Sunday, 24 November 2013

John Lewis Secret Santa || What I Was Gifted

Hi ladies, as some of you may know I one of the lucky bloggers chosen to take part in the John Lewis Secret Santa Christmas Campaign (how exciting) if your not sure what was going on be sure to take a quick peek at my first post explaining what the campaign was all about. 

I was paired with the lovely blogger Marlene over at Cookies & Candies and after having a good read though her blog (which is so lovely by the way, I recommend it if your after a new read) I picked out a gift from our gift list that was provided and I found out at the weekend that I had chosen the perfect gift (phew). I noticed when reading Marlene's blog that she had a bit of a weakness for all things cashmere, so when I saw that there was a grey cashmere scarf on the gift list, I thought it would make the perfect gift. If you want to take a look at the scarf or have cashmere on the brain you can take find the scarf here.

So yesterday I was delighted when my delivery man Doug knocked on my door and handed me a box that had John Lewis written over it. It was so exciting unwrapping the goodies in the box which had been perfectly packaged, not knowing what was going to be inside. I have to say it really did feel a bit like Christmas. I was amazed to see that there was not one but three gifts inside and I was over the moon with what I received. 

The first thing that I saw in the box was another little box which had the delicate floral print on which I recognised immediately to be a Cath Kidston Print. I was so excited as I absolutely adore Cath Kidston and if I had it my way my whole house would look like a Cath Kidston store. In the little decorated box I found there to be a Hand Wash & Hand Lotion set which has the delicate Blossom fragrance. I'm a bit useless at describing scents, but the set smell so dainty, fresh and everything girly - I love it. I've always heard so many great things about how good the Cath Kidston beauty products are, so I am so excited to finally give these ago. My hands are always in need of some TLC this time of year because the cold just makes my hands feel so dry, so I can't wait to start using this set.

Next in my little gift box, I came across this little purse which again had another beautiful design on it. Again I reccognised the print pretty quickly and knew before reading the label that it was a Ted Baker design. Being a big fan of Ted Baker I actually squealed with excitement as I believe every beauty girl needs a bit of Ted in her life. 

Inside the purse contained a manicure set, which is perfect for those winter evening pampering sessions. I love everything about this gift, its so girly and me down to a T. I love how cute the pink and floral design is on the front of the purse, and how it has the contrasting bight neon colours inside, it is just beautiful. Even the manicure tools themselves are painted in a baby pink, this present is all about the little touches which really makes this such a lovely gift.

The last item in the box was the Nails Inc Bling It On Glitterball set. I've always had a little bit of a weakness when it comes to nail polish, I just love the stuff and love seeing beautiful colours in little glass pots. When it comes to getting creative with your nails, Nails Inc. have always released cute little sets that completely jazz up your nails and I've always wanted to try one of them. The Bling It On set will be perfect for Christmas and will be sure to get my nails drawing some attention with its amazing sparkle and shine. I cannot wait to try this out!

So that's everything in my Secret Santa goodie box, I would like to say a huge thank you to Marlene who picked out the perfect gifts for me and I couldn't have asked for a better Secret Santa partner. I would also like to thank John Lewis for launching such an amazing campaign and getting us all into the festive spirit. Unless you've been living under a rock, you will have seen the John Lewis Christmas advert by now, which I think is just so lovely - It's definitely my favourite advert on TV right now. You will know that John Lewis have the perfect selection of gifts for Christmas, so if your looking for some inspiration be sure to check out the John Lewis website.

I would love to know what gifts your wanting to receive this Christmas ladies and if you've taken part in the John Lewis Secret Santa challenge I would love to know what you received too.

