Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Primark Flase Eyelashes

Hiya Girlies! I hope your week has been kicking off to a good start. I wanted to share with you this evening another obsession that seams to have taken hold of me recently, which is false eyelashes. Now I'm no stranger when it comes to applying false eyelashes, if I'm going on a night out then I will always pop them on. But recently I've gone a bit TOWIE you could say and I seam to want to wear whenever I've got time to apply them. 

As we all know, no false eyelash lasts forever, I don't know about you but I normally get about 2 or 3 wears per set of lashes before there due for the bin. My favourite lash brand has to be Eylure as they are just perfect for my lashes, but with the average price of £5.00 per pack and with me wearing them so often can have a nasty effect on my bank account. But its OK because I've found the perfect cheap alternative lash and I am in love with them. These are Primark's Very Fluttering Sultry Lashes which only cost £1.00. Not only are the lashes cheap as chips, they also create a fabulous everyday look as they are very natural looking on and in no way OTT. 

I think these lashes are also perfect if you were like me and a bit of a novice when it comes to applying false lashes (practice really does make perfect ladies, and I've been doing plenty of that recently!) If you mess up, get frustrated and want to though them away, you know you've not broken the bank with only spending £1.00 on them.

The only teeny downside to these amazing lashes has to be the adhesive glue that comes with them, its shockingly bad! I must be honest and say that before trying the glue I didn't have high hopes for it, but being the beauty blogger I am, I had to give it ago. Don't get me wrong it did keep the lashes in place and hold them where they needed to be, but I found the ends of the lashes kept lifting up and it needed constant re-applying which was a pain. If you are wanting to wear these for a long period of time, and be lash hastle free I would recommend buying a lash glue. A favourite one of mine has to be Revlon's Precision Dark Lash Adhesive which you can buy from Boots or Tesco. 

Apart from the glue issue, these Primark Lashes are fab and I'm pretty sure that they do fuller and thicker lashes too for those of you who are wanting more of a dramatic/evening look. 

Have you tired these Primark Lashes? Let me know your thoughts babes!


Sunday, 29 July 2012

Halo Hair Extensions | The Halo Review

A lot of you beauties will have noticed by now that I am completely hair obsessed! I always think you can use all the makeup in the world, but if your having a bad hair day then nothing is going to make you feel better!  However since I started blogging I've been finding out new ways of keeping those bad hair days at bay and the biggest secret that I can share with you lovelies so far has to be Halo Hair!

A little while ago I entered competition by Halo Hair on Twitter and won myself a set of my very own Halo Hair Extensions. WOW.  I was over the moon and super excited when Halo announced that I was their lucky winner and I was able to choose between your normal clip-in extensions or the famous 'Halo' extensions. 

The Halo has to be the ultimate 'no fuss' hair extension. All the hair is attached as one strip, to a clear thin nylon wire which is in this shape of a halo, this is fully adjustable and is made to fit any head shape. 

The adjustable bands around the wire make it very easy for fitting it to the shape of your head and makes the Halo suitable for everyone. You simply pull the wire on either side to shorten to lengthen the Halo. Once you have the Halo sitting perfectly on your head (it should just rest above your ears) you can then start styling your hair!

 To style your hair all you need is a pin tail comb to pull sections of your hair up and over the wire to hide the Halo giving you flawless, perfect hair! It really is the easiest type of hair extension you will ever find.

As you can see from the pictures, once in place the Halo blends really well into the hair and creates really lovely and natural looking hair. One thing that I love about Halo Hair has to be the quality of the hair. Halo only use human remy hair, which means:

'your extensions have all the cuticles intact and all running in the same direction to prevent tangling. Intact cuticles protect the hair from damage and give you a very natural look!' Halo Hair

Once the Halo is in place, it sits so comfortably in the hair and is in no way pulling on your natural hair. It adds plenty of length and volume which really gives your hair that flawless celebrity feel to it. If your like me and have really thin hair, the Halo is ideal as it really makes your hair feel full of volume and life. 

A lot of you beauties will know that I do cheerleading, recently I've had a lot of big promotional events and competitions and have worn my Halo during extreme stunts and intense routines and it's still stayed perfectly in place, so there is no need to worry about it moving around on your hair.

Halo Hair get a huge thumbs up from me when it came down to choosing the right hair extensions for me and when it came to customer service. The website is very easy to navigate and there is plenty of options when it comes to the colouring of the hair extensions. There really is a natural colour to suit everyone. 

If you are unsure about what hair colour to choose Halo Hair offer a second opinion and you can send them a picture of your hair and they will try and match you up with the correct colour. This is exactly what I did and the Halo Team matched me up with the colour Chocolate Brown (#4) and the colour matched spot on, so you can definitely trust their expert opinion. 

Another thing which is fabulous about Halo Hair is that they offer a 7 day refund/exchange policy; The hair extensions come in a box with a little plastic window so you can see the colour of the hair before you take them out the box, this allows you to decide if there the right shade for you.

As my hair is at a long length naturally, the halo team recommended that I opted for the 20" length, but for those of you with shorter hair there is the option to purchase the halo in in 16". The 20" ones that you can see in this blog post retail for £99.99, which is pricey for hair, but in my opinion completely worth every penny. You are paying for hair extensions with amazing quality, the unique Halo design and great customer service.

