Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Beautifully Bronzed in MAC Tempting

Hi beauties, hope your all well and are not too cold with all this snow around us. At the weekend I decided to take the plunge and sort out though all my makeup and give it a good clean up, anyone else like me and find it so hard to keep organised? Whilst sorting though my beloved eyeshadow's I cam across MAC 'Tempting', a little gem that I've neglected for way too long. Tempting has to be the most beautiful bronze shade I have ever come across and holds a special place in my heart as it was the first MAC eyeshadow I ever bought. The reason for neglecting it for so long, has not been because I had fallen out with this shadow. As you can see from the pictures I've more than hit pan on it and I've been trying to make it last as long as possible as I rarely get the opportunity to get myself to a MAC counter. 

Tempting has a 'lustre' finish, which I know is not to everyone liking due to them being prone to 'fall out', but 'Tempting' has the most amazing finish and problems with fall out have been next to none. The lustre finish gives it a sparkly effect once applied and blending it is a dream. I especially love how this shade gives you a little bit more than your average bronze eyeshadow as there are tiny flecks of gold glitter hidden within the shadow and I love how these really reflect when the light catches it. Don't be put off by the glitter beauties, you wont look like a disco ball once its on as the glitter bits are so finely milled that it gives a lovely shimmery finish to the shadow, which I love. Not only is Tempting one of those eyeshadow you look at and think 'my how stunning are you!' but its also extremely pigmented - my swatch above really doesn't do it justice (apologies).

I think I wore this eyeshadow though best part of last year and I found that it's perfect for creating a bronze smokey eye for a dramatic evening look - But equally it works perfectly for daytime, especially in the summer months. In the picture I have used 'Half Baked' from the UD Naked Palette, swept over the lid and used 'Tempting' for my crease colour, as you can see its a lovely look for the daytime too. If your wanting to create an evening look with 'Tempting' I've found that pairing it with the Maybelline 24hr Colour Tattoo in the shade 'On and On Bronze' (review here) creates a fantastic look that is sure to 'wow'.

I've decided I'm just going to give into temptation and use 'Tempting' as and when I like and I've missed this beauty way too much, and plus when it does run out, its just another excuse to get some more MAC goodies right? If you looking to get your hands on this you can find it directly from MAC's website here. If you love bronze shadow's as much as I do, then I would definitely recommend having a look at 'Tempting'. Have you been tempted by 'Tempting' ladies? I would love to know your thoughts.

Lot's of Love


Sunday, 20 January 2013

Estée Lauder's Advance Night Repair - Review

Hi ladies, hope you are all having a fantastic weekend and enjoying the snow or if your like me and like the comforts of your own home and are enjoying being cosy in the warmth while watching the snow though the window. I have been wanting to get a review up of Estée Lauder's Advance Night Repair since receiving this little sample bottle at a House of Fraser beauty event I attended way back in the Summer, but seeing as its such a pricey beauty product I really wanted to give it a thorough testing before sharing it here on my blog. Well it's been well over 5 months since having the ANR as a part of my evening skincare routine and I can honestly say that it really amazing and worth all the hype that it gets. 

ANR I would say is mostly seen as an anti-ageing serum, but from research it seams to be one of the best all rounder serums on the market - helping to hydrate the skin, reduce the appearance of acne scaring, redness and uneven skin tone. Its ever so easy to incorporate into your night time routine, as you just massage a few drops of this onto your skin before applying your evening moisturiser. I've never tried any other beauty serums before, so I don't have anything to compare the ANR too, but I always stayed away from them as due to the fact that I have oily to combination skin and thought that any serum would just add more oil to my skin and bring out spots - oh how wrong I was. The ANR serum's formula sinks right into the skin once applied, leaving your skin feel lovely and hydrated and it's left on all night to work its magic. 