Lots of Love


Monday, 18 November 2013

My Haircare Routine

Throughout my two and a bit years of blogging, I'm sure your all aware and have guessed by now that I love hair products, especially trying and testing out new ones - And of course I love to review them all for you here on my blog. But I've never managed to get a 'My Haircare Routine' post up for you all and it has to be one of my most requested posts. Since I've been blogging I've had a lot of ups and downs with my hair! I'm one of these girls that love having long hair, however for a start getting it to grow has been a nightmare in itself and then there is the task of maintaining your long locks. For the longest of time my hair wouldn't grow past that 'boob length' stage, but with the right products and with the help of some fellow beauty bloggers my hair seams to be growing at quite a good pace. Not only does my hair seam to be growing a little bit more than what it used too, I also think its in the best condition that its ever been. So I thought it was about time I shared with you all my current haircare routine and what products I love to use on my hair. 

Shampoo & Conditioner 

For the longest time I only used shampoo and conditioner from Aussie, as much as I adore this brand I found that my hair was getting used to the same shampoo and conditioner. During the summer I thought it was about time I mixed things up a little with my haircare routine and branched out and tried other shampoo and conditioners. I always go back to Aussie from time to time, but right now I'm loving a few products when it comes to washing my hair. I've found though, for best results I'll never use the same shampoo and conditioner more than twice in a row. So if I use Aussie on one wash, the next time I'll use a different shampoo and conditioner. I'm also a big fan of TIGI and Bed Head Shampoo and conditioner, unfortunately I don't have any to hand right now as they are a little on the expensive side - But if you are willing to pay out a little more then the oatmeal and honey range is amazing!

Tresemme Platinum Strength Shampoo & Conditioner

I have absolutely been loving the shampoo and conditioner from Tresemme's Platinum Strength range. Since introducing it into my haircare routine a little while ago I've seen such a dramatic change in the way that my hair looks and feels. My hair feels noticeably different - its smoother and silkier to the touch and it generally feels a lot stronger. My hair used to be prone to snapping and breaking at the ends, but since using this duo I've found that I have a lot less breakage with my hair. If you would like to see my full review of these products you can read it here.

Hask Hair Argan Oil Repairing Shampoo & Conditioner*  

I've always been a fan of hair oils, they do nothing but amazing things for you hair so if you can find a shampoo and conditioner that contains any kind of hair oil, your going to see amazing benefits. Recently I've been loving this shampoo and conditioner from Hask Hair that has been infused with Argan Oil from Morocco. Not only does the shampoo and conditioner make my hair smell amazing with its gorgeous chocolate and orange scent, it also makes my hair super silky soft. I would definitely recommend adding a shampoo and conditioner with either Moroccan or macadamia oil into your weekly hair wash, even if you only use it once a week - it really does make such a fantastic difference to your hair and helps to restore and strengthen your locks. Not to mention your hair will be so shiny and glossy.

Leave-In Conditioners & Hair Masks 

Aussie 3 Minute Miracle

When it comes to using a deep treatment leave in conditioner Aussie's 3 Minute Miracle has been a holy grail product of mine. I love using this in my hair as it just makes my hair really manageable  soft and shiny and it smells just incredible. Aussie have quite a for of the 3MM in their range for different hair types etc - I've tried them all and if you have long hair or are wanting to grow your hair then the 3MM from the Luscious Long range is fabulous and will do your locks the world of good. 

Hask Hair Argan Oil & Keratin Protein Deep Conditioners 

In order to have healthy hair in tip top condition, its really important to show it some love and treat it to a deep conditioning treatment once in a while. I try to do one every week or two weeks depending on how my hair feels. There are loads of great hair masks available but what you really want to look out for is ones that contain either Moroccan oil or keratin. Any hair mask that contains these products are going to be amazing for your hair and really help strengthen and hydrate your hair. Moroccan oil absorbs really quickly into your hair and will really help smooth out any damaged hair you may have. Whilst keratin is a protein which is naturally found in your own hair, so any hair product containing keratin is going to help repair and prevent damage to your hair. I absolutely love these deep conditioning masks from Hask hair as they really have made such a difference to my barnet and there not going to break the bank either - I highly recommend them.

