Thursday, 8 November 2018

By Invitation Peony Noir - Michael Bublé Fragrances | The Perfect Christmas Present

I feel like perfume is on a lot of peoples shopping list, especially this time of year - Christmas is just around the corner and I know a lot of you are well under way with your Christmas shopping. I'm feeling very proud of myself this year as nearly all of my Christmas shopping is complete... yay. If you are struggling, a safe bet is picking up some fragrance for someone special. I know its the type of present I always appreciate unwrapping and who doesn't love displaying pretty perfume bottles on their dressing table? Recently I've been trying out the new fragrance from Michael Bublé - By Invitation Peony Noir* and I'm here to tell you it's definitely one that you want to be adding to your Christmas wish lists. 

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Hello I'm Back | The Past, Present & Future

Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've sat at my laptop and felt motivated and inspired to write. I know I've been missing in action for a long time, not just on my blog but across all my social media and to be honest I've needed the break. Before I disappeared my blog posts where few and far between and I think I just felt the pressure of blogging - As you all know comparison is the devil, especially within the online community and I found myself really stuck in a rut. To top it all off my nana who I'm really close with passed away at the end of September which completely zapped all of my creative juices. It was a really hard time for me and my family loosing someone so close and I've never experienced a loss of someone close in my adult life so it was a lot for me to deal with. I've just spent my time over the last few weeks being with my family and focusing all my energy on whats really important to me - Archie. Archie is definitely the best medicine and his little cheeky smile has not only helped me get through my own personal struggles but he is always helping me grow and improve as a mother, he really gives me so much more than he'll ever know. In the back of my mind I've always had that little niggle telling me that I need to get back into the everyday swing of life, but the time has not felt right until now. The break was just what I needed and I feel ready to pick up my camera again and getting those creative juices flowing again. Sorry for the really rambly start to this blog post, I'm really out of practice, but what I'm trying to say is that I'm back, sorry for being gone for so long and that I've missed you all.


Tuesday, 25 September 2018

My Top Three Transitional Palettes To Take You From Summer To Autumn

Autumn is here, it's officially here and I'm loving that September is off to a colder start. Usually we can get some nice weather this time of year and hold on to that last bit of summer. But this year I'm so ready to whip out all of my cosy jumpers, wear boots with extra fluffy socks and enjoy some cosy nights with the heating on and a hot chocolate in hand - Sounds good right? Whilst I'm pretty much ready to dive right into autumn, I'm not quite ready to change my makeup looks completely and whilst I want to dress for the colder weather, I still want my makeup look glowy and fresh. I think it's nice if makeup has more of a transitional phase into a season, rather than jumping straight in. Slowly my lipstick shades are getting darker and I can't wait to bring out the berry toned lipsticks. Today I want to talk about eyeshadow palettes and I've picked out my top three palettes that I think are perfect for this in-between stage of seasons and that you can carry on using throughout the season.


Sunday, 16 September 2018

The Best Lush Bath Bomb for Busy Hardworking Mums

Lush Twilight Bath Bomb

Like most people out there I'm a huge fan of Lush! Actually I'm yet to meet anyone who doesn't like the brand - Lets face it, who doesn't love a company that not only make products that look and smell incredible but who also make the best bath products ever! I've loved Lush since my very early teens, before Lush even became a huge global brand. My aunt lives in Poole, which is the birthplace of Lush so whenever my sister and I used to stay there during the summer holidays, she would always take us to the Lush shop and treat us to a few bath time treats. One of my favourite products back then where the bath bombs and they are probably still my favourite things to buy from Lush almost twenty years later. Picking your favourite product from Lush is just as hard as choosing a favourite family member, so much so that I don't think I've ever tried a product from Lush that I didn't like or fall in love with. I'm always buying things from Lush, so I want to start sharing more of my favourite products from the brand. I thought the perfect way of doing this would be to start up a little mini series where I choose favourite products for all my different needs and today I thought I'd share my favourite bath bomb for us busy hard working mums.... Which of course is Twilight.


