I love the coverage that it gives; It's brilliant at covering any blemishes and hiding any dark circles, I think I will continue to love it forever.

No7 Perfectly Bronzed Dual Bronzer 

I love trying and testing out new bronzers but this one from No7 has been a staple in my makeup bag for 2013. I love using bronzer to give me an all over summer glow or to contour with and the No7 Perfectly Bronzed Dual Bronzer is perfect for both. The actual bronzer is a warm deep rich matte sahde that has great pigmentation, whilst the highlighter is a little on the subtle side and as its golden it really compliments the bronzer. I often think No7 beauty products can often be overlooked but there are a few little gems that they have in their range and this brozner is definitely one of them, if you would like to read my full review of this you can find it here.

Bourjois Paris Bronzing Primer 

As you can probably see from the picture, this bronzer from Bourjois has been well loved and I will definitely be picking up a new one once I've used it all up. This bronzer is perfect if your looking to add an all over golden glow to your skintone and I love how it can be either used underneath your foundation or over the top. It's so easy to use, smells amazing and helps to even out skin tone. I've read so many times that this is a great dupe for the Chanel Bronze Universal and although I've not tried that product to compare it too, its great knowing that there is a similar and affordable beauty product that I can use as an alternative. I love the way this product looks on and I'm sure it will be getting just as much love this year. You can read my full review here

Benefit Brow Zings 

If I had to pick one beauty product that really changed the way that I did my makeup Benefits Brow Zings would be the product that I would choose. Before picking up this eyebrow palette from Benefit I used to be guilty of just filling and shaping my eyebrows with a pencil - However looking back at old photos I think that this made my eyebrows look a bit fake and just ugly. After much debate I finally decided to pick up the Benefit Brow Zings and it has become one of those holy grail makeup items for me, I use this every day without fail! I really think eyebrows frame your face and help to define your facial features so its really important for them to look perfect and this brow palette does just that, I absolutely love it.

L'Oreal Volume Million Lashes 

I cannot express to you guys just how much I love this mascara from L'Oreal, I swear its the only mascara that I really used in 2013 - Yes I picked up a few others to try and test but nothing else compared to the the Volume Million Lashes. Naturally my eyelashes are pretty long so I'm always wanting a mascara to give my lashes plenty of volume and this mascara does just that. The Volume Million Lashes does a great job of adding drama and volume to your lashes without making them look clumpy, if you would like to read my full review of my holy grail mascara you can find it here.  

MAC Smolder 

Way back at the beginning of 2013 I decided to splash out on the MAC eyeliner pencil in Smolder and certainly have no regrets in paying out £14.00 for an eyeliner, which in my opinion is a tad on the expensive side for what it is. However this has to be the best eyeliner I've ever used and would happily pay its price tag again and again just to keep on using this eyeliner. MAC Smolder has to be the blackest of black shade and works perfectly when your wanting to create that perfect smokey eye. I also love how this stays put in your waterline all day and wont budge at all. The liner has a really smooth and creamy finish which makes blending it a dream, but once it dries it stays put and wont budge at all!

The Naked Palette 

I couldn't get my beauty favouties of 2013 up without including my much loved Naked Palette. The Urban Decay Naked Palette has to be such a favoutire in the beauty industry and I have to say I was a little late when it came to getting my hands on one. I received the original palette for Christmas in 2012 and since then I've probably used this everyday. As you can see from the pictures, mine looks well loved and some shades have been used constantly used throughout 2013, I'm gutted that I've hit pan on some of my favourite shades which include Virgin, Sin and Sidecar. I love how I can create so many looks with just one palette. I've been using sin and virgin constantly in the inner corner of my eye to brighten it up and I find that Buck and Naked make a great everyday crease colour. I know I'm going to continue loving this infamous palette but I have to say I am desperately wanting to pick up the Naked 3 Palette and seeing as I still have Christmas money to spend I think I'm just going to have to treat myself to it, I don't think I'll be able to resit for much longer - So it may mean that my Naked Palette takes a back step this year, we shall have to see.

