Tuesday, 22 December 2015

The Magic of Christmas - Lots of Festive Lights

Christmas Lights, Lights At Overstone Park, Log Cabins, Festive, Christmas, Blogmas,

First of all massive apology! I can't believe I dedicated 18 days to Blogmas and have failed right at the very last hurdle. The last three days have just been awful and I feel so disappointed in myself that I never managed to post on these three days. But I promise to finish off Blogmas just as strong as I started, even though there are just 3 days left now. I can't believe it's almost Christmas, its crazy.

I thought I'd make things up to you guys with something really fun and festive. If you've been reading my Blogmas posts you will know that one of the things that makes me feel really festive is going on winter walks and looking at all the Christmas lights in peoples gardens and homes. I love how much effort some people put into their decorations, especially when it comes to lighting. I just think how nice is it that you're creating something so special, not just for you but for every passer by, its lovely.

One of my favourite places to go and watch the lights is actually at caravan park near my town. The park is built around a huge lake and right by the lakeside are wooden cabins which people live in. These people really go all out and their cabins beautifully lit with decorations make me feel as though I'm right in the middle of a winter wonder land; It's just beautiful. 

Christmas Lights, Lights At Overstone Park, Log Cabins, Festive, Christmas, Blogmas,
Christmas Lights, Lights At Overstone Park, Log Cabins, Festive, Christmas, Blogmas,
Christmas Lights, Lights At Overstone Park, Log Cabins, Festive, Christmas, Blogmas,
Christmas Lights, Lights At Overstone Park, Log Cabins, Festive, Christmas, Blogmas,
Christmas Lights, Lights At Overstone Park, Log Cabins, Festive, Christmas, Blogmas,
Christmas Lights, Lights At Overstone Park, Log Cabins, Festive, Christmas, Blogmas,
Christmas Lights, Lights At Overstone Park, Log Cabins, Festive, Christmas, Blogmas,
Christmas Lights, Lights At Overstone Park, Log Cabins, Festive, Christmas, Blogmas,
Christmas Lights, Lights At Overstone Park, Log Cabins, Festive, Christmas, Blogmas,
Christmas Lights, Lights At Overstone Park, Log Cabins, Festive, Christmas, Blogmas,

I just love how pretty everything looks all lit up, my favourite have to be the penguins and baby reindeer, they're just lovely. It's amazing how lights can make you feel so festive. I hope these have help you feel a little more festive.

Lots of Love


Friday, 18 December 2015

Giving Everyone a Blog Shoutout - Leave Your Links In The Comments!

Hi guys! I hope you're all feeling as festive as I am. I can't believe this time next week will be Christmas, like OMG! I just feel like this month has whizzed by and I almost don't want it to go so fast because I am loving the build up to Christmas this year. I also can't believe that I'm now 18 days into Blogmas and I'm so proud of myself for sticking at it, although at times its felt like I've not had enough hours in the day, if you know what I mean? 

If you've been keeping unto date with my Blogmas posts you will know that last week I put up a post where I talked about making more of an effort with other bloggers and how I really wanted to follow more blogs and the people behind them. Today's post was to be about sharing everyone who left their links in my comment section a big old mention right here. However I really want to keep this going for a little bit longer as I just want to share more love. I also thought a lot of people will be off next week and will have more time to go and look through other links and check out other bloggers, so I'm going to reschedule that post for next Wednesday (Sorry to those of you who were waiting for today). 

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I've decided that I really want to give back to the blogging community. So all I ask is that you leave THREE of your links in the comments below. This can be your blog link, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook anything that is related to your blog leave it below. With all the links I get I will then add them to a post next week and share them with the world. I will also follow you all too and leave you a lovely Christmas comment on whichever platforms you leave. 

So please leave your links below, even if I am already following you. I want to give a big shoutout to as many people as possible. If you want to know the reasons as to why I'm doing this, then check out lasts weeks post here, where you can find all the details. 