Wednesday, 29 August 2018

End of Summer Favourites

I can't believe August is coming to an end! Does anyone else think this year is just flying past? I was reminiscing the other day on just how good summer has been this year, I know a lot of us all complained about the heatwave, myself included...But I'm not going to lie, I kind of miss the warm weather. August has been a bit of a flop really weather wise and even though my heart is still clinging onto summer, I'm currently sat here typing this post up sat with a hot water bottle on my lap, which says it all really. Anyway, enough of me being a typical Brit and talking about the weather, what I really wanted to share with you all today is some of my favourite summer beauty items, ones that I've reached for time and time again. Over the last few months I've not really tried anything new, and makeup has been kept to a minimum because of the heat, so the things I have been using really have been must haves for me.

Friday, 24 August 2018

New In From Girls With Attitude | Luxury Faux Mink Lashes

Don't you just love it when your favourite brand releases something new! Girls With Attitude have been hard at work again and have brought us out a new lash range which I think might be their best one yet. You guys know me and that I love a good pair of falsies and think they take any makeup look to the next level. The only time I don't wear false lashes these days is when I know I'm just going to be have a lazy pyjama day at home. For everyday wear, I tend to wear lashes that just add a little bit more volume and length, but there are times in your life where you need your lashes to be full of sass and for those kind of occasions you need to check out the new Girls With Attitude Faux Mink Lashes.

Monday, 6 August 2018

How I Edit My Instagram Photos - My New Favourite Editing App

Do you remember the days where everyones Instagram theme was all white and we all used and abused the whitening tool on Face Tune just to get the right effect? Not to mention the most used filter on VSCO Cam - A5. I'll hold my hands up and say that I'm guilty and when I look back on this section on my Instagram theme I really hate it. Actually thats a little extreme, I don't hate it, but it's definitely not what I'm about anymore. Whilst some bloggers still work this theme AND make it look amazing, it's just not me anymore and I'm definitely more about injecting some colour into my feed. For the last couple of months I've been sticking to one consistent colour in my theme, which is pink and I absolutely love it. But over the last few weeks I've tried incorporating some more lifestyle photos in as I feel that this makes things look more personal and I can give you guys a bit more insight into my life. All these changes on the gram means I've been experimenting with different editing apps and seeing what suits my style best. Well, over the last two months the process of editing my photos has never been more fun and I can only put it down to my new favourite app - A colour Story and today I want to tell you all about it and how I use it to edit my Instagram photos.


Wednesday, 25 July 2018

What's In My Everyday Summer Makeup Bag

As much as I love makeup, I like to keep things to a minimum in the summer. Even though I live nowhere near a beach, I love that 'I've just walked off the beach' kind of look, so less is definitely more. Not to mention with this heat wave we are having, my makeup is just melting away by the afternoon so there really is no need to cake anything on. I thought I'd show you all the contents of my summer makeup bag, just to see what I've been loving recently and it might help you narrow down your essentials too.


Wednesday, 18 July 2018

EvyTechnology Sunscreen Mousse For Kids | The Best Sunscreen for Kids

This heatwave in Britain right now is amazing and I'm loving all the holiday sunshine at home - Who needs to go abroad when the weather is this good? One thing I get really worried and paranoid about is protecting my skin against the sun and I try to avoid sunburnt skin as much as possible. I worry about sun damage and exposure even more so now that I have Archie and the last thing I want is him burning - It's so important to stay safe in the sun and I'm sure every parent will agree with me that its a top priority when it comes to fun in the sun. Archie's a few months past two now and right from the beginning he has hated me applying suncream to him. I've tried everything from creams to sprays, ones that roll on and ones that say they are easy to apply and are non sticky. Everything I've tried always ends in Archie running away from me, crying because I'm applying lotion onto him and more often or not half a bottle of sunscreen all over me. Not only is the sunscreen application a disaster for us, but Archie is always so sticky afterwards which always makes him look really uncomfortable in the hot sun. I always hoped that there was a solution to my sunscreen nightmares and luckily for me there was. A brand called Evy Technology got in touch with me and their revolutionary sunscreen has changed everything for us. So much so that these nightmares are a thing of the past, so I feel like it's my duty to tell every parent out there about how amazing the Evy Technology Sunscreen is, especially if my story is sounds all too familiar for you.


