Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Blogmas Day 8 - Gender Reveal of Baby Sparkle!

Pregnancy Update, It's a Boy, Gender Reveal, Scan Photo, Baby Sparkle

So for those of you who have been keeping up with my pregnancy posts will know that James and I found out the gender of baby sparkle, but so far have been keeping the whole thing a top secret (asides from family that is). As it’s my birthday today - I cant believe I’m 28, more like grandma rather than mummy - I thought that it would be great to reveal whether baby sparkle is a girl or boy! 

Drumroll Please …….

Pregnancy Update, It's a Boy, Gender Reveal, Scan Photo, Baby Sparkle

I am very pleased to announce and say that James and I are expecting a little baby BOY! Thats right, little man is growing away and I am so excited. I said from pretty much day one that I thought it would be a boy and the second scan was just the confirmation that I needed. I think it must be true what they say about mothers instincts. 

It still seems very surreal, but now that we know what we’re having a boy it makes everything feel much more real, its like he has a little personality already which is just so lovely. I just love the fact that I’m going to have a boy, I’ve come from a family where the girls outnumber the boys stupidly, so it’s going to be such a massive change from what I’ve been used to. I just can’t wait to spoil him now and get to do all those boy related things in the future. My dad and James are already auguring about which football team he's going to be supporting!

Now the secrets out, the next step for us is to choose a name. If I’m honest we’re really struggling. There is just so much pressure to choose a name. Not only is it choosing the right name, but it’s finding one that we both agree on. So for the time being, baby sparkle is still named baby sparkle. It’s really funny as we had our girls name all picked out and was 100% happy with it. However choosing a boys name is proving to be much more difficult. 

So guys I need you help, I would love if you could leave some suggestions below with your favourite boys names. I am thinking of something more traditional, but we’re also struggling with middle names so I would love it if you could help me out.

Let me know in the comments….

Lots of Love



  1. Ahhh yay I have been waiting for this! Congratulations lovely and welcome to the yummy baby boy club! I can't wait to hear what you choose to name him and look forward to reading more posts about your journey!

    Liza | Glambeautys | YouTube

  2. Wonderful news! Baby boys are just the sweetest things. Awesome way to announce it too!

    Analesha xx

  3. Awww congratulations on having a boy too!! How exciting! Happy birthday as well!, hope you had a lovely day xxxxx

  4. awwww a baby boy! congrats :D and good luck with the name :)
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥


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