After using this daily for the last 5 months, I've seen that my skin looks a lot more even - which is fantastic for making your makeup look flawless. I have also noticed that areas that were always a bit red and blotchy on my skin are now a thing of the past. My skin is not prone to major breakouts, but when I do get the odd spot, I'll pop ANR onto my skin and in the morning any breakouts are dramatically reduced - it seams that the serum is tackles every skin woe and the only result you get in the end is waking up with your skin looking radiant. As for tackling anti-ageing, I'm not so sure on how well it works - I can't really say my skin is at an age where I look at myself in the mirror and think 'gosh, it's starting to loose its youth' but I like to think that the ANR is a good defence for the skin and as with a lot of things prevention is always key - why start using anti-ageing products when its too late? 

Right now I am loving how healthy my skin looks and I honestly believe that I have the ANR to thank for it. Like I said at the beginning of this post, this is a pricey product with a 50ml bottle selling for £58.00 which you can find here, but a little really goes a long way - You only need the tiniest amount of product each time when using it. The little bottle shown in the pictures is only 15ml, I've been using it religiously and still have just under half a bottle left - So if your not put off by the price then the ANR is definitely a good investment. I will be honest and say I am not looking forward to my little bottle running out as forking out a lot of money for one product is a bit of a biggie, but after using this so frequently, I really can't see myself without this product, it's become a bit of a holy grail item for me. I've spoken to a lot of women since using this product - young and old and from what I've been told it is the key and secret to ageing gracefully! I have no idea how true this is, I suppose only time will tell. But for now I love how this is making my skin look and I love how hydrated my skin feels, no makeup days are not such a big deal anymore. I would definitely take the plunge and give this ago, especially if you have been thinking about getting it for a long time. The actual serum is not sticky, nor too thick, but has a water like consistency and leaves no greasy feeling on your skin afterwards. In my opinion a fantastic all rounder serum. Have you tried ANR yet? I would love to know your thoughts ladies.

Lot's of Love

PS Sorry about the writing rubbing off the bottle in the pictures, as you can see this little bottle has had a lot of love :)


Saturday, 19 January 2013

Soap & Glory - The Breakfast Scrub

Being a regular fake tanner, I have a lot of love for scrubs, but it has to be said that Soap & Glory's The Breakfast Scrub is my ultimate favourite. The sugar scrubs from S&G seam to have been a winner in the world of beauty blogging and their Sugar Crush scrub seams to be the most popular, I've only had the pleasure of smelling this one in Boots and I can completely see  what the fuss is all about as it smells lovely. But with this being said, I have to say my favourite scrub from S&G and possibly most favourite scrub ever has to be The Breakfast Scrub. 

First of all the smell of this scrub is absolutely divine, it has the most delicious smell of maple syrup which makes you go 'wow'. It has to be the best smelling beauty product I've ever owned, I would actually eat it if I could! Seriously taking pictures for this particular post has never been so fun, all I could smell was the yummy scent, especially getting up close and personal with the close up pictures - my nose had a field day :). If you've not had the pleasure of smelling this scrub yet, I urge you to get yourself down to Boots immediately and take a whiff. When your in the shower or bath and its time for an exfoliate, rubbing this all over your body is just heavenly and the smell does transfer on to the body a little afterwards, which is always nice. If your one of these people who can sometimes forget to exfoliate on a regular basis then this scrub will pop you in a good routine because if you love the smell as much as I do you will be most excited to use this when an exfoliate is due.

As a scrub the Breakfast Scrub works amazingly too, its very rich, thick but gentle on the skin all at the same time. The scrub contains oats, shea butter mixed in with bananas, almonds and honey (where the maple smell comes form, I have no idea). The scrub is a sugar based one and as soon as you dip your fingers into it, it feels very sticky and you can feel all the different layers to this scrub. Because the texture of this scrub is of a thick consistency you can massage it into your skin without having all the bits that exfoliate your skin dissolve away and really rub it into those dry areas. It works wonders on buffing your skin and priming it ready for your fake tan - what I really love though is how incredibly soft your skin feels right away, even when I'm still in the shower and wash this scrub off I can feel a difference - And once your out the shower your skin is practically glowing. 