Monday, 2 July 2018

3 Ways To Keep Your Hair Hydrated & Healthy This Summer

With the heat wave last week, it feels like summer has officially started in England and I love it. This week is still going to be hot and with these scorching high temperatures, it actually feels like I'm abroad and as I'm not actually planning on going away anywhere this year, I'm enjoying every ray of sunshine. With the weather being as hot as it is, it's really important to up our beauty routines and take extra care of our bodies and today I'm focusing on keeping your hair happy and healthy. I mentioned this over on my Instagram the other day, but when I go away on holiday I pack everything to ensure that I look after my body and skin, wether this be taking sun creams, after suns, lip balms, hydrating shampoos.... You get the idea. But I think because we never expect it to get as hot here in England and the majority of us work five days a week, you don't think this heat wave is the same as heat you get when your on holiday - Does that even make sense? I think a few of you will know what I mean. I guess what I'm trying to say in a nutshell that it can be easy to forget to look after yourself in this weather because you're doing normal everyday things still. With this in mind, the last few weeks I've been upping my beauty regime and I thought I would take you though my top 3 tips on keeping hair happy, healthy and hydrated this summer. Right now my hair is in the best condition that its been in for a long time and I can only put it down to these three steps.


Tuesday, 26 June 2018

New Fantasy Palette from Girls With Attitude | Swatches & Review

Don't you just love it when one of your favourite brands comes out with a new release? Last week saw the launch of the new Girls With Attitude Fantasy Palette. You guys know how much I love my eyeshadow palettes and I'm obsessed with anything from Girls With Attitude, so be prepared for a whole lot of love in this blog post. The new Fantasy Palette features eighteen eyeshadows that have all been beautifully selected and are perfect for any occasion coming up this summer, so if you're on the look out for your new summer makeup bag essential then keep on reading...


Tuesday, 19 June 2018

A Little Tour of Archie's Nursery

I was scrolling through my blog the other day hoping that some inpirstation would strike (I've had a bad case of the dreaded bloggers block recently) and it occurred to me that I've never shared Archie's Nursery with anyone on the Internet. I know a lot of you who read here are fellow mums or mums to be and I know that I loved reading these posts whilst I was pregnant and I spent way too many hours browsing Pinterest for nursery inspiration. Archie is now two and it makes me a little sad to think that not only is he growing up, but its time to start changing things up a little bit in his room and start making things a little less babyish in there. Theres talk between the hubby and I about upgrading Archie's cot to a bed as he's almost out grown it (he's really tall for his age) and with a new bed I think it's time for a new theme (hello Pinterest). So before everything gets turned upside down and redecorated I thought I would grab some snaps for you guys and myself - Because let's face it, I would be gutted if I didn't have these photo's to look back on in a few years time.


Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Get the Perfect Summer Skin with GWA Liquid Glow Illuminators

Summer is just around the corner and I don't know if it's just me, but there seems to be a lot of hype and love right now for products that make your skin glow. I know my Instagram feed is full of beautiful products which will illuminate the skin and so many people are raving about the new Sol de Janeiro Ipanema Sunset Glow Oil which looks stunning, but with a price tag of £35.00 it's not at the very top of my wish list of things I need to buy. It got me thinking about cheaper alternatives and straight away my two favourite Liquid Glow Illuminators from Girls With Attitude came to mind. I've had the two illuminators in my makeup stash for a little while now, but have only really used them as highlighters - But it got me thinking about other ways that I can use them to achieve a really similar look to the more pricey Sunset Glow Oil and I thought I'd share with you my top tips on how I use these two GWA Illuminators to get the most gorgeous summer skin.


Monday, 28 May 2018

My Favourite Bronzers For The Best Summer Glow

Bronzer is probably one of my favourite makeup items, I think because it always gives my skin that sun kissed look and I love holiday looking skin. For me bronzer is a must and its a step in my makeup that I never miss. We have been blessed in the UK with some gorgeous weather recently (I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will stay) and I thought it was the perfect time to share some of the love on my favourite bronzers and the ones that will be a perfect addition to any makeup bag.


Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Trying Out Makeup & Skincare From Proto-Col | First Impressions

Proto-Col is a brand that I wasn't too familiar with until recently. I had seen a few of their products floating around Instagram from fellow bloggers and from what I had seen thought that the packaging was lovely and the products sounded great. So when the PR team at Proto-Col team got in touch with me asking if I wanted to try out some products I happily agreed. I've been putting a few of their best sellers to the test and I thought I would report back to you all and let you know how I've gotten on. I've posted a few photos on Instagram of some of these items and you guys have all told me that you want to know more about this brand, so here we go.


Wednesday, 16 May 2018

April Beauty Favourites

Can you remember the last time I got up a favourites post? Nope nor can I and I kind of feel like one is long overdue! I don't know why I don't try and make them more of a monthly feature as it feels like my makeup bag is constantly switching and changing around, especially now that spring is in full force, I pretty much have a whole new makeup bag. Today I've narrowed things down and picked out my stand out above the rest favourites for you...

Monday, 7 May 2018

Primark Bronze Range | Cream Eyeshadow, Highlighter & More

Now that spring is full swing and summer is just around the corner (I cannot wait!) it's time to start switching things around in my makeup bag. I am loving more natural looks, with plenty of highlight and I can't get enough of the golden glow. Which is why I was pretty excited to see a new makeup range on my most recent trip to Primark. Recently I've become a big fan of Primark beauty and I loved their Nudes collection, a few weeks ago you may have seen my review on some of their cream eyeshadows (here). As soon as I saw their new Bronze collection I knew that I had to take a few bits home with me. There's quite a few bits in the range to choose from and I could have easily picked one up of everything! I don't think I did too bad with the four bits I picked up, I've only had them for a few days, but already I'm loving everything...


Monday, 30 April 2018

Keeping My Skin Super Silky Soft With Soap & Glory

Before I had Archie I was so good at moisturising and did it on a daily basis, sometimes even twice a day... Crazy I know. But fast forward two years and this routine has disapreaed completly which has made my skin feel so dry and a few weeks ago I knew that I needed to take action. So naturally I turned to one of my favourite body care brands Soap & Glory. There's something about Soap & Glory products that always keep me going back to them time and time again; All the products are packaged so beautifully and smell divine! I made a quick dash into Boots before they shut on my way home from work a few weeks ago with the sole purpose of picking up some moisturiser or body butter - So you guys can only imagine my excitement when I saw that Boots had a 3 for 2 offer across all the S&G body and body care range... Yay! Whilst I love everything I've ever tried from Soap & Glory, I wanted to stock up on the products that would make my skin feel hydrated and silky soft, so I picked up one body butter and two daily moisturisers. These three products have changed my skin dramatically since I started using them so I thought I'd give you a little run down of the products that I love the most and have been using and my daily routine.


Saturday, 28 April 2018

Mini Makeup Revolution Haul

Mini Makeup Revolution Haul

I love Makeup Revolution, when it comes to affordable makeup they are the brand you can always turn to and rely on. I'm pretty sure at one point a few years ago my entire makeup bag was all Makeup Revolution. Whilst I still love the brand, I don't really use their makeup as much as I used to, not because I don't like their products,but because when it comes to makeup there's always something new to try and I just can't help myself when it comes to discovering new brands and trying the latest release of a new product. It was only a month or so ago when it felt that everyone couldn't get enough of Makeup Revolution and word was that their new Conceal and Define Concealer was a pretty much like for like dupe of the Tarte Tape Shape Concealer, which got me really excited. I've always wanted to try Tape Shape, but I've always been put off by the price tag and knowing me I'd probably fall in love with it and that would be cause some damage to my bank balance every time I needed to repurchase it. For weeks and weeks my local Superdrug seemed to be permanently sold out of the Makeup Revolution Conceal and Define Concealer until last week, where they had my shade C5 in stock and I actually felt like jumping with excitement when I saw it. What made things even better was that Superdrug also had 3 for 2 across their makeup, so I decided to pick up a few other bits from Makeup Revolution and today I thought I'd give a little mini review of the things that I picked up.