Lots of Love


Thursday, 17 December 2015

Blogmas Day 17 - My Top 5 Hair Products For The Party Season

Charles Worthington Texturising Spray, GHD, ghd curve, Hair, Hairstyle, Matrix Hair, My Top 5 Hair Products For The Party Season,
Charles Worthington Texturising Spray, GHD, ghd curve, Hair, Hairstyle, Matrix Hair, My Top 5 Hair Products For The Party Season,

Being a girly girl, I love getting ready and getting myself glamed up, whether that be doing my makeup, hair or outfit building, I just really enjoy the whole process of getting ready. Maybe its because I love beauty products so much is my reason behind the love getting ready process. Sometimes I actually prefer getting ready to the actual going out; I've always found it really fun being with my favourite girlies and all trying to get ready around one mirror. Those 'getting ready' conversations are always the best right?

I've talked a lot about the makeup side of things in my Blogmas posts so far, but not enough about hair! Lets face it, if your having a good hair day or your hair is looking the way that you want it too, it just makes everything so much better. One of my go to hair styles and one that I'll always put my hair in when I'm going out is to wear my hair down in loose glamorous curls. I know it sounds like a pretty basic hair style, but its one of my favourites and I just think it works perfectly with every outfit.

Whilst it maybe an easy hairstyle to recreate, I always find that a lot can go wrong. For me especially I always find that my hair never wants to stay curly for very long because its just so long and fine. Another issue I have is that my hair lacks a lot of volume, so I always have to find those hair products that will give it a much needed boost. So today I thought I would bring together a selection of my favourite hair products that are essential for the party season, whether you're wearing your hair up, down, curly or straight! Basically there are four main hair products that I cannot live without!

Charles Worthington Texturising Spray, GHD, ghd curve, Hair, Hairstyle, Matrix Hair, My Top 5 Hair Products For The Party Season,

Starting with an old favourite, the Envy Professional Stye Hero serum which I use every time before blow drying my hair. This serum not only smells divine, but it really makes my hair feel glossy, smooth and easier to work with and manage. I just use a few pumps of this serum on damp hair and work it through from roots to tip and it really does make such a difference. If I try and style freshly washed hair without this stuff I find that I'm dealing with a hair nightmare.

Another product that I swear by and one that I'll use also before blow drying my hair is the Matrix Hold Booster. This is the kind of product that would have scared me a few years ago as I would have assumed it worked like gel or something. Again this product has more of a serum feel to it and I only use this when my hair is wet or damp. I either use it on its own or mix it into my my favourite hair mousse and distribute it throughout my hair. I find that this product helps to create a lot of texture and movement to my hair, which it really lacks on its own. As it's a holding serum I find that whatever hairstyle I create lasts a lot longer when I use this, which is just what I need.

Charles Worthington Texturising Spray, GHD, ghd curve, Hair, Hairstyle, Matrix Hair, My Top 5 Hair Products For The Party Season,
Charles Worthington Texturising Spray, GHD, ghd curve, Hair, Hairstyle, Matrix Hair, My Top 5 Hair Products For The Party Season,

Whilst styling my hair, I love creating texture as it just makes my hair look a lot thicker than what it actually is. One hairstyle saviour I've found is the Charles Worthington Texturising Spay. I'm pretty sure everyone has gone crazy for this spray over the past year or so, its just that good. This spray is what I like to call my 'backcomb in a bottle' as it does just that. Whether I'm back combing my hair or not this spray really helps to create that backcombed effect. Again I probably love it so much as it adds so much texture and volume to my hair that actually lasts. It's also really handbag friendly and I often take this out with me instead of hairspray.

Of course no hairstyle would be complete without a trusty bottle of hairspray. I think investing in a good hairspray is worth while. I've bought so many cheap ones in the past that just ruin a really good hairstyle. One hairspray that is really worth investing in is the Matrix High Amplify as it really does an amazing job at giving my hair that much needed hold. What I really love about this is that it's really lightweight and doesn't make my hair feel crusty or hard! Ewww! My hair always has a lot of flexibility when I use this, which for me makes it a winner.

Charles Worthington Texturising Spray, GHD, ghd curve, Hair, Hairstyle, Matrix Hair, My Top 5 Hair Products For The Party Season,

And last, but not least is my favourite hair styler... My GHD Curve. This curling tong really is my baby and I would recommend to any one who loves curling hair to pick one of these wands up, they're just amazing. I love big bouncy curls and this wand creates them in an instant, it really is the best curling tool that I've ever tried and I'm desperate to get my hands on the other three in the GHD collection.

I really hope this helps fix up your hairstyles for this party season. Please let me know what your favourite hair products are?