MAC Paint Pot Let's Skate 

I am one of these people who love applying a base on my eye lids before using an eyeshadow and I've always been quite the fan of MAC Paint Pots. In 2013 I picked up Lets Skate which was originally a limited edition shade, but something that MAC decided to release into their permanent collection and I'm so pleased they did. Let's Skate is such a gorgeous neutral pink shade that has the tiniest flecks of glitter and shimmer in it which just make your eyes pop. It makes a great base for all your other shadows or looks fabulous on its own blended out onto your eye lids. If you would like to see just how pretty this Paint Pot really is be sure to take a look at my full review here.

Sleek Blush in Flamingo

In 2013 I bought my first ever product from Sleek and instantly fell in love with the brand and in particular I've found their blushers to be amazing and spot on and I've managed to add quite a few to my makeup collection. It was really difficult for me to narrow my favourite blush down to just one but in the end decided that the Sleek Blush in the shade Flamingo has been my most reached and most loved blush of 2013. I love how pigmented and bright this blush is and you only need to use the lightest of hand to get a gorgeous rosy glow when using this. I adore pretty pink blushes and you can't get more pink than Sleek's Flamingo, if you would like to read my full review you can find it here.

MAC Impassioned Lipstick

When it comes to lipstick I'm not really a nude or neutral shade kind of girl, I usually stick to bright hot pinks and will pretty much wear this shade on my lips all year round. Out of all the hot pink lipsticks that I own MAC's Impassioned has to be my all time favourite. Impassioned is just gorgeous on and really brightens up my face as soon as i pop it on. As its one of MAC's Amplified formulas this lipsticks is long lasting and I rarely need to top it up during the day. I also think that because this was my first ever MAC lipstick it will always have a special place in my makeup bag. Have a little look at my full review here.

Rimmel Apocalips - Apocaliptic

The Rimmel Apocalips really took the beauty world by storm in 2013 and I think every beauty blogger in the UK has at least one of these in their beauty collection, I know I've picked up most of the shades. I have loved wearing these lip lacquers in 2013 as they have the most unique formula that I've ever used in a lip product - They are the perfect mix between a lipstick and a lip gloss and look beautiful once applied, albeit a bit messy but fabulous all the same. The one that I've gotten the most wear and love from has to be the shade Apocaliptic which is a gorgeous bright fuchsia shade (notice a reoccurring shade here?) This looks so stunning on and I've worn this on many nights out in 2013 it's definitely my go too party lip. If you would like to take a look at my full review including swatches you can find it here.

So that's everything for my 2013 Makeup favourites, I don't know about anyone else but I found it so difficult just to pick out a handful as it really has been a great year for finding new makeup favourites. I would love to know what your holy grail makeup items are and if any of yours match mine be sure to let me know in the comments below.

Lots of Love


Thursday, 16 January 2014

Tartan Check Trousers From ASOS

At the beginning on of the month I posted and shared my excited with you all that I has been one of the lucky ones chosen to become a part of Access All ASOS (you can read that post here) and it wasn't too long until I received my first invitation down to ASOS Headquarters to take part in a Swap Shop which took place on Saturday; I wont go into too much detail about the Swap Shop as I have a post all about the amazing time I had at ASOS coming up for you all at the weekend. What I will say though is that I had the best time and managed to come away with some amazing new items for my wardrobe. As a challenge, ASOS set us the task of styling some of our new fashion finds and I thought I would share with you all the new tartan check trousers that I managed to bag in the Swap Shop.

As soon as my eyes got a glimpse of these red tartan check trousers I knew I just had to have them and crossed my fingers and toes that nobody else wanted to take them home too. With a bit of luck and a bit of a speedy run I managed to pick these trousers up and so I could take them home - Thank you so much ASOS. 

These tartan check trousers are high waisted and are made from a really soft cotton fabric that makes for comfortable wearing - I love the fit and feel of them once on. The trousers have a high waist band and are very tapered in at bottom around the ankles which make them perfect for showing off some great shoes. I've decided to pair mine with my much loved platform boots from River Island. These trousers would look amazing paired with a crop top and a leather jacket, however as its been a little on the colder side I've decided to pair mine with my favourite black cropped jumper and a statement necklace. 

I can see myself getting a lot of wear from these trousers and I love how the tartan trend is still very much in - I think I've gone a tad tartan crazy over the last few months. If you love these trousers just as much as I do you can find the link to them on ASOS right here

I would love to know your thoughts on this outfit and if your still loving tartan just as much as me, be sure to let me know in the comments below.