Tuesday, 10 April 2018

New In From Girls With Attitude, Boujee Blush Palette | Review

If you've ever scrolled through my blog, you will see that there are a lot of posts and reviews from the brand Girls With Attitude and it would come as no surprise to you that they are one of my favourite online brands. I've been one of their biggest fans for a few years now and every time a new product is released I get way too excited because when it comes to branding and the quality of products Girls With Attitude have never ever let me down. A few weeks ago the first ever GWA blush palette came on the scene and I've been using it everyday since, so I thought it would be perfect to get my full review up of the gorgeous Boujee Palette.


Thursday, 5 April 2018

Sleek Matte Me Lip Cream In Shabby Chic | My New Favourite Lipstick

Sleek Matte Me Lip Cream In Shabby Chic

When it comes to lipstick choices, you guys know that matte liquid lipsticks get my heart fluttering every single time, I love them! I just love how easy they are to wear and that one application will last for hours and hours. I'm the kind of girl who doesn't like to reapply her lipstick more than twice a day, which is why this kind of formula works best for me. Not to mention the fact that I love the way a matte lip looks on, I much prefer it to gloss. For the longest of time, it felt that all I ever did way buy lipstick and as I have a pretty large selection of liquid matte lipsticks to choose from I decided that I needed a break from buying anymore, that is until recently. I was in Boots the other week and they had 3 for 2 across all their high street makeup brands (my favourite kind of deal). For my free item I decided to pick up a new liquid matte lipstick and treated myself to one of the new(ish) Matte Me Lip Creams from Sleek. I've seen a lot of bloggers rave about these lipsticks on Instagram, so after doing the usual selection of swatches up my arm, I took the shade 'Shabby Chic' home with me and I am obsessed. I think I have found my new favourite liquid lipstick formula and feel that I have a duty to tell you all about it.


Tuesday, 27 March 2018

My Current Obsession - Primark Nudes Matte Eye Cream's | Review

Primark Nudes Matte Cream Eyeshadows | Review

It had been quite some time since I popped into my local Primark, but last week I decided to quickly dash in on the last ten minutes of my lunch break and as usual didn't come away empty handed. Does anyone actually ever set foot into Primark and walk away with nothing? I'd love to know because its something that never happens to me. My main reason for popping in on a whim was to pick up some more of their false nails because I'm obsessed and when it comes to falsies Primark do the best ones. Right by the nails section I saw a little stand dedicated to their new Nudes makeup range. I saw quite a few people on Instagram positing on their stories about this collection a few weeks ago, but had completely forgotten about it, so I was quite excited when I saw the collection and just knew that I had to pick something up. As I was in a rush, I didn't have the time I would have liked to have a proper browse and do some much needed swatches, but I did decide that I needed to try the Nude Matte Eye Creams and as they only cost £2.00 each, it would have been rude not too. I have to say I was really impressed, so much so that I thought I would share my first impressions of them with you all.


Friday, 23 March 2018

Five Products From Style Freedom You Need To Try

It's been a long time since I typed up a haircare post on my blog, that's because I'm guilty; Over the last few months I've seriously neglected my hair, worn it in basic styles such as messy buns or sorted it with the hair straighteners. Needless to say, my hair has been feeling pretty poor and not in the best condition so I decided that enough was enough and introduced some new haircare and styling products into my routine. I don't know about anyone else but really struggle with knowing what haircare brands to choose from, especially when they don't have the cheapest of price tags, I feel like you have to take a bit of a gamble and hope that whichever product you choose works its magic for you. Since having Archie, I find that a lot of my spare money goes on him and so not wanting to spend too much on haircare I chose the brand Style Freedom which is exclusively sold at Superdrug and I've been so impressed. Not only are the products I've tried amazing, but they won't break the bank with the most expensive item costing only £7.99. I thought I'd give you a little run down of all the Style Freedom products I've been trying as I think it will be helpful for any of you who are like me and wanting to give your hair a little more TLC.