Lots of Love


Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Blogmas Day 16 - The Best Festive Nail Polishes

When it comes to painting my nails around Christmas time, the big question for me is always festive reds or something glittery? Sometimes I get so indecisive about which of the two I want on my nails that I go for both. It really is the only time of year that I feel like I can go to town of glitter nail polish, I just love everything that sparkles! With so many nail colours to choose from and so many brands offering something super sparkly and festive I thought I would put together a selection of my favourite Christmas nail polishes for you. 

The obvious nail colour choice to wear on my nails is always a bright cheerful Christmas red. I just love wearing that classic 'Santa Clause' red on my nails, for me it just screams Christmas! One of my faves is the Bourjois 1 Seconde Nail Polish in Rouge Poppy. Not only is the colour of this polish very festive, but I love the formulation and application of these nail polishes from Bourjois; They glide on really easy and dry in a matter of seconds which is just what you need when your like me and don't have the patience to let your nails dry!

Another red which is also a favourite of mine at this time of year is from O.P.I and is actually from one of their Christmas collections a few years ago. Mine is actually on its lasts legs as its only a mini and its had a lot of love from me over the years. I think the shade is called Meep-Meep-Meep from the 2011 Muppets Christmas Collection (I told you it was an oldie!). I love this deep winter berry red so much because it matches so many of my winter lipsticks. I also love how it has a subtle fuchsia tone to it also.

A few years ago I was a big fan of bold bright nail polishes, pretty much all year round. But this year I've found that I love wearing delicate pastels and soft baby colours on my nails. One colour that I've worn non stop this year and am still loving now is white nails. I don't know why, but I just think white nails make my look put together and polished. I love Barry M nail polishes and love their classic 'matte white' shade. However this year I've made my white nails feel a little more festive. I am obsessed with Models Own 'Snowflakes' it literally looks like you've sprinkled snowflakes on your nails and I just think it makes your nails look so pretty and festive. The glitter is iridescent so it really catches the light beautifully. I think I'll be wearing this in the run up to Christmas. 

Stepping away from the classic Christmas red shades, I also love wearing a really bright bold blue on my nails this time of year. Even though a blue is not your typical Christmas colour, I find that the shade really works and looks gorgeous on. I particularly love Nails Inc in Baker Street, its just a really bright electric blue that really makes my manicure stand out. As it is Christmas adding a glitter compulsory and again I love Models Own for their glitter polishes. The one that I've been layering over Baker Street is Models Own Ibiza Mix which is just a mixture of chunky glitters put together. This is the nail polish for those party nights!

It was difficult choosing just a few polishes to narrow down for this post as I have so many festive faves, but these are my top picks right now. I would love to know what your favourite nail polish to wear is this time of year, let me know in the comments.

Lots of Love


Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Blogmas Day 15 - Pregnancy Update | Week 24- 26

Pregnancy Update Week 24- 26, Pregnancy, Pregnant, Baby Boy, Baby Bump
Pregnancy Update Week 24- 26, Pregnancy, Pregnant, Baby Boy, Baby Bump

So today I am 26 weeks pregnant and I know I say this in every pregnancy update post, but I can't believe I'm this far along! It's almost like I'm starting to see the finishing line in sight and it's so exciting. I've always said that as soon as Christmas and New Year are over and done with, then my countdown really starts.

I'm starting to come out of the second trimester now and I'm really starting to feel the effects of the third. In the last two weeks I really have noticed such a change in my body and I'm starting to find all those smaller everyday tasks a lot more difficult now. It also feels that tiredness has hit me again with full force. Although it's a completely different kind of tiredness as to what I experienced in the first trimester; This time everything feels a lot more physically demanding and I'm not coping too well with all my joints aching, especially my feet. All this aside though, I'm in a very good place mentally and I just can't wait to meet little man now, its the one thing that keeps me going.

At the end of last week I had another midwife appointment where I got to hear little mans heart beat for the first time which was just incredible, it really was one of the best experiences ever. Pregnancy is hard, but hearing him just makes you realise that your doing it all for him, I guess my mummy instinct is just starting to kick in.