Lots of Love


Friday, 10 January 2014

Ted Baker Makeup Bag

Over the last year I've seen these beautiful Ted Baker makeup bags become quite the hit with us beauty bloggers and for the longest of time I've wanted pretty shiny patent makeup bag to store my favourite items of makeup in. I've always been lusting after one of these famous makeup bags, but as they are a bit on the expensive side (mine are usually all from Primark) I've never gotten around to treating myself to one. Luckily for me my mum knew that one of these Ted Baker makeup bags had been on my wishlist for some time and decided to treat me one for Christmas, so I thought I would share it with you all today because it's just so beautiful - I love it.

Over the last few months, since starting a job at Moss Bros, Ted Baker is a brand that I've become very fond of and my friend at work and I love pointing our customers in the direction of a Ted Baker suit and matching shoes. Seriously ladies if your man is ever after a suit you need to get him kitted out in a Ted Baker one, not only will he look sharp but the lining and detailing of each Ted Baker garment are amazing. Because Ted Baker is a brand that I now work with, I've grown to love it even more so I was extra thrilled when I opened this present on Christmas morning. I knew straight away when I saw the bright neon green box that this was a Ted Baker item as all the Ted Baker shoes that I sell come in the exact same packaging. 

I absolutely love the colour of this makeup bag that my mum picked out for me, as you can see form the pictures its a gorgeous hot pink shade that has a bright orange bow placed right in the middle of the bag. I love how girly this makeup bag is and the plastic material will make this easy to clean so it will always look pristine (hopefully) - We all know that makeup can sometimes be messy business! One thing that I've learnt from all my Ted Baker training is that the brand really do care about the customer and will always make that extra effort to make each item that extra bit special; and I've noticed that Ted Baker really go all out when it comes to the little details. For instance, I love the detailing of the zipper on this makeup bag - It has the Ted Baker signature engraved on the zipper and I love that the clasp has been designed to look like a ribbon - Its so adorable. 

I know it is a little on the expensive side for a makeup bag, but it really is gorgeous and I know I'm just going to love taking this out of my handbag every time that I need to reapply my makeup. If your looking to treat yourself to a beauty item that is a little different this year, I really would recommend in picking one of these up - I love the colours of this one, but there are so many gorgeous shades to choose from, so there is something for everyone.

There's not much more I can say about this makeup bag other than I love it, and a big thank you to my mum for treating me to one. Just a little fact for you all though ladies... Did you know that the guy behind Ted Baker is not called Ted Baker? The man behind Ted Baker is actually a man named Ray Kelvin and the idea came to him whilst fishing, which is why you see a lot of fish incorporated into some of his designs (take a peek on the website). 

I would love to know if you've got one of the Ted Baker makeup bags and what shade you picked - I'm now thinking about treating myself to one of the bigger bags for when I go travelling. 

Lots of Love


Monday, 6 January 2014

Soap & Glory Smoothie Star Body Buttercream

For those of you who have been following my blog for sometime will know that I have a huge weakness for moisturisers and body butters. I've said this before and will say it again, moisturising my skin with a luxurious body butter has to be one of my favourite parts of getting ready. I find it such an indulgent treat and nothing beats the feeling of rubbing a heavenly body butter over your skin to give it some much needed hydration and moisture.

When it comes to choosing the right Body Butter, Soap & Glory have always stood out for me as their body butters are amazing and stand out way above the rest - I don't think I've ever tried a bad one! As Soap & Glory have quite the selection of body butters to choose from I usually tend to stick with my fvourites such as Sugar Crush and the Righteous Butter. However I decided to branch out a little and try something different based on recommendations from other beauty bloggers. I thought it was about time I tried their Smoothie Star Body Buttercream and oh my gosh its absolutely incredible and I'd even go as far to say this is the best body butter I have ever used in my life, and coming from me that is quite the statement!

The Smoothie Star Body Buttercream is a thick but lightly whipped moisturiser that contains five intensive oils that will make the driest of skin super silky soft. This moisturiser has a mixture of coconut oil, almond oil, pistachio oil, shea butter and cocoa butter all infused together that will make your skin incredibly soft. This moisturiser is such a dream to apply, although its really rich and thick in texture, it skins into the skin so quickly and leaves your skin feeling instantly hydrated and nourished. If your someone who suffers from dry skin, you will love the benefits from using the Smoothie Star Body Buttercream, it really makes such a difference after one use and you skin feels amazing all day.