Aussie Miracle Insurance Leave In Conditioner

No matter what hair products I use in the shower, I always find that my hair has a way of getting its self in a right tangled mess, especially right behind the back of my neck. Unfortunately I've found that the longer my hair gets, the more uncontrollable that these knots become. However Aussie's leave in conditioners are amazing for detangling your hair. Not only do they hydrate and protect your hair, but they make combing though wet or dry hair a dream. I'll always spay a little bit of this before my hair comes anywhere near a brush and I find that its great at detangling. For those of you wanting to get your hair long, I've found that brushing my hair the wrong way and full of knots have caused so much breakage and damage, so important to make the task of brushing your hair as gentle and as easy as possible.

Hair Oils

Moroccan Oil

Hair oils really have to be the best thing that I could recommend to use in your hair - the difference that they make really is incredible and simply amazing. My favourite hair oil has to be the infamous Moroccan Oil as its by far the best and seams to have the best results  Not only does it make your hair shiny and smell delightful but it has done a fantastic job at strengthening my hair. I honestly believe that my hair has grown quite considerably since using this. I know its a bit on the expensive side, but the amazing results from using this hair oil completely justifies its price tag.

 Hask Hair Argan Oil & Keratin Protein Oil

For those of you who don't want to fork out a lot for a hair oil or have never tried one - I really recommend trying out the Argan Oil or Keratin Protein Oil from Hask as they are super affordable and they are great products. Every time I've used these my hair feels ever so soft, manageable and in great condition. If you would like to see my review on the Hask Argan Oil you can find my review here.

Heat Protection Sprays

GHD Style Heat Protect Spray*

The great thing about hair has to be the many different ways in which it can be styled. But style often means adding intense heat to our hair and its so important to use a good heat protecting spray before using any styling tools. The GHD Style Protect Spray definitely has to be the best one I've tried and does a fantastic job at protecting your hair from the heat. I love the smell of this one, it has that classic salon smell to it. I also love how lightweight it is and how it distributes so evenly into your hair.

Toni & Guy Heat Protection Mist

As the GHD Style spray is a little more on the expensive side, I love to have a great alternative that I can use and the Heat Protection Mist from Toni & Guy is also a favourite of mine. It does a great job at protecting your hair from any heat and I love the way you dispense the product from the bottle. It coats all of your hair in a matter of sprays and as its a mist its not too heavy on your hair and doesn't have that horrible sticky feeling that other heat protecting sprays can have.

So that's all the products that I use in my current haircare routine ladies. As you can probably tell I like to alternate the products I use on a weekly basis as I find that my hair becomes to used to products too quickly and I stop seeing the benefits. Switching products up is a great way for you to start seeing results in your hair and you start getting more if an idea on which products work best in your hair.

Right now my hair is currently in the best condition its ever been and seams be growing pretty quickly. About a year ago I decided that I wanted to grow my hair out and get it really long, however when I decided this it was in awful condition. I had the worst split ends and if you could see the frizz and damage to my hair you would have been shocked. Reluctantly I decided to get a few inches taken off my locks this summer and really focused and concentrated on looking after my hair. As a result my hairs grown so quickly and because I've been looking it, my hair has stayed in pretty good condition considering its length. If you are wanting to see massive changes think about what condition your hair is in now, if its in a bad way try getting a trim then concentrate on really looking after it - I promise you that you will see amazing results.

Another tip for keeping your locks in great condition is to not over-do it when it comes to styling your hair with any heated tools. Where possible I try to let my hair dry naturally and only use styling tools when needed. I always try to avoid heat on second or third day hair and the best way to do this is by popping your hair in a top knot or cute little fishtail braid. I know it can be really difficult to stay away from the straightners, but it can be done and if your looking for a little inspiration you can check out the 'no heat in my hair challenge' post here.

I would love to know that your haircare routine is ladies and if you have any great tips on keeping your hair healthy I would love it if you could share your secrets in the comments below.