The only thing that made me feel a little bit down about the midwife appointment was that when she measured my belly, it was showing slightly smaller that what I should be at this stage in my pregnancy, which is weird because in my head I think I'm huge. Due to being a little bit smaller I have to go to the hospital at the end of this week for another scan just to make sure baby is ok and growing well. My midwife has stressed to me not to worry, but for some reason that has the complete opposite effect, I just want the scan now so I know everything is ok and have that peace of mind.

How far along? 26 weeks and 2 days

Movement? Little man is still moving around frequently and I love it. I feel that theres a lot more interaction from him now and that I can sometimes get a reaction when I rub my tummy. It's amazing to knowing he can feel and hear things. I love it.

Food cravings? No food cravings, but I am still obsessed with sparkling water! I don't have any in the fridge right now and it's making me really sad.

Sleep? At the moment I find it takes me ages to get to sleep no matter how tired I am, but once I do drift off I actually have a good nights sleep which is great. The only thing that is not helping is that I want to sleep all the time again.

Gender? For those of you who didn't catch my gender reveal post last week (here) I'm excited to say I'm having a little baby boy! Eeep.

Symptoms? Tiredness has been a killer for me this week and I'm now starting to get a cold which is really not helping things.

Stretch Marks? None

Belly button in or out? It's actually popped out a little bit more now!

Looking forward to? I'm really looking forward to my scan on Sunday. Ideally it would be good if I didn't need one because that would mean that baby is growing ok. But it will be nice to see his little face on the monitor again, so I am looking forward to that and to getting peace of mind that he's ok. 

I can't thank all of you enough for your support with my pregnancy, all of your comments really make my day. I know a lot of you are mums yourself, so if any of you have had to go back for a growth scan please let me know how you got on?

Lots of love 


Monday, 14 December 2015

Blogmas Day 14 - My Favourite False Lashes from Esqido || Review

False Lash, False Lashes, Esqido, Esqido False Lashes, Victoria Secret, Lashes
False Lash, False Lashes, Esqido, Esqido False Lashes, Victoria Secret, Lashes
False Lash, False Lashes, Esqido, Esqido False Lashes, Victoria Secret, Lashes

Remember when I started blogging and I went slightly mad of fake lashes? I was literally obsessed with buying, applying and blogging about them. I even went as far to start a 'Fake Lash Friday' day when I used to work at River Island. I definitely think there is an art to applying them, one that takes practice and a little time, but once you've nailed it, applying fake lashes can be done in a matter of mintues. Having said all this over the last year or so my obsession has slightly subsided and I only bring out the falsies now on those special occasions and I kind of feel that I need to bring the obsession back.

As I've tried my fair share of lashes over the years, I think I now know what makes a good pair of lashes and have tried enough brands to know who are my favourites. For me my top brand was always Eylure; Easy to get hold of, easy to apply and so many different styles to choose from. However recently I was introduced to a brand that quickly took that number one spot. The brand I'm talking about is Esqido and they by far have the best set of lashes that you will ever try or get your hands on!

First of all each set of lashes are beautifully presented in a white/rose gold packaging - Need I say anymore? I know it's crazy to judge a product on packaging alone, but I'm a sucker for packaging and anything that has rose gold and white pretty much sells itself for me. Even the lash glue is beautifully presented with its rose gold lid and frosted clear tubing, I just love it. The packaging alone has brought back my old obsession with lashes and I now find myself wearing them a couple of times a week.

False Lash, False Lashes, Esqido, Esqido False Lashes, Victoria Secret, Lashes

Packaging aside the actual lashes are faultless; They're just perfect in every single way. Each lash has been made with the softest and finest naturally shed mink hairs, which means they are so soft and so natural looking. I've always been so used to wearing lashes that are plastic, feel scratchy on my eyes and I never realised just how fake looking they were till now. The Esqido lashes have a beautiful curl to them and are just so comfortable to wear. I can wear these all day without any irritation whatsoever, which is just amazing. I've heard that the Victoria Secret models all use these lashes, so if  they're good enough for them, then they're certainly good enough for me!

With party season stepping into full swing right now, I thought these lashes would be perfect to share with you all. The reason why I love lashes so much is that wearing them gives me another level of inner confidence; I feel put together and polished when I wear false lashes and the Esqido ones just make me feel very glamorous. The ones I have are the beautiful 'Unforgettable' lashes, which are great for every occasion - You can find them here on the Esqido website.

