Monday, 8 February 2016

Bronze Me Beautiful || Three Fake Tans You Need To Try

Bronze Me Beautiful, Make Believe, Make Believe Tan, Cocoa Brown Gentle Bronze, Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs, My Top Three Fake Tans

I love fake tan! I love it so much that I would happily declare myself as a tanaholic, if there is such a thing. The saying ‘life is better with a tan’ couldn't be more true and its for this reason as to why I love it so much. I’m so obsessed that Im one of these girls who has her weekly tanning regime all perfectly planned and stick to it religiously (mines on a Friday for those of you wondering). In fact I think it was about time I share my tanning routine with you guys as I think I’ve perfected my tanning process now which I’m pretty proud of. Let me know if you want to see this?

A few years ago I had a mini series on my blog which I named ‘Bronze Me Beautiful’ and its where I went over my favourite tanning products with you guys. I don’t know why I stopped this but I’m now ready to talk about tanning again so that series is making a come back starting from today. Since my last tan tastic post, there have been so many new fake tanners that have been released and you can bet that I made it my mission to try and test them. I thought I’d kick start off this bronze me beautiful post with a few of my new favourites.

Bronze Me Beautiful, Make Believe, Make Believe Tan, Cocoa Brown Gentle Bronze, Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs, My Top Three Fake Tans

Last year I was introduced to the brand Make Believe and I don’t think its rated highly enough in the blogosphere. Make Believe specialise in tanning and over the year I’ve worked my way through a lot of their tanning products. The brand have quickly become a favourite of mine because I think their tans are perfect for those days where I want a really natural and beautiful looking tan. One product that I am obsessed with is the Make Believe Self Tan Mist with Bronzer. This tan has become one of my all time favourites as it really does give me a tan that doesn’t scream to everyone ‘I’ve just slapped a load of fake tan on’. Sometimes I’m all about the natural look and just want to look like I’ve had a healthy dose of vitamin D and this it the tan that is perfect for that subtle golden glow.

Not only does the Make Believe Self Tan Mist give me gorgeous results, its also really easy to use and comes in a spray bottle. The actual tan works into my skin really quickly and streak free. I also love how the results are pretty much instant and I could easily leave my house that day with a tan thats perfectly flawless. It can take a little while to dry though, so find application is better in the evening. One other great thing about the Make Believe tan is that it smells so good! It doesn’t have your typical fake tan smell, it smells exotic which I think is the perfect smell for any fake tan.

Bronze Me Beautiful, Make Believe, Make Believe Tan, Cocoa Brown Gentle Bronze, Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs, My Top Three Fake Tans

The next tan is one that rivals my favourite Palmers Gradual Tanner, actually I may even say that its better because the results are just really intense and I always get an amazing gorgeous glow when I use this. The Cocoa Brown Gentle Bronze just glides on like any other moisturiser and all I have to do is let it work its magic overnight for a really lovely tan. One application isn’t dark enough for me, but I find that this is a product I’ll use to top up my tan during the week for a perfect pick me up. I love everything about this tan from the results, the smell and of course its girly pink packaging. 

Last but by no means least is another favourite of mine and I strongly believe that every girl needs a bottle of this stashed away in her beauty cupboard. The Sally Hansen Air Brush legs is just incredible. I would describe this less of a tan and more of a makeup for my body as it really does give my skin the most flawless and perfect finish. My main reason for using it is for those instant tanning results, which are amazing, but the second is to give my skin that flawless air brushed look. I know its designed for your legs, but I’ve been using this all over and it works just as well everywhere else. This is one of those tanners that you need for any fancy occasion, especially one where you do have your legs out, I promise you it's a must.

So there we have it, some of my most recent favourite tanners. I’m thinking my next Bronze Me Beautiful post will be my tanning routine, let me know if your interested in this. 

Happy Bronzing


Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Pregnancy Update - Week 33

Pregnancy, Pregnancy Update, 33 weeks Pregnant, Little Man, Baby Boy, Mums, Lifestyle, Baby Bump,
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Update, 33 weeks Pregnant, Little Man, Baby Boy, Mums, Lifestyle, Baby Bump,

I thought I'd kickstart February with a pregnancy update for you guys. I've been really slacking with these updates, actually with blogging full stop. But I feel that a huge part of this is because January saw me just completely exhausted with my pregnancy and it was by far one of the toughest months that I've been through so far. In January I had just gone into my third trimester and not only did I suffer with complete exhaustion but I was also diagnosed with Anaemia, so I just had no energy levels whatsoever. Honestly it's so hard tying to find the words to decribe just how tired and exhausted I was feeling, I've never felt anything like it in my life. I had to take some time out of work and sadly some time away from my blog. I'm having to take three iron tablets a day to help me with my anaemia and I'm trying to get as much rest as I can, so I feel a good 70% better. I think it also helps that I'm finish work for a year in a weeks time and I am literally counting down the days. It's such a crazy thought that I can't get my head around.... No more work for a YEAR! 

As far as bump and baby go there is so much to report back and as you can see from the pictures, little man has gotten so big; He is pilling on the pounds. As amazing as it is to see him grow, it also terrifies me! I mean I have to push him out and with six and half weeks before his due date I just keep thinking he can't get any bigger, can he? My midwife has already broken the news that I can which just makes me feel more anxious as the due date gets closer. Although I am really excited to meet him, see him and hold him. I think the whole labour thing is bitter sweet, I'm just trying to get my head around that it is actually going to happen and soon. 

How far along? Today I am 33 weeks and 5 days. 

Movement? My little boy is already like me in the fact that he is the biggest fidget bum ever. In the last couple of weeks his movements have been non stop and I am constantly seeing and feeling him have a good wiggle around. I have a feeling that he has really long legs as I'm constantly seeing a foot or leg pop out. As wonderful as it is being able to see him move underneath my skin, it can be really uncomfortable at times, so much so that I tickle my skin to make him pop his feet back in and he responds. I just love our little moments like this.

Food Cravings? There hasn't been anything in particular that I've been craving other than my need for sparkling water still. I probably drink about 2 litres of it a day which is just a crazy amount of sparkle. But at least I'm keeping myself hydrated and my skin has been thanking me for it.

Sleep? Sleeping has been a right nightmare. Sometimes its so bad that I actually dread going to bed at night as I just know that its such a struggle to get comfortable. It's really horrible because as tired as I am, I take forever to drift off. Not to mention I am constantly getting up through the night to go to the toilet which is really frustrating. I think my body is definitely preparing me for a lot of interrupted sleep when baby arrives because I can't remember the last time I slept the whole way through the night,

Gender? Little man is still very much a little man. In December I had to go back from a growth scan and the nurse confirmed that he is definitely a little boy. 

Symptoms? I mentioned my anaemia at the beginning of this post and this is the one symptom that I've really been struggling with. Tiredness is such a killer and its a tiredness that I've never experienced before. Finding any motivation at all is such a struggle.

Stretch Marks? No, I've been oiling up non stop and so far I can't see any!

Belly button in or out? It's finally popped all the way out.

Looking forward to? It has to be finishing work for good. I had to bring my maternity leave forward as I've just really struggled with work and now the finish line is finally in sight. It will be so nice just to have a few weeks to myself before little man arrives.

When I finish work I plan on getting a lot more pregnancy related posts up as theres so many other bits that I want to talk about. If you have any questions please let me know in the comments below. 

Lots of Love

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