Lot's of Love


Saturday, 16 November 2013

How To Look Good Ill

As exciting as it is this time of year, there is an unfortunate downside. The change of weather can have a horrible effect on our bodies - of course I'm talking about common colds and other bugs and germs which get passed on to us. Now I'm not one for felling sorry for myself when I have a cold (unless it gets to the point where I can't physically move) and when I do have a cold I try my best to go about my normal day and not let it get the better of me. I have to be realistic and positive when I have a cold because the truth of it is as much as I would like to hide away from the rest of the world and stay permanently wrapped in my duvet, I still have to go to work, show my face and make an appearance.

One thing that I get slightly envious of is talking to those girls that say they are ill but they don't look it at all - actually in fact they look pretty perfect, which I think is totally unfair. When I'm ill I look a state, my eyes go droopy and all watery, I sound a bit like a man and am just a generally snotty mess, which is disgusting as it sounds. Over the last week I have had one of these colds and unfortunately have had to go to work and fight every desire and need to crawl back into my bed.

Which brings me to the focus of this blog post, how can we with the makeup and tools we have look good when we are ill. Whist being ill I've been changing my daily makeup routine around little just to make myself look a little less ill and give myself a little pick me up to help fight the ill feeling. I know its really easy to get in that mind set of 'I'm ill, so I can't be bothered with my appearance'. But no matter what the situation or regardless of how I'm feeling I still want to look the best that I possibly can be. So below I've listed a few of my makeup and beauty tips that will help you look good ill.

When your ill, the chances are your going to look a little peakier and your face maybe a little paler than usual - Therefore your regular foundation maybe a little darker for your skin which is fine. But bear in mind when your ill you tend to rub your face a little bit more and if your nose is blocked you will be blowing your nose every 2 minutes which is going to rub some of the makeup off around your face. Try sticking to just foundation, concealer (a lighter shade where possible) and a light/pale blush just to give your skin a little flush of colour

Most of us beauty lovers will have a few concealers floating around in varied shades, just because we need to match our concealer with whatever tone of skin we may have at the time. When I was ill I found that reaching for a slightly lighter concealer to be used under my eye area really helped to brighten my eyes a little more and make them look a little more awake.

When I'm ill my eyes are the biggest sign to the rest of the world that I'm not well. Like I mentioned, my eyes go all watery when I'm full of cold and they often run - I found that keeping eye makeup to a minimum is key when your not ill. Having liner on your waterline in a no go as it's going to close up the eye area and just run every time your eyes get a little watery. I'm on of these girls that doesn't feel quite put together unless I have eyeliner on and found that a long lasting gel or liquid liner just on top of the lash line worked perfectly. I kept the line as thin as possible and avoided any winged liner flicks! I also found that waterproof mascara really helped otherwise there is a chance you may have panda eyes as well as not being well.

With keeping your makeup to a minimum and not looking or feeling 100% I found that I looked really peaky and a little drained - even with the makeup. If your lips are not too dry (which is another thing that tends to happen when I have a cold) try adding some colour to your look by wearing a bright lipstick. Nothing too dramatic but something a little bolder just to brighten up your whole look and make you feel a little more put together. I found that wearing a bright lip really took some of the attention away from my eyes, which was perfect for me.

I hope these little tips help ladies, I know it is a bit of a random post but I know that these colds are just sometimes so unavoidable. I hope everyone is well though and if you do have a cold I hope you feel better soon. If any of you have some tips on how to look good ill, be sure to share them in the comments.

Lots of Love


Thursday, 14 November 2013

No7 Perfectly Bronzed Dual Bronzer || Review

When it comes to makeup I have to admit I have a little bit of a weakness when it comes to bronzers, I absolutely love trying out new ones and love them for contouring. If you've been reading my blog for a little while you may know that the Bourjois chocolate bronzing powder has been a staple in my makeup bag for a few years now. However over the last few months its somewhat been replaced with a gem of a bronzer that I've fallen in love with. This bronzer being the No7 Perfectly Bronzed Dual Bronzer.