False Lash, False Lashes, Esqido, Esqido False Lashes, Victoria Secret, Lashes
False Lash, False Lashes, Esqido, Esqido False Lashes, Victoria Secret, Lashes

I would also recommend picking up the Esqido lash glue as I've never had any trouble with keeping these lashes on when I've used it. These are honestly the best lashes that I've ever tried, I can't recommend them enough. I'm wanting to add to my collection now, the 'Oh So Sweet' lashes are next on my wish list.

Let me know what your favourite lashes are? Have you tried anything from Esqido yet? Let me know in the comments.

Lots of Love


Sunday, 13 December 2015

Blogmas Day 13 - My Favourite Festive Red Lipsticks

L-R Rimmel Kate Moss, Makeup Revolution Still Missing My Baby, Bourjois Grand Cru, Smashbox Be Legendary Lip Gloss, Makeup Revolution Lip Lava Firestrom, Mac Rihanna Pleasure Bomb

I’m pretty sure that I say this every year, but one thing that I get really excited about is changing up my lip colour to the change of the seasons. As it’s the month of Christmas and all things festive there is only one colour that I want to be wearing and that is red! If truth be told I’ve been wearing berry red lipsticks since October (but thats just because I’m a woman obsessed!). I just don't think any look is complete with out a festive pout that just screams have yourself a very merry Christmas! So today I thought I’d showcase my favourite red lips. 

Kate Moss 107 Rimmel London.
Myself and every other beauty blogger must have mentioned this lipstick about a thousand times on our blogs, but rightly so as the Kate Moss 107 lipstick has just become such a classic. Out of all the red lipsticks that I own, this one from Rimmel is quite possibly my favourite and one that gets the most use and wear from me. It has everything you need and more in a red lipstick. First of all I love the deep berry shade that this lipstick gives; It’s dark but not gothic. Secondly its staying power is next to non and you can guarantee this survive most drinks and snacks - And thrirdly I love the formula; Matte finishes are always my favourite, I just love the effect it creates. I honestly think that this lipstick would suit everyone and if you’ve not added it to your collection yet I ask why? I’ve gone through about 3 by now!

L-R Rimmel Kate Moss, Makeup Revolution Still Missing My Baby, Bourjois Grand Cru, Smashbox Be Legendary Lip Gloss, Makeup Revolution Lip Lava Firestrom, Mac Rihanna Pleasure Bomb
L-R Rimmel Kate Moss, Makeup Revolution Still Missing My Baby, Bourjois Grand Cru, Smashbox Be Legendary Lip Gloss, Makeup Revolution Lip Lava Firestrom, Mac Rihanna Pleasure Bomb

Makeup Revolution Lip Hug - Still Missing My Baby

When I fancy wearing something a little darker, I often find myself reaching this Makeup Revolution lipstick in the shade 'Still Missing My Baby'. The actual shade reminds me a little bit of Mac’s Diva which I so desperately want to add to my lipstick collection. The shade of this lipstick is a deep berry red, although it’s dark, I think its really warm and makes my complexion feel really warm on those cold winter days. It has a lovely creamy satin finish too, so I opt for this lipstick on those days that my lips are feeling dry from the cold.

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet - Grand Cru 

A lipstick that I just fell in love with last year was the Boujois Rouge Edition Velvets and this year these velvet lipsticks have still been a favourite of mine. Towards Christmas last year Bourjois brought some new shades including Grand Cru which is just the most perfect winter berry red. I find that this lipstick has that almost vampy look to it, so I love wearing this in the evenings; I think it would be perfect to wear for all the Christmas do’s coming up. Not only does this look great on, but I also find it really long lasting. I think thats just the magic formula of these velvet textured lipsticks. They glide on and have a wet like finish and as soon as the air gets to them, try dry to a stain which will last for hours. I don’t know about anyone else, but I just love a lipstick that pretty much takes care of itself, especially with dark reds as these can sometimes be a messy nightmare. 