If you would like to find out more about Halo Hair or purchase your own set of Halo Extensions you can find everything you need on their website 

and be sure to follow them on Twitter 

If there are any questions you beauties have about Halo Hair, hair extensions please ask away in the comments below. I am thinking of doing a few more 'hair extensions' type posts (styling, maintaining them etc) if you would like to see these then let me know.


Wednesday, 25 July 2012

I'm Addicted to Instagram

Hi beauties. I just wanted to get another post up for you this evening because for some reason I don't feel tired at all. So seeing as its eleven at night and there is no daylight to take any pretty pictures of beauty products I thought I would do a post on my favourite apps right now which you guessed it by the title of this post Instagram. 

Now I see a lot of you beauty bloggers do Instagram posts and I love to see them, and its especially great  for those of you who don't have iPhones and can't get on the app. I'm not sure if I am going to do weekly posts of my pictures but I thought I would just show you beauties a handful of the ones I've taken as and when the fancy takes me as some weeks there might now be anything picture worthy! 

So lets get started!

My Aussie Summer Sizzle Blog Post

Black and White picture trying on River Island top

Coloured picture trying on River Island top

Trying on Pink Peplum Dress from River Island

Trying on Shorts from River Island 

New Cheer Training Top | Watch Out It's Gunna Be Chaos

New Cheer Training Top and Zebra Shorts

These pictures were all taken within the space of three days, so as you can see I am a little obsessed with Instagram, if you would like to follow me you can find me @


I would love for you to pop over and say hi and I follow all beauty bloggers back, so just let me know that you are one.

If you would like to see more posts like this then just let me know beauties 

Lots of Love


#AussieSummerSizzle | Team Rainbow's Party!

G'Day all you Aussie Hair Care fans and beauty bloggers. A few of you lovely readers will know that a little while ago I was given my wings and became an Aussie Angel. Any of you who follow Aussie on Twitter or any other Aussie Angels will know that Aussie are always setting out lots of fun challenges for the Angels! This summer has been all about the Aussie Summer Sizzle challenge and for Aussie to showcase their fabulous new limited edition bottles.

So the challenge for us Angels was to host an Aussie themed party, and this is the post where I tell Aussie and all you lovelies just what Team Rainbow got up to.

So the party planning all began when I received this Aussome Aussie Parcel from the lovely DHL man packed with the all the essential Aussie goodies to get the Aussie Summer Sizzle Party going.

The party pack contained a gorgeous Aussie beach bag which had three full sized limited edition Aussie products and ten miniature bottles of the miracle moist shampoo & conditioner, not to mention the most amazing Aussie Beach Towel (I fell in love with this).

So this package all arrived whilst I was on holiday in Turkey and because I was on holiday it meant that I didn't have much time to host a full blown out Aussie Party. However on the weekend of the 7th July, my cheerleading squad and I were off to London for the day to cheer in the parade for the World Pride Festival. I thought that seeing as there would be a lot of 'BIG' hairstyles and a lot of waiting around before and after the parade, it would be the perfect opportunity to host my Aussie Summer Sizzle Party and incorporate the two events.  

This may sound like I was cheating a little, but when you start your Aussie Party on a Friday night and it ends early hours of Sunday morning (yes we had no sleep in between this time) and your on a Double Decker rainbow bus all the way to London with a maximum speed of 30 mph, there was plenty of time for us cheerleaders to have to Aussome Aussie fun, and fun was just what we had!

Being a cheerleader is all about hitting impressive stunts, working together as a team, great facial expressions,  flying high in the air, and having a fierce routine. But before any cheerleader goes and showcases what they can do to the world, having big cheer hair with an amazing cheer bow is a must and Aussie Hair products are just what you need to achieve the most beautiful cheer hair.

Our Aussie party began with us cheerleaders washing our hair with the limited edition Summer Sizzle bottles and the Aussome Volume Shampoo was just what our hair needed for amazing Volume that would give our cheer bows plenty of height!

Sarah (above) was an Aussie Virgin before the party! (shock shock) but was super impressed by the smell of the Aussome Volume Shampoo when she washed and styled her hair at 2AM in the morning, but was even more impressed when her hair had even more volume just before the parade at midday. 

I'm pleased to say Sarah has officially caught the Aussie bug and has been converted to the Aussie way of life!

No Aussie Cheer Party would be complete without great music to party to and on the way to London Team Rainbow  danced and rocked out to some amazing tunes! Below is a listing of the soundtrack we partied too.

Califionia Gurls | Katy Perry
Starships | Nicki Minaj 
Surfin' U.S.A | The Beach Boys
Walking on Sunshine | Katrina & The Waves
Call My Name | Cheryl Cole
Long Hot Summer | Girls Aloud
Shake Senora | Pitbull 
Get on the Floor | J-Lo
S & M | Rhianna 
Give Me Everything | Pitbull Ft Ne-yo
Domino | Jessie J
Till The World Ends | Britney Spears
Everyday I'm Shuffling | LMFAO

With the music blasting throughout the whole day there was plenty of time for us to practice and try out our best surfing moves. Being the cheerleaders that we are we decided to think outside the box and instead of sporting the traditional surf move on the ground we decided to see what surf moves we could do whist flying high up in the air. 

We all know that Aussies