Wednesday, 14 March 2018

My Top Three High End Eyeshadow Palette's That Are Perfect For Spring

Spring is finally in the air and I couldn't be more happier! I love this time of year and it feels lovely to get outside again and not have to wear a million layers just to keep myself warm. You know that spring is almost hear when you see the daffodils starting to sprout, yesterday on my way to pick Archie up from Nursery, I even took my coat off because the sun was shining down on me and it felt wonderful. One thing that I really love with the change of the seasons, is changing up my makeup bag, for the last couple of months I've been on a beauty spending ban (the pain and struggle is real) and I've been shopping my current makeup stash. Although theres no rules as to what makeup palette you wear, I think some of my makeup is more seasonal, especially with the likes of eyeshadow and lipstick. So I had a good rummage through my eyeshadow palettes (theres a few to get through) and I picked out my top three high end ones which I think will be perfect for spring. All three are very different, but I love them all equally. So if you need a bit of inspiration for your spring makeup bag, keep on reading.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Five Makeup Items That Give Me That Instant Pick Me Up

I remember the days before becoming a mum, I used to enjoy and spend a good hour doing my makeup every morning. Now I know this sounds excessive and a little bit over the top, but I enjoy doing my makeup; Nothing beats the feeling of getting a new eyeshadow palette and having a good play around with the shades and creating new and different looks. This routine that I used to have set me up for the day and I love the confidence good makeup can give me. Don't get me wrong I'm all about the natural look too and I don't need makeup on to leave the house, but if I'm honest I prefer wearing it and it makes me feel a lot better about myself. Fast forward two years and I barely get five minutes to do my makeup, if you have a toddler you will know that it is no easy task. I do miss my eyeshadows (they only come out at the weekends or special occasions) and although I don't spend anywhere near as much time on my makeup, I still want to wear it and I still want that instant pick me up that I get whenever I apply it. So today I thought I'd share my top five makeup items that I use every morning and these are the staples that I couldn't live without and the ones that really make me feel good about myself.


Wednesday, 28 February 2018

My Spring Makeup Bag Essential | Girls With Attitude Aphrodite Palette

One thing that I really look forward to this time of year has to be spring, it's just around the corner and I always think it's the time of year where we start doing a little more and can get out of the house - Although saying that most of the UK is currently snowed in, what is that all about?  One thing that I love to do this time of year is to change up my makeup bag; For me spring is all about less coverage and more natural looking makeup. I'm talking about soft pinks and shimmery rose gold highlights, matte lipsticks are put to one side and out comes the lip gloss and lipsticks with beautiful satin finishes. Over the last couple of weeks, I've been slowly switching things up in my makeup bag and one makeup item that has made its way in there is the Girls With Attitude Aphrodite palette*, which I think is the most perfect palette for spring. If you're looking to switch up your makeup and want something that won't break the bank then keep on reading as I have a full review for you on this beautiful palette.


Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Pretty In Pink | My Valentine's Day Makeup Bag

Happy Valentine's Day beautiful people. I love how this year Valentine's Day is right after pancake day, its fab having a double celebration. As you know, yesterday was all about the food, but today is all about the love. It doesn't matter if you're celebrating with the love of your life or if you and your girlfriends are celebrating Galentines, its great to get in the spirit and go all out. There was a time when my hubby and I used to go out and do something special, but now we have Archie our night will consist of a nice home cooked dinner and a cosy up on the sofa later with snacks and a good film. Whether you're going out or staying in, I love creating a Valentine's Day makeup look. Red or pink? It's a difficult one to choose, but this year I'm all about the soft subtle pinks and I thought I'd share whats in my Valentine's Day makeup bag if you need a bit of last minute inspiration.