The packaging has that classic S&G look to it and I love how its in a cute rounded tub so you can see it in all it's yummy scrub glory. It retails at £9.50 from Boots, which I think is around the same price as the other S&G scrubs and you certainly get what you pay for. A bit pricey that may seam for some, but a little really goes a long way with this scrub and I can see this tub lasting me for ages.  What I really wish though is for the scent of this scrub to stay on your body all day as it seams to disappear after a few hours which is a real shame for me. I would love if S&G could bring out a moisturiser that matched the smell of the breakfast scrub so I could carry on smelling as gorgeous as this scrub long after using it.

What's your thoughts on the S&G Breakfast Scrub, have any of you beauties gave into temptation and had a nibble of this delicious smelling stuff?

Lot's of Love


Friday, 18 January 2013

Dreaming In Ditsy Florals

1. Cream Floral Print Belted Skater Dress - River Island 2. Light Wash Military Denim Shirt - River Island 3. White Colour Block Bowler Bag - River Island 4. Antoinette Suede Fringe Boot - Miss Selfridge 5. Lips in Infared - Topshop 6. Enamel Metal Rope Bracelet - River Island 7. Buckle Tie Up Bracelet - Topshop 8.  Oval Catseye Ring - Topshop

Ditsy floral prints are going to be a big thing for this Spring and I for one am jumping for joy as I just love things that have a lovely girly print to them. I can't wait for the warmer weather so I can transform my wardrobe and show off girly flowery prints. So when this ditsy floral skater dress arrived in our delivery at work on Thursday I instantly fell in love and had a 'I need that dress in my life' moment - Come around payday quick, is all I can say. So seeing as I love the dress so much I thought I would do a little late night blogging. It's Friday evening, I'm sat at home in my onesie, tired, but not so tired that I want to sleep and I refuse to leave the house due to the inches of snow outside my apartment - I'm officially snowed in for the evening (maybe entire weekend, uh oh!) So I thought what better way to keep me entertained than to sort out an entire outfit for that cute little dress that will soon be mine! I hope you like this little put together outfit, I've not done one in ages! I would love to know your thoughts and know what trends you are most looking forward too this season.

Lot's of Love

P.S I totally think Sarah (Modern Damsel) would look adorable in this outfit, the total babe that she is! 


Tuesday, 15 January 2013

No Heat On My Hair Challenge

I love having long hair, but I would love it to be longer! I've been speaking with loads of you beauties over Twitter the last weeks about having long hair and I know I'm not on my own with my mission on having it longer - It seams that having your hair past boob length seams to be the desired length. I really want to avoid getting my hair cut, purley for the fact that I want it longer, but I have so many split and dead ends that leaves me in a hair dillema - I think we can all agree that whoever said getting your hair cut regulally makes your hair grow longer was telling big fat lies. Let's face it, no-one wants to have long hair, but have it feeling dry, damanged and looking crappy and I know for one that the bad condition of my hair is compleltly down to the overuse of heat. I think I use heat most days of the week, ranging from my hairdryer, curling wand and my beloved GHD's. 

So because it's January, the month which we all try and make important little changes in our lives, I decided to set myself a little challange to see if I can improve the quality and condition of my hair. Last Monday I decided to see if my hair and I could live without a week of using any sort of heat in my hair. Well I'm so pleased and proud that I managed to complete this little challange and during my week of no heat, I took a picture each day of the week, so you beauties can see how I wore my hair with no heat on it and how I got on with the challenge.

Day 1
I washed my hair in the morning, but had to get up so early to let it dry naturally. My hair always turns out differently when I ditch the hairdryer and leave my locks to their own devices, sometimes I'll get mega wavy hair, but today it turned out fairly straight with a natural wave.