L-R Rimmel Kate Moss, Makeup Revolution Still Missing My Baby, Bourjois Grand Cru, Smashbox Be Legendary Lip Gloss, Makeup Revolution Lip Lava Firestrom, Mac Rihanna Pleasure Bomb
L-R Rimmel Kate Moss, Makeup Revolution Still Missing My Baby, Bourjois Grand Cru, Smashbox Be Legendary Lip Gloss, Makeup Revolution Lip Lava Firestrom, Mac Rihanna Pleasure Bomb

Smashbox Be Legendary Lip Gloss - True Red

Sometimes on the odd occasion I like to ditch the lipstick and just go for something a little bit softer and more subtle. I’m not the biggest fan of lip glosses, but sometimes I do like to add a shine to my pout and I just love this red one from Smashbox. Although it looks very red in the tube, its not as dramatic once on your lips. I find that it just gives my lips a lovely warm wash of colour without them being too over the top. I love the formula of these Smashbox Lip Glosses, they're not sticky and are really comfortable to wear. Sometimes I like to go all out and add this lip gloss over some of my more daring reds, which is such a Christmas winner!

Makeup Revolution Lip Lava - Firestorm 

When it comes to makeup I just love a good dupe and the Lip Lava’s from Makeup Revolution are an amazing dupe for the Too Faced Melted Lipsticks; Not only are they similar in their super glossy formula but also very similar in terms of colour. I think this red Lip Lava is the perfect Christmas red; It’s such a warm, vibrant and fun colour and so far I’ve gotten a lot of good use out of it. To me its that classic Santa Clause red which makes it so perfect and fitting for Christmas. With this shade of red I think the more glossy it is the better and this lip lacquer is super glossy. What I really love though is that after the gloss has faded it leaves your lips beautifully stained; So much so that I actually struggle to get this colour of my lips at the end of the day!

L-R Rimmel Kate Moss, Makeup Revolution Still Missing My Baby, Bourjois Grand Cru, Smashbox Be Legendary Lip Gloss, Makeup Revolution Lip Lava Firestrom, Mac Rihanna Pleasure Bomb

Mac Rhianna Pleasure Bomb

Ok so I’ve cheated a little bit here because this next lipstick breaks the rules a little bit. For a start it’s limited edition so I feel really bad showcasing it off as I know you guys wont be able to get hold of it and secondly its not really a red, but more of a cherry pink. I just had to add this in my Christmas lipstick favourites because I just love this lipstick so much and I only wear it this time of year. I think the colour is just so pretty and really looks beautiful on. I actually think it looks a lot darker on that what it shows up on camera and in real life. This lipstick is just a beautiful pinky red and its matte formula makes this lipstick really bold and striking on. Not to mention its super long lasting. It really is one of my all time favourite lipsticks and not just because it has the prettiest packaging ever! Please can Mac decorate all their lipsticks in white and rose gold casing?

L-R Rimmel Kate Moss, Makeup Revolution Still Missing My Baby, Bourjois Grand Cru, Smashbox Be Legendary Lip Gloss, Makeup Revolution Lip Lava Firestrom, Mac Rihanna Pleasure Bomb
L-R Rimmel Kate Moss, Makeup Revolution Still Missing My Baby, Bourjois Grand Cru, Smashbox Be Legendary Lip Gloss, Makeup Revolution Lip Lava Firestrom, Mac Rihanna Pleasure Bomb

I love all of these lipsticks so much, I would love to know what your favourite lip shade is to wear this time of year? Do you only rock red lipstick too? Let me know in the comments below.

Lots of Love 


Saturday, 12 December 2015

Blogmas Day 12 - The Christmas Tag

Oh what would Blogmas be without a good old Christmas Tag! It’s honestly been forever since I did a good old tag post and I’m pretty sure that back in my early days of blogging I did these all the time and had a lot of fun doing them. I’ve not really seen any go up that have taken my fancy, so I took to Google and had a good browse and found this one. 

1. Whats your favourite Christmas film?
I love Christmas films, I actually started watching them this year way before December even started so its really hard to narrow my favourites down. I would have to say Miracle on 34th Street, Home Alone and Author Christmas are my faves. 

I know its not technically part of the question but my favourite Christmas film quote has to be ‘Merry Christmas ya filthy animal’ from Home Alone 2…. I love it and say it way too much this time of year!

2. Have you ever had a white Christmas?
Yes! And it really has to be the most magical thing ever. You know when you watch the films and they all have snow on Christmas day, I actually felt like I was in my very own Christmas movie when I woke up to snow on Christmas morning, it was just so special. If Santa could bring us all a little bit of snow on Christmas morning that would be amazing. 