Monday, 12 February 2018

Everything You Need To Create The Perfect Pancake Day at Home with Asda's Pancake Range

Can you believe Pancake day is tomorrow? Pancake day has to be the most exciting day since Christmas and in my household we LOVE pancakes! We love them so much so, that we don't wait a whole year fill our tummies this scrumptious food, so as you can imagine we love going all out on a special day that is purely dedicated to eating pancakes. This year I've teamed up with Asda and have been getting some extra practice in before the big day and I've been trying and testing out the Asda pancake range so I can help you create the perfect pancake day at home too. So if you love pancakes just as much as I do then keep on reading and grab a pen and some paper as I've got your shopping list sorted.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

My First Impressions of the I Heart Makeup Chocolate Elixir Palette

Last year I accumulated a lot of eyeshadow palettes, one of the many perks of being a beauty blogger. About a week or so before Christmas I had a surprise gift from the team at Tam Beauty which I was not expecting and I was pretty excited to see their new I Heart Makeup Chocolate Elixir Palette*. I know Tam Beauty might have quite a few chocolate palettes to choose from, but this is the first one I own and I was pretty excited when I opened the lid and saw some beautiful looking eyeshadows inside. My excitement continued when I realised that this was a very similar looking palette to the Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette, which has been on my wish list for so long. My reasoning's for never treating myself to the MR palette, is because I really do own far too many eyeshadow palettes, that combined with the price tag, I just don't know if I can justify it yet. So I'm more than happy to have something very similar looking in my collection. So if you're in the same boat as me or just want a palette that's just as pretty as the MR palette, then keep on reading.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Five Products From Urban Decay That Are Worth Investing In

When someone asks me what my favourite makeup brand is, I struggle to find an answer as there are so many brands that I love. However my makeup collection definitely speaks for itself and if you were to take a little look you would see that the amount of Urban Decay products shadows out the rest, so this can only really mean that Urban Decay is possibly my ultimate favourite. I was sorting through my makeup the other day and thought I would put together a post of my top five Urban Decay products, the ones that you really need and that are worth every penny. If you love Urban Decay as much as I do, expect to see some of your favourites in here, but if you're fairly new to the brand then hopefully you'll find my picks really useful.

Monday, 8 January 2018

New Year, New Makeup Brushes | Girls With Attitude Luxe Metallics Makeup Brush Set

Girls With Attitude Luxe Metallics Makeup Brush Set

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you're new year is going well so far and you're smashing any new years resolutions that you have. I feel pretty pleased with how mine are going so far. I love hearing about what goals everyone has set for themselves, so be sure to head over to my 2018 goals post here and share your plans with me. I've been reading a lot of goals posts on blogs recently and I've seen quite a few people mention that they want to improve on their makeup skills and try new products out this year. I like to think I'm pretty good with my makeup (I hope so as I've been wearing it for over half my life). If theres one thing I've learnt is that makeup brushes are the key to success! Not only does a good set of makeup brushes make applying products so much easier, but I've found the right brushes help you get the best out of your makeup. You guys know how much I love my Girls With Attitude makeup brushes, they are by far my favourite and to kick start the new year off, GWA have released their new Luxe Metallics* five piece makeup brush collection, which is perfect to get your makeup game off to a good start this year. So if you want to take a closer look at the brushes in this collection keep on reading.

Saturday, 6 January 2018

My Best Beauty Finds of 2017

One of my favourite things ever is discovering new makeup and trying new looks out. Every year I always add to my collection (even though I'm on constant spending bans) and I love taking a moment to reflect on the new discoveries I've made and share them with you all. One of the perks of being a blogger is being sent new things to try and I felt incredibly lucky last year with the things that I was gifted. I also managed to treat myself to a few things that had been on my wish list for sometime. So if you're looking to get a little inspired with your makeup collection this year, have a little read on...


Wednesday, 3 January 2018

My Plan For 2018 | Goals & Things To Look Forward To

Happy New Year everyone! How is it January already? Last year flew past and like most bloggers out there, I'm feeling fresh with ideas and ready to jump feet first back into the blogging pool. Unintentionally I took my a little break throughout December - As it was Archie's second Christmas I just wanted to enjoy every minute of it and we constantly had fun things planned throughout the month, so sorry if you missed me, I promised I miss blogging a whole lot more. I thought I'd kick start things off this month with a 'Goals' post. I never make new year resolutions as I always find it so hard to stick to them and only feel disappointed if I've failed at the end of the year. I think it's much nicer to just lay out some goals and things to work towards so if you're interested in what I want to achieve this year, then keep on reading.

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