Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Pregnancy Update - Week 18-23

Mum To Be, Pregnant, Pregnancy Update - Week 18-23

Hi guys, so this post is well overdue. Since announcing my little bump of joy a few weeks ago I had intended to get so many more pregnancy related posts up. But if I'm completely honest I am finding pregnancy so hard and throughout this whole journey have not realised just how tired that I'm going to be! Before when my mummy friends were going through pregnancy and they told me that they were tired, I just thought it was a normal tiredness. Now through I can totally understand what this pregnancy tiredness is all about and it's just so hard, especially trying to work full time too. 

Apart from being overly tired though, everything has been so great and since I announced my pregnancy I am now full swing into my second trimester and I have to say that I've actually really enjoyed this stage of pregnancy. Its been a time where I've felt a lot more like me. As tired as I've been I've found that when I have been active I've had so much focus and drive which has been lovely. Unfortunately these moments have been at work and not when I actually want all that motivation to type up blog posts or tidy up my home! 

One thing that has been really exciting since I last spoke to you guys is that we found out the sex of little baby sparkle and it really was such a turning point in my pregnancy; It just made everything feel more real. I will be doing a gender reveal post very soon - My birthday is coming up soon so I think I will announce it then as a little celebration. Even though James and I know what we're having, we are still struggling with baby names, who would have thought there would be so much pressure in choosing a name. We have a few favourites, but not one that we've decided on yet.

Mum To Be, Pregnant, Pregnancy Update - Week 18-23

How far along? 23 Weeks & 3 days 

Movement? There has been so much movement over the last couple of weeks which has been so exciting. Even James felt a little kick the other night which was just so special. This little one definitely comes alive at night time, especially after I've eaten or when I'm trying to get to sleep. It really is the best feeling ever though. 

Food cravings? My biggest one has been Marmite on toast. I've always been on the hate side of Marmite and now I love the stuff, I pretty much have it every day. The craziest thing is that that was my mums craving when she had me, how amazing is that?

Sleep? My sleeping pattern has been so hit and miss which is something that does really effect me day to day. Like I said baby likes to move and wriggle around at night time and this stops me from sleeping. And then there are those nights where I'm constantly getting up to go to the toilet. It's like I have a really bad few nights of sleep, then will just sleep non stop. 

One thing that I have been finding is that I tense my legs up so bad in my sleep that I get really bad cramps in my calves. They're so painful that I'm almost in tears and they ache loads the next day. I don't understand why this happens at all.

Gender? I just want to share with the world what baby sparkle is, but all will be revealed very soon I promise. 

Symptoms? The tiredness is still really getting to me, although its a completely different tiredness to what I experienced in the first trimester, when I was literally sleeping all the time. I feel a lot more physically tried now and am starting to notice the strain pregnancy is having on my body. My job requires me to stand all day on my feet, which I don't think helps with the tiredness. 

Stretch Marks? No sign of any yet, which is great. I use Johnson's Baby Oil every night and so far I think it's helping. 

Belly button in or out? It's still on for the time being, but it looks as though its about to pop out at any moment. 

Looking forward to? James and I have just ordered our pram this week as it was on offer and I cannot wait for it to arrive. Its like a really early Christmas present. 

Let me know your guesses as to what gender little baby sparkle is going to be in the comments below? Also let me know how your pregnancy is going?

Lots of Love



  1. I'm guessing a boy!!! You look amazing <333 xxxx

  2. oh I'm so excited for you! And you look gorgeous. The first kicks was such a lovely feeling! Wait till near the end and you physically feel them roll over or elbow you - very weird! And when they get hiccups! That's a fun one to watch!
    I had the restless, achy legs at night too, I couldn't do anything to stop it. It's so uncomfortable :(
    Choosing a name is really really hard! We picked ours when a boy walked past us at a train station with his name on the back of a football shirt! Sometimes it just leaps out at you!
    I have no idea what I'm going to do if I have another one though, I have no ideas! Try looking at the credits on tv shows and films, that's a long list of baby names right there!

  3. OMG Danielle - I had no idea you were going to have a baby sunshine and sparkle!! Eek I'm so excited for you and can't wait to read all about your pregnancy journey and meet the little one when he/she arrives :D I am going to guess - girl hehe :) Massive congratulations to you both! xxx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

  4. i think its a boy :)
    this is so exciting, hope you get more sleep soon :)
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  5. Oh I'm excited I can't wait to find out the gender eep!
    Liza | Glambeautys | YouTube


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