First of all let me say that if your a fan of contouring like myself then this is a perfect little compact to have in your makeup bag. The No7 Perfectly Bronzed Dual Bronzer is a multipurpose product and contains both a bronzer and highlight in its compact. I have to say that I've tried and tested quite a few of these two in one products and its really hard for a company to hit the nail on the head and give us a perfect highlighter and bronzer all in one go - This one from No7 has two gorgeous shades that work perfectly for a contour or an everyday bronzed look. I first fell in love with this compact way back in the beginning of the year when I received a sample sized one in a No7 Christmas Box set, however due to its small size it ran out pretty quickly and I never thought it would be something I could pick up full size nor did I think it would be in the No7 permanent collection. A little while ago I got speaking to a lovely lady on the counter of No7 and was happily expressing my love for this bronzer and was over the moon when she popped this compact in my hand and told me that it had been sat on the shelves all this time. Needless to say I took one home with me and its been a makeup bag essential ever since.

The bronze part of this compact is amazing - it's a really deep rich matte bronzer that has fabulous pigmentation. You really only need the lightest of hand in order to get a great colour payout. The matte finish makes it perfect for counting  I find that that so many bronzers these days have little shimmery bits which is a contour no go! The secret to a good contour is about the blending and this bronzer blends beautifully into the skin. For those of you who do have fair skin may look at this and think its a little too dark for you - I must admit this is quite a dark bronzer and does look a little on the 'muddy' side. However because this bronzer blends effortlessly into your skin, if you used a light hand you could easily make this bronzer work for you.

As for the highlight, No7 have really picked and chosen a beautiful light gold highlight which really compliments the bronzer. When it comes to a highlight I don't like anything too shimmery, and although this one has finely milled gold glitter running though it, I find it's just the right amount of shimmer. I love how the highlight is a gold based one as I find that it's a little less obvious once on your skin - instead it gives you the most gorgeous golden glow and you really do look sun kissed. Because the bronzer and highlighter work so well together it gives a really beautiful and natural bronzed look.

I have to admit, I wasn't overly impressed on the outer packaging of this dual bronzer, it wasn't something that excited me. Having said this, I love the way that it looks once its opened. As you can see from the pictures the mirror is huge which makes this perfect for travelling or on the go. I also love how sturdy the packaging is too and it feels really secure once its placed in your hand. For some reason it reminds me of sea shell once its opened, which I think is down to the shape of the compact - but overall I think it adds a nice little touch and makes me smile every time I use it.

I would love to know if you've tried this dual bronzer from No7, if not what is your favourite contouring kit from the drugstore?

Lots of Love


Monday, 11 November 2013

Umberto Giannini Scrunch Up The Volume Messy Texture Cream || Review

When it comes to hair, perfectly messy waves and big bouncy hair have always been my preferred styles. I think it's fair to say that the majority of us girls rarely use our straighteners to actually straighten our hair these days. When it comes to achieving that surfer girl hairstyle, sea salt spays are the go too product as they often do a fantastic job at making our hair that little bit messier and make your hair look textured and full of volume effortlessly. However sometimes I find that sea salt spays don't quite do the job for me and sometimes my hair just needs that little bit more umph when it comes to creating such a hairstyle. 

Naturally my hair is very straight, so it's really difficult for me to retain any curls in my hair, even with the best of hairsprays, curls will drop out of my hair within a matter off minutes. In the past I would curl my hair and use a sea salt spray to fluff up all of my locks and go for that messy hair look. However once my curls had dropped out, my hair was always left feeling a little flat and full of frizz from the amount of product I had used. With my hair causing me too many problems to create my favourite hairstyle I was always on the look for a product that could give me styled messy hair, but one that would hold my style throughout the day and luckily I've found a product that does just that!

The other month in Boots on a whim I decided to pick up a bottle of Umberto Giannini Scrunch up the Volume Messy Texture Cream and its amazing! This is the perfect product to pop in your hair for an even more messy textured look and it actually holds the style for hours. I find that when I use this in my hair, curls last longer and it gives your hair that lovely natural wave which is great for those of you who have dead straight hair like myself.

