Sunday, 3 November 2013

October Favourites

WOW guys can you believe it, its that time of the month where everyone's feed is filled with monthly favourite posts! I can't believe just how quick the months seam to be passing, although right now I'm not complaining one bit as the countdown for Christmas is officially now on! I can't wait to get some Christmas related posts up on my blog, expect to see a few little surprises and of course those loved Christmas wishlist posts... All that excitement aside, today I really want to share with you all just what products I've been loving recently.

I wont go into too much detail about just how much I am in love with this lipstick as I dedicated a whole blog post about my love a little while ago, which you can find here. But oh my gosh guys this lipstick is just beautiful and looks so pretty once its on. Everyone needs a good nude and this pink toned one from L'Oreal is just amazing, it gives flawless application and looks great with any outfit your wearing and most makeup looks. I love it.

I took my blog pictures for this post this morning, and and I've just realised now that this foundation made its way onto my monthly favourites post last month. If that's not love for a product then I don't know what is? Honestly I have been so impressed by this foundation and it really does blow any other high street foundation right out of the water! If your wanting flawless looking skin with a matte finish then I highly recommend this foundation. Not only does it make your skin look perfect but it is so long lasting, seriously this stuff does not budge and will stay put the whole day... AMAZING!

I picked up this product a little while ago on a whim whilst Boots were offering 3 for 2 on all their hair care products (oh Boots how I love you for bringing me such wonderful deals). Anyway this product was my freebie and I've been reaching for it a lot since I picked it up so thought it earned a well deserved spot on my favourites post! When it comes to styling my hair, I'm a style me quick, fuss free hair kinda girl. Most mornings I'll never spend more than 10 minutes on my hair. I always think that the best kind of hairstyle for fuss free hair is messy textured waves and although sea salt spay does a fantastic job at creating surfer girl hair, I find that sometimes my hair just needs that little bit more. I don't want to say too much about just how well this product works at giving your hair that boho looks as I'm planning on getting a full review up for you. So for now I'll just say its brilliant and does such a great job at adding volume and plenty of texture to your hair. 

Last month I was so lucky enough to be sent this Argan shampoo and Conditioner from Hask Hair and I can honestly say its one of the best hair care products I've had the pleasure of using. As of late my hair has been in tip top condition and I really believe that this shampoo and conditioner have made a massive difference to the healthy condition of my hair. These are such luxury products and straight away I can feel a difference in my hair when using them. I'm planning on getting a full review of these products up very soon so again I wont go into too much detail  but they are seriously impressive. 

So that's everything for this months favourites, I would love to know what you've been loving last month and if any of your favourites match mine?

Lots of Love



  1. The Umberto Giannini texture cream looks like a really nice product! Definitely gonna check that one out - thank you!
    Great post hun, love your selection of products

    Rosie xo

  2. That lip stick looks so pretty! I wanted and tried to love that foundation but it just didn't mesh/blend right with my skin which is a huge bummer because everyone seems to have such good luck with it!


  3. My life depends on Revlon Colorstay haha x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter

  4. I LOVEEEEEE the shampoo and conditioners, and the other set! They smell so good, and make my hair feel amazing!!!! xxx

    Gemma | Miss Makeup Magpie


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