Day 2

I don't wash my hair everyday, so day 2 was my second day hair and after a full days work and a nights sleep, I had total bed hair when I woke up. I used sea salt spray, dry shampoo and hairspray to add some texture and a little bit of volume. 

Day 3

Seeing as it took forever to let my hair dry naturally one day one, I decided to wash my hair the previous evening and give it all the time in the world to dry. I woke up in the morning with seriously soft and fluffy hair, so decided to wear it in a little side pony

Day 4

Day 4 was the hardest day into my challenge to not give into temptation on using any heat in my hair. I was planning on wearing it down (again) but I had bits of hair that would just not cooperate! Normally I'll give these bits of hair a quick fix with the straighteners - So as a result I said a big HELLO to the messy bun!

Day 5 
I was quite impressed with the whole washing my hair in the evening on day 3, but thought I would be a bit more adventerious with my hairstyle. So while my hair was wet, I decided to braid it, sleep on it and have a hassel free hairstyle in the morning. When I took my braids out I was a bit 'oh my gosh' as I had gotten completely carried away the night before and did my braids way too tight, which resulted in really tight waves. I was hoping that they would drop though the day, but nope they stayed put... total hair disaster!

Day 6

I woke up in the morning, still finding I had a lot of little waves in my hair from the day before, so decided to pop it in a classic pony tail. With a lot of dry shampoo, backcombing and hairspray I made this pony tail a little bit rough and ready and found that I really liked the way my hair looked.. Bonus!

Day 7 

On day 7, the final day of my challenge, I washed my hair in the morning, and spent a lazy Sunday morning, waiting for it to dry. I love how my hair looked and was super impressed that with no heat my hair looked pretty decent and felt full of life and really soft.

The Results 

So the big question has to be, over the course of one week did I notice any improvement or change in my hair - And I'm pleased to say the answer is YES

There weren't massive changes, but towards the end of the week I saw that my hair was noticeably softer and the dead ends didn't feel so course and dry. When I look at the picture from day 1 and the last picture on day 7, I think my hair looks in much better condition. On both these days I let my hair dry naturally in the morning and when I compare the pictures my hair looks ever so shiny by the end of the week. Not only does my hair look healthier but the ends don't look so bad either. 

It seams as though my hair is thanking me for the use of no heat and I found that as the week went on, I felt more comfortable and had more confidence with my hair looking a little un-kept. I am loving of the feel of my hair so much so that I'm definitely planning on having more heat free days.

I can honestly say that living with no heat on your hair was a little challenging, some days a lot harder than others - If it hadn't been for some fab hair products, my week surly would have been a total hair disaster. Below I've listed the products I used which helped me though my challenge and have helped with improving the condition of my hair.

The Denman Tangle Tamer Brush - This is an excellent tool for backcombing your locks and I find it's the perfect brush to do the job.

Toni & Guy Sea Salt Texturising Spray - I am in love with sea salt sprays, they are just prefect for adding texture and a bit of volume into your hair, this one from Toni & Guy is my favourite - you can read my review here

Batiste Dry Shampoo in Tropical - Dry shampoo is a life saviour, whether your using heat or not. I definitely used this little baby when I had those days without washing my hair. But I also used it on freshly washed hair as its perfect for adding some volume to your hair.

L'Oreal Elnett Hairspray - It goes without saying that every girl owns a good hairspray, this one from L'Oreal is one of my faves, prefect for holding your loose waves in places and spraying on those backcombed areas.

Lee Stafford Argan Oil - Taking a break from heat, is the prefect excuse to treat your hair to more treatments than usual. There are loads of hair oils around, but this one from Lee Stafford is priced well and does an amazing job at making the ends of your hair feel soft.

Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Reconstructor - Every time I washed my hair, I popped Aussies 3MM into my hair, it does an amazing job at nourishing your hair and making it feel soft, not to mention it smells amazing. As I was giving my hair a break I wanted to give it as much pampering as possible. I use this all the time anyway, but using it while I had my week of no heat, I can honestly say I felt the benefits of this conditioner a lot more.

