Tuesday, 24 January 2012

River Island Jumper

Hello my lovelies just a quick post for you this evening. I was doing a little quick around shopping whilst on my lunch break as you do and I got this fabulous buy from River Island. Its this gorgeous sparkly boyfriend fit jumper. One of my friends had purchased this and when I saw it on her it look like she was literally sparkling as she walked. I just knew I had to have it in my wardrobe. 

The picture only is showing a few of the gold sequins but this jumper has them all over. However you can only see the sequins that reflect in the light so its very subtle yet gives you that sparkle effect. I can't wait to wear this at the weekend paired with some leggings or wet look skinny jeans.

 Here is an up close shot for you all, the top is filled with sequins like this all over 

I promise to to an outfit of the day post so you can see it in its full glory I've not done one this evening as I look a bit of a mess and its been an exhausting day (I'm sure you know exactly how I feel, we've all been there haha). If you like this it retails at £35.00 and you can get it from the River Island website here.

Take care my lovelies 



  1. Such a beautiful find! Aaa I need this jumper in my life x

  2. This is gorgeous, I love it :)
    Also, are you going to the Beauty Bloggers Afternoon Tea? I'm sure I saw you on the original post, it would be lovely to meet you! :)

    Frances x
    Twitter: @Francesss__

  3. Wow such a lovely jumper, great find :D xx

  4. I love River Island stuff <3 nice jumper :)xx

  5. @kirsty : Thanks hun, you should treat yourself to it x

    @frances: Thanks sweets. I am going indeed, I am so excited it will be great to meet you too. I cant wait xx

    @Cat: thanks hun x

    @IcePandora: I love River Island too, I'm super impressed with this jumper x

  6. Seu blog é lindo e ja sou sua seguidora. Agora te convido me seguir tambem. :D
    Beijos do NOlhares e do Brasil

  7. this jumper is so gorgeousss, the sequins add such a nice touch
    thank you for you lovely comment on my blog too :)
    following x

  8. Oooh it's gorgeous!
    Can't wait to see it on :)


  9. Are you willing to sell this at all?


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