3. Where do you usually spend your holiday?

As it’s just myself and James living in our flat, we actually never spend our Christmas Day here. Every year we take it in turns to spend our Christmas day with different family members. Last year we went to my dads and the year before his mums. This year however, my my and her partner are coming to spend Christmas Day with me and we’re actually cooking Christmas dinner in my flat which has never been done before, so I’m super excited. 

4. What is your favourite Christmas song?
I have two! For the majority of the time its Mariah Carey’s All I want for Christmas. But when the drinks are flowing it has to be the Pogues Fairy Tale of New York…. Love it!!!

5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
No and I don't think I ever have. My family and I have always been very strict in only opening our Christmas presents on Christmas Day - I mean common Santa has not been yet! Right?

6. Can you name all of Santa’s Reindeer? 

Ummm I don't think I can you know! So shocking…. I’ll try now…

Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Commit, Cupid, Blitzen, Donner… and that;s it. I had to Google the what the others were and I missed out Prancer and Vixen…. Sorry guys.

7. What holiday traditions are you looking forward to?
I’m really looking forward to Christmas morning, its my favourite. I love waking up with the family in our Christmasy PJ’s, opening presents and then having the most amazing Christmas breakfast, smoked salmon and scrambled egg - It’s my favourite. I then just love lounging around for a few hours, playing board games before Christmas dinner.

8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

We go for a fake one as its just a lot easier and I actually prefer them as they have a lot more greenery on them which means more room for decorations!

9. What is your all time favourite holiday food/sweet or teat?
Hands down it has to be those little piggies in blankets! Oh my gosh my mouth is watering just thinking about them. They always have to be the first thing that gets eaten on my Christmas plate and there are never any leftovers. I think they're everyones favourites. I also love cold turkey sandwiches on thick crusty bread for Boxing Day lunch.

10. Do you like giving or receiving gifts better?
This is such an easy question for me as I much prefer to give a gift than receive one. There is just something so satisfying about buying something really special for someone you love and watching them open it. 

11. What is the best Christmas present you’ve ever received?
This is a really difficult one as I’ve had a lot of amazing gifts over the years. Probably one of the best was flying out to Disney World on Christmas night and spending the rest of Christmas and New Year in Orlando, that’s a present I’ll never forget. 

12. What would be your dream place to visit for holiday?
I’m actually really happy with staying at home on Christmas. I love my home comforts and I love the way my home feels festive with all its decorations so I love being in a place which is homly to me. My dream Christmas would be to have a place big enough where I could have all mine and James family over to stay, that would be perfect.

13. Are you a pro present wrapper or fail miserably?
I’m actually somewhere in between. I don’t think I do a bad job, but if I have any presents that are oddly shaped I can get a bit flustered with the wrapping paper. I do really enjoy wrapping up presents though, its great.

14. Most memorable holiday moment?
Without a doubt it has to be my first, only and ever motorbike experience. It was Christmas afternoon before James and I lived together and I had planned on spending Christmas afternoon with his family. His grandad had offered to pick me up, but he thought it would be a great day to get out his motorbike and showed up at mine with all the spare gear for me to pop on. Bear in mind that I had done my hair and makeup all nice etc… My mum found the whole thing so hilarous, especially helping me to dress up in all my motorbike gear! At the time I wanted to die, but now its one of those moments I look back on and think that was such a funny memorable Christmas moment. It always brings the family in floods of tears and laughter whenever its brought up.

15. What made you realise the truth about Santa?
For me the truth it that it’s so important to keep the magic alive and still going. I will and always be a believer. 

16. Do you make New Years resolutions and do you stick to them?
Yes and no. I have every good intention of making new years promises to myself but by the time March is here they’ve been forgotten about.

17. What makes the holiday special for you?
It has to be spending time with my family and making special memories for future Christmases. I just love everything about Christmas day. I’m even more excited for Christmas this year because I’m pregnant and it just means that from now on Christmas will just become even more special and magical for me and I can’t wait for that!

That was so much fun! I know tags are probably not the cool or in thing to do on blogs these days, but it was one that really made me smile and feel festive. If your reading this and are a blogger I tag you to give it ago.

Let me know in the comments if you do it…

Lots of Love

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