Overall saying no to heat was hard, but so worth it, my hair looks and feels better and I can see improvements in just one week. It's made me realise I don't need to add heat all the time and if I want my hair to grow longer and still look healthy then I need to ditch the heat more often. A few of beauties of Twitter that have already took up their own 'no heat challenege' in the past told me how much faster their hair grew... So exciting news if this is true. 

Long, short, thick or thin matter what your hair is like I think it's good to take a break now and again, if any of you are wanting to give this ago I would love to know how you get on, or any hair styling tips you have for those days when you stay away from the heat.

Lot's of Love


Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Just Slate Heart Coasters from Amara

I would love to introduce to you all the wonderful website that is Amara- a luxury online boutique which was 'created to showcase some of the World's finest luxury gift suggestions'. It is the perfect site to find a gift for someone you love, or if you are looking for the right gift for a special occasion... or better looking to treat yourself to that extra something special. Amara showcase a wide range of goodies, everything from your luxury Neom Candles to beautiful bedroom accessories. You could spend hours lusting after little trinkets that can make your house homely and lifestyle goodies that will give you those cosy little moments in life.

When Freddie, from Amara, kindly contacted regarding a product review, I was delighted to and as a result ended up with these beautifully made hand-cut slate heart coasters - The coasters come in a set of four and were packaged with care and come wrapped in lovely tartan ribbon which was then placed in a little box (one of those lovely boxes you end up keeping for little bits and bobs). Like most girls I love heart shaped things, and having these heart shape coasters (which I use daily) add that touch of shabby chic look to my home. Shabby Chic is such a hit with us beauty ladies and these heart shape coasters are a fab way to add some personality to your home. Just imagine having guests over and serving their drinks on a heart shaped coaster which is pretty to look at! It brings a smile to me every time I pick up my drink... oh how I love the simple things in life.

The Just Slate Heart Coasters would make a lovely gift for anyone, especially as a wedding gift. They retail at £22.00 and if you would like a set yourself you can find the link to them here. If heart coasters aren't your thing, then definitely take a peek at Amara's webpage - I love the feel of the website, its very welcoming, is easy to navigate and has something to suit everyone's taste.

For me, packaging is key and when something has been packaged with love and care, it makes taking your goodies out the box exciting and Amara scored top marks when it came to wrapping and boxing my heart slate coasters - For those of you who are wanting to buy a gift for someone using Amara, they also offer a luxury gift wrapping service. 

I love little online boutiques and Amara is definitely a luxury one, but one that offers items catering to all budgets. If you are looking for a new boutique to browse though, I would highly recommend having a look at their website. What items have you got your eye on?

Lot's of Love


Sunday, 6 January 2013

Tag: Your It

The other week I was Tagged to do the 'Tag Your It' tag by the lovely Beth over at Birds Words Blog. Bless her she knows me well as there is nothing more I like doing than a Tag post, they are really fun to do and make easy reading for everyone!

So, the rules ...
- Every tagged person has to tell 11 things about themselves 
- The person who has tagged you asked 11 questions, answer them
- Ask 11 questions for the 11 blogs your going to tag
- Mention the blog that tagged you but don't tag back

11 Things about me ...
1. I can't sing for toffee. I am terrible, I can't hold any note or any tune - At college and uni we even had singing lessons once a week and did it make any difference?... sadly not
2. I love banana milkshake. I hate the taste of all other flavours, I love it so much so that I  have to have a glass of banana yummyness most days of the week.
3. I cannot stand it when people quote lines from films or TV shows, especially when they are trying to sound just like a particular character.
4. Id rather leave the house late than leave the house without being happy with the way I look 
5. I'm a really bad sleeper, no matter how tired I am feeling, it at least takes me 1-2 hours to fall asleep every night
6. I get 'you remind me of Stacey Solomon' a lot (not looks wise, but personality) 
7. I play with my hair when I get nervous
8. I love penguins
9. I never think before I speak
10. I love the summer, the sun and the way everybody sparkles and shines when the sun comes out
11. I am a big dreamer, if I'm not talking in constantly in my own little world lost in thoughts. I love it there :)