The cream is really easy to use, to apply all you do is pop a little bit onto your finger tips and work it though damp hair. At this stage you can scrunch up your hair a little bit and mould it into the messy style you desire. The more cream that you use, the more of a messed up hair look you get once you've finished styling. To complete your hairstyle just simply zap your locks dry with a hairdryer and your good to go with your messy textured hair! The bottle does say for best results to dry your hair using a diffuser, but unfortunately I don't have this attachment with my hairdryer and I do find that I loose some of that initial wave that was caused from all my scrunching. Having said this I quite like the end result and find that it works perfectly on my hair.

The only thing I think some of you may dislike about this product is that is does leave a residue in your hair and it does feel as though your locks have been coated with a fair bit of product. I put it down to this being a cream and one that feels incredibly sticky when its first in your hair. However once your hair has dried, your not left with sticky hair at all. For me, my hair is a little on the thin side and this product does a brilliant job at making my hair look and feel thicker, so I don't mind the feeling of product in my hair - its not uncomfortable or annoying at all. In fact this product smells really good and has that salon smell to it. Its a huge added plus that you can really smell it in your hair hours after application.

Another bonus to using this product in your hair is it makes any curls that you may style into your hair last for hours. Like I mentioned my hair never stays curly once I've used the straighteners to curl it. Yet when I use this product my curls last for hours, all I do is brush my hair with a wide tooth comb once its dried so its nice and smooth, curl away and I'm good to go. If your wanting loose curls add a little sea salt spray and you have that perfect beach hair look. You can even pop a little more of the messy texture cream in for a little more volume and lift.

Overall I really rate this product and is fantastic if your looking to take your messy hair look to the next level. I also adore the packaging, the cream is really easy to dispense with its twist lid at the bottom. I also love the black design of the bottle as it looks ever so sleek which gives it that salon feel to it.

I would love to know what your thoughts are on this product and what products you use to get beautiful big messy hair.

Lots of Love


Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Meet My Monthly Advertisers || November

Hi lovely ladies, today I wanted to introduce you all to Cheeky Chica Hair Extensions, a fabulous Hair extension and hair accessory company who have decided to advertise on Miss Sunshine & Sparkle this month. The ladies over at Cheeky Chica Hair are so kind and delightful, I would love for you all to take the time to read a little more about them and of course check out the links to their website and Twitter.

 photo FB_Profile6_zpsb4d4ab7e.jpg
Wave goodbye to bad hair days with Cheeky Chica® Hair

Beautiful, instantly long and voluminous, absolutely perfect hair in just 5 minutes? We now have your answer - Cheeky Chica® Hair is where all that magic happens! 

We are a dedicated team of qualified hair extension specialists, truly passionate about hair and beauty. Our unique and feminine online store specialises in retailing a wide variety of 100% luxury Premium Remy human clip-in hair extensions, ranging from the Naturale 18" 140g all the way through to the spectacular Exquisite 24" 200g set, so you are sure to find your own perfect Cheeky look! 

We pride ourselves in offering one of finest quality product available on the market, custom-made to our highest standards and luxuriously thick from top to bottom, at affordable and competitive prices. With every individual product being carefully selected, produced, inspected, and brought to perfection, we are wholeheartedly dedicated to making our customers truly happy and to give you a personalised, unique experience in ensuring that you are completely delighted with your Cheeky Chica® choice!

Come and visit us today, every woman deserves to be treated to something extra special.
Be bold, be beautiful, be a Cheeky Chica

So there we have it! I'm so pleased to finally start advertising on my blog and if you would love to be featured here next month please take the time to have a look at my advertising page, I would love to have you on board.

