Saturday, 5 January 2013

Hello 2013

A BIG Happy New Year to all you Beauty Bloggers and to anyone else who may be reading. I  say this every year... but oh my hasn't the year gone quick, It only seams a little while ago I was typing up my 'Hello 2012' post!. I have to say 2012 has been quite an amazing year for me - there were a few downs but the highs definitely outweigh all of them and I feel that I have grown hugely as a person. 

I decided to have a little look at the New Years resolutions I made at the beginning of last year and although I didn't keep them all, I am pleasantly surprised with how many I managed to keep up - the two biggies on last years list, one - to get a better job and two - to learn how to drive - ended up being a big no go... I'm still at River Island and still have no wheels! So these two points automatically go onto my new years resolutions list. But other than that I'm pretty pleased that I managed to remove my makeup of most nights , grow and develop as a blogger and most importantly stand up for myself a lot more! 

With it being this time of year I've had a big think about what I want to achieve in 2013 and other than the job and the driving, the one and only new year resolution I am going to try and keep is this....Just say Yes 

Image: WeHeartIt (edited by me)

What I mean by this is... that sometimes I feel that there are more moments in my life where I just need to say YES. I am a huge worrier and over thinker as well as being a suffer from anxiety and when looking back over the year I feel there could have been more moments in my life where I should have just said 'yes' and gone with the flow of things. Sometimes there are loads of opportunities and spare of the moment things that can turn everyday moments from drab to fab and you just need to go along with these moments and I intend to do just this. I want 2013 to be a year filled with excitement and full of opportunities, to see as many friends as I can and have double the amount of fun moments that I've had in 2012. 

Highs and Lows

Like most years, 2012 has seen its fair share of highs and lows, all I know is that I've laughed a lot of my way though the year and there has been some fabulous moments...

My ultimate highs of 2012 have to be 

- Training with my cheer family for World Pride and Brighton Pride - This has to been one of the most amazing experiences of my life, it was something I did the year before and stunting, jumping and tumbling for crowds in their thousands with people you love definitely makes you feel on top of the world and is up there with the best moments of the my year life.

- My weekend away to Blackpool with my Cheerleaders - This was truly an amazing weekend away and it was the weekend that made our squad into a family. You know when you just find a great group of people who you get along with and love! Somethings in life are just perfect and this weekend truly was! I've never laughed so much or so hard in the space of 4 days. My fellow cheerios... if your reading this ... I LOVE YOU

- With any hard working beauty blogger, comes is amazing blogging perks and one of mine this year was becoming an Aussie Angel. Aussie have been an amazing company to have along with me on my blogging journey and because of them some fantastic opportunities opened up for me. I was able to meet some amazing beauty bloggers at the Aussie pamper event... and the most exciting perk about being an Aussie Angel so far has to be the luxury weekend away I won to the Boardmasters Festival down in Newquay, this was another weekend that was such a highlight in 2012 and one that I wont be forgetting about in anytime in the near future.

When it comes to thinking about the low points of 2012 there really is only one thing that springs to mind, which I spoke to you all about in a recent post. This is of course loosing my gorgeous pooch, Glover. There is not a day that passes where I don't think about him, or where I'm reminded of the impact he had in my life. I don't  want go on too much about whether you believe in spirits or angels, but ever since he's been gone, he has a way of showing up and for my family and I this seams to be in the form of a little white feather. The week after he went there where white feathers crossing our paths, turning up in the strangest of places, even when we collected Glover's ashes, a white feather appeared on his box - even with all the windows in the house shut. To this day I am constantly finding little white feathers when I am feeling down, or need a pick me up and I feel that its way of saying 'I'm here'. Call it coincidence or that I maybe looking too much into it, but for me it's comforting and it gives me those moments that 'make me smile'.

Message from my mum, written in my Birthday Card

All in all I feel pretty positive about what 2013 might bring and January already looks to be pretty exciting. I hope each and every one of you has a fabulous year and I would like to say a big BIG thank you for those of you who have helped made my blog what it is today and for coming along this little journey with me. Have a fabulous year beauties... it is what you make it :)

Lots of Love



  1. i loveee this! :) i really need to say yes more too ! its one very difficult thing to stick to though!

    we really do need to say YES! :)


  2. Sorry to hear about Glover, it's awful losing a dog :(
    Saying yes to things is great, it's amazing how much you can miss out on opportunities!

    Jesss xo

  3. I love this post. I think I need to start saying yes more often too, I say no way to often in my life.

    Have a beautiful day


  4. I'm hoping to learn to drive this year too, will be interesting to see if either of us end up actually doing it! Have a great 2013 :)



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