What is your ultimate holy grail item?
It would have to be Bourjois Chocolate Bronzer. I have been using it every day for years and there's not a day that goes by where I don't use it. I always have one in my makeup bag.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
I would love to own my own house in the country, be surrounded by my family and friends and be in my dream job, I would quite like to see myself married in 5 years time!

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, alive or dead, who would it be?
I would have to pick David Beckham purely because I fancy the pants of him!
Your most treasured/favourite item in your wardrobe?
If I had to pick one item, it would have to be my cheer kit! Cheerleading is a big love of mine and my uniform only comes out on special occasions, whilst I'm not stunting and dancing in it, it takes pride of place in my wardrobe - Our team colours are teal, pink and zebra print, I wear it with pride and of course with a massive matching cheer bow!

What scares you?
I'm pretty claustrophobic, but I can always avoid situation's that include me getting in tight spaces. One of my biggest fears though is a really weird one... I am terrified of slugs! When I was little I was convinced that about 10 where chasing me in the garden! Ever since then I've had this strange fear of them.

Your favourite childhood memory?
I was obsessed and spoilt rotten when it came to Barbie when I was younger as was my sister. Every Saturday we would set up our entire Barbie collection, which included everything from the Barbie Camper Van, to the horse riding school and my favourite the Barbie Vet's (Pet shop Barbie knows just what to do, kitty's got a broken leg and puppy's got the flu... haha that was how the advert went on TV how do I still remember that?) Once the set up was complete we would play Barbie for the entire weekend.

What is the worst product you have ever used?
I seam to be quite fortunate with only buying items that I fall in love with, there are not many things I don't like. But recently I tried the Batiste dry shampoo, the cherry one and I hated it. I didn't like the way it smelt, and for some reason it didn't work wonders at cleaning my hair. It's taught me never to stray away from the Batiste tropical dry shampoo.

What was your first makeup item?
My first makeup item was cringe worthy bright blue mascara. I remember having a conversation with my mum about makeup and she told me that blue mascara existed and I was shocked, amazed and so excited that I could have blue lashes that she bought me some.

If you could have anyone's hairstyle, who would it be?
I would love to have Cheryl Cole's hairstyle, any time without a doubt when you see her hair always looks perfect and flawless.

What was your favourite subject in school?
I loved dance/drama at school, but equally I loved Graphics - both allowed me to be creative in different ways. I am quite a creative person and love seeing an idea come together and making something that you can become proud off.

Who/what inspires you?
I am always finding myself inspired by little everyday things, but with my blog I would have to say that all you fellow bloggers inspire me to blog.. When I see other posts, it gives me little ideas. I love when I see another blog grow and develop along with the blogger and see what opportunities open up for them... that is very inspiring.

My 11 questions ...
- If you had to pick one nail polish colour that you had to wear for the rest of your life what would you choose?
- Whats more important, a good hair day or a good makeup day?
- What's your most embarrassing moment 
- What is your best feature?
- If you had superpowers what would you choose?
- Whats the 3 beauty items that you couldn't live without?
- What is your one wish for 2013?
- Whats at the top of your beauty wishlist?
- What inspires you to blog?
- What is the most used app on your phone?
- If you could place yourself in any reality TV show, which one would you choose?
- If you could treat yourself to anything in the world what would you buy? (money being no object)

I Tag:


Saturday, 5 January 2013

Hello 2013

A BIG Happy New Year to all you Beauty Bloggers and to anyone else who may be reading. I  say this every year... but oh my hasn't the year gone quick, It only seams a little while ago I was typing up my 'Hello 2012' post!. I have to say 2012 has been quite an amazing year for me - there were a few downs but the highs definitely outweigh all of them and I feel that I have grown hugely as a person. 