Not only is the actual body butter wonderful, but the scent is to die for, it has to be the most delicious smelling body butter I've ever smelt, it actually makes me want to eat it. The sweet vanilla fragrance gives this body butter the smell of cake mix, and although its really sweet smelling, it's not too sickly or overpowering. I find that the pistachio and almond oils used make this body butter smell a little more sophisticated, which makes the sweet smell not as rich. One thing that I always want from a body butter, is for the smell to really transfer onto my skin and I love how this body butter really leaves my skin smelling yummy hours after application - I'm forever getting people tell me I smell really sweet whenever I wear this. With the smell being so sweet, it makes it the perfect body butter for this time of year, I think it may be a little too much in the summer months when its really hot and sticky. However using this after a relaxing bubble bath on a cold winters evening is perfect - I sit on the sofa in my pajamas after using this and am just surrounded by sweet smelling smells - its heavenly.

I cannot fault this body butter in anyway and I can see this becoming a holy grail moisturiser for me, it really is that fabulous. If I've still not convinced you that you need to try the Smoothie Star Body Buttercream, I urge to you take a sneaky smell of it on your next visit to Boots - I promise you that you will want to take it home.

I would love to know if you've tried this body butter from Soap & Glory and if you rate it as much as I do. Be sure to let me know in the comments below.

Lots of Love


Sunday, 5 January 2014

The Best of 2013 - Goals For 2014

Seeing as it's the new year I thought I would get a post up that gave myself and my readers the chance to reflect on 2013 and get thinking about 2014. Looking back at all my pictures (all of these were from Intsagram @sunshinesprkle) I think I've had a pretty good year. There were a lot of fun moments in 2013 and in the space of a year I feel like I achieved a lot, got a lot closer to those around me, made some wonderful new friends and smiled and laughed my way though the year. 

I always like the idea of making new years resolutions, however I am with the large number of people who struggle to stick at any one of the resolutions that I make, by February there usually forgotten. So this year I've decided not to set myself a list of all the ways that I want to live my life differently in order to better it. Instead I've decided to set myself some goals that I really want to aim for and achieve. I feel really positive about 2014 and feel/know that I need to work really hard in order to achieve all the things that I want. I know that last year although it had its ups and downs was a goodun! However, I feel that sometimes my judgement and mind was slightly clouded and I wasn't able to get all the things done that I would like to. Having said this a lot changed for me in the last few months of 2013 and I feel the happiest I've ever been and am ready to have a bloomin brilliant this year... Seeing as I love to share bits of my life with you guys I thought I would share with you some of the goals I've set for myself this year

1. Maintain and keep fit - Last year I opened up a new door and started on a little fitness journey which I documented on my blog. Over the last six months I saw such a difference in my body, my mood and my overall well being and I really want to keep this up. This year I'm planning to take things up a few levels in the terms of what I can achieve with my overall fitness - So be sure to stay tuned for a few more fitness related posts.

2. Last year was another year where I saw my little blog go from strength to strength, and this year I really want to continue and work at my blog so it will grow just that little more. It's crazy how much of my life is now fitted around my blog, but its something that I really love doing, am so passionate about and one of those best life changing decisions that I've ever made. This year I really want to focus on getting to know my readers and other bloggers. After two years of blogging, I've still not really been to any blogger events nor have I really gotten to meet any of you, so this is something that I would love to incorporate into my blog and my life this year.

3. And finally my last goal is probably the biggest goal of them all and one that will most definitely be the hardest to achieve, which is to buy a house. I know that this is not going to be easy as securing mortgages and finding the right place is not easy these days. But I feel that it's something that I'm ready for and with a lot of hard work, some help and a little bit of luck I'm feeling pretty confident that its something I can achieve.

So there we have it ladies, a little reflection of last year and my goals for this year. I would love to know what resolutions or goals you have set yourself this year, be sure to let me know in the comments below. Also I would like to wish you all a happy new year and I really hope 2014 brings you everything that you have your heart set on.

Lots of Love

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