Lot's of Love


Monday, 4 November 2013

John Lewis Secret Santa Challenge


Now that November is here the countdown to Christmas officially starts, I always get so excited around this time of year because it's only a month to go before we can start opening up our advent calendars for a special daily treat and of course pop up the Christmas decks and turn our homes into little grotto's! This month I get to jump into the Christmas spirit a little early as I've been one of the lucky bloggers chosen to take part in the John Lewis Secret Santa Challenge. 

I absolutely love buying gifts for others over Christmas and I really think that it adds to the excitement of it all, seeing someone else's joy from opening such wonderful things. But I've never had to buy a secret Santa prezzie before as I've never taken part in one, which makes me even more excited about this campaign from John Lewis. 

For this Secret Santa challenge I shall be sent the details of another blogger on November 11th and will then have two days to research their blog, find out a little more about them and choose an item to gift to the blogger from a gift list that John Lewis will provide. 

On Friday 25th November, Christmas will have arrived early as every bloggers gift will be sent out and I will be able to share with you all what was gifted to me and what I decided to gift another blogger. 

I think that this campaign is such a lovely idea and will really create some excitment and buzz to the lead up to Christmas. I can't wait to find out which blogger I have to choose the perfect gift for. I would love to know if any of you beauties are also taking part in this challenge, who knows I could be your secret Santa :)

Lots of Love

P.S Who else is excited to see what the John Lewis advert is this year? Last years snowman one was my favourite! I can't wait to see how they are going to make my heart melt this year!


Sunday, 3 November 2013

October Favourites

WOW guys can you believe it, its that time of the month where everyone's feed is filled with monthly favourite posts! I can't believe just how quick the months seam to be passing, although right now I'm not complaining one bit as the countdown for Christmas is officially now on! I can't wait to get some Christmas related posts up on my blog, expect to see a few little surprises and of course those loved Christmas wishlist posts... All that excitement aside, today I really want to share with you all just what products I've been loving recently.

I wont go into too much detail about just how much I am in love with this lipstick as I dedicated a whole blog post about my love a little while ago, which you can find here. But oh my gosh guys this lipstick is just beautiful and looks so pretty once its on. Everyone needs a good nude and this pink toned one from L'Oreal is just amazing, it gives flawless application and looks great with any outfit your wearing and most makeup looks. I love it.

I took my blog pictures for this post this morning, and and I've just realised now that this foundation made its way onto my monthly favourites post last month. If that's not love for a product then I don't know what is? Honestly I have been so impressed by this foundation and it really does blow any other high street foundation right out of the water! If your wanting flawless looking skin with a matte finish then I highly recommend this foundation. Not only does it make your skin look perfect but it is so long lasting, seriously this stuff does not budge and will stay put the whole day... AMAZING!

I picked up this product a little while ago on a whim whilst Boots were offering 3 for 2 on all their hair care products (oh Boots how I love you for bringing me such wonderful deals). Anyway this product was my freebie and I've been reaching for it a lot since I picked it up so thought it earned a well deserved spot on my favourites post! When it comes to styling my hair, I'm a style me quick, fuss free hair kinda girl. Most mornings I'll never spend more than 10 minutes on my hair. I always think that the best kind of hairstyle for fuss free hair is messy textured waves and although sea salt spay does a fantastic job at creating surfer girl hair, I find that sometimes my hair just needs that little bit more. I don't want to say too much about just how well this product works at giving your hair that boho looks as I'm planning on getting a full review up for you. So for now I'll just say its brilliant and does such a great job at adding volume and plenty of texture to your hair. 

Last month I was so lucky enough to be sent this Argan shampoo and Conditioner from Hask Hair and I can honestly say its one of the best hair care products I've had the pleasure of using. As of late my hair has been in tip top condition and I really believe that this shampoo and conditioner have made a massive difference to the healthy condition of my hair. These are such luxury products and straight away I can feel a difference in my hair when using them. I'm planning on getting a full review of these products up very soon so again I wont go into too much detail  but they are seriously impressive. 

So that's everything for this months favourites, I would love to know what you've been loving last month and if any of your favourites match mine?

Lots of Love

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