I decided to have a little look at the New Years resolutions I made at the beginning of last year and although I didn't keep them all, I am pleasantly surprised with how many I managed to keep up - the two biggies on last years list, one - to get a better job and two - to learn how to drive - ended up being a big no go... I'm still at River Island and still have no wheels! So these two points automatically go onto my new years resolutions list. But other than that I'm pretty pleased that I managed to remove my makeup of most nights , grow and develop as a blogger and most importantly stand up for myself a lot more! 

With it being this time of year I've had a big think about what I want to achieve in 2013 and other than the job and the driving, the one and only new year resolution I am going to try and keep is this....Just say Yes 

Image: WeHeartIt (edited by me)

What I mean by this is... that sometimes I feel that there are more moments in my life where I just need to say YES. I am a huge worrier and over thinker as well as being a suffer from anxiety and when looking back over the year I feel there could have been more moments in my life where I should have just said 'yes' and gone with the flow of things. Sometimes there are loads of opportunities and spare of the moment things that can turn everyday moments from drab to fab and you just need to go along with these moments and I intend to do just this. I want 2013 to be a year filled with excitement and full of opportunities, to see as many friends as I can and have double the amount of fun moments that I've had in 2012. 

Highs and Lows

Like most years, 2012 has seen its fair share of highs and lows, all I know is that I've laughed a lot of my way though the year and there has been some fabulous moments...

My ultimate highs of 2012 have to be 

- Training with my cheer family for World Pride and Brighton Pride - This has to been one of the most amazing experiences of my life, it was something I did the year before and stunting, jumping and tumbling for crowds in their thousands with people you love definitely makes you feel on top of the world and is up there with the best moments of the my year life.

- My weekend away to Blackpool with my Cheerleaders - This was truly an amazing weekend away and it was the weekend that made our squad into a family. You know when you just find a great group of people who you get along with and love! Somethings in life are just perfect and this weekend truly was! I've never laughed so much or so hard in the space of 4 days. My fellow cheerios... if your reading this ... I LOVE YOU

- With any hard working beauty blogger, comes is amazing blogging perks and one of mine this year was becoming an Aussie Angel. Aussie have been an amazing company to have along with me on my blogging journey and because of them some fantastic opportunities opened up for me. I was able to meet some amazing beauty bloggers at the Aussie pamper event... and the most exciting perk about being an Aussie Angel so far has to be the luxury weekend away I won to the Boardmasters Festival down in Newquay, this was another weekend that was such a highlight in 2012 and one that I wont be forgetting about in anytime in the near future.

When it comes to thinking about the low points of 2012 there really is only one thing that springs to mind, which I spoke to you all about in a recent post. This is of course loosing my gorgeous pooch, Glover. There is not a day that passes where I don't think about him, or where I'm reminded of the impact he had in my life. I don't  want go on too much about whether you believe in spirits or angels, but ever since he's been gone, he has a way of showing up and for my family and I this seams to be in the form of a little white feather. The week after he went there where white feathers crossing our paths, turning up in the strangest of places, even when we collected Glover's ashes, a white feather appeared on his box - even with all the windows in the house shut. To this day I am constantly finding little white feathers when I am feeling down, or need a pick me up and I feel that its way of saying 'I'm here'. Call it coincidence or that I maybe looking too much into it, but for me it's comforting and it gives me those moments that 'make me smile'.

Message from my mum, written in my Birthday Card

All in all I feel pretty positive about what 2013 might bring and January already looks to be pretty exciting. I hope each and every one of you has a fabulous year and I would like to say a big BIG thank you for those of you who have helped made my blog what it is today and for coming along this little journey with me. Have a fabulous year beauties... it is what you make it :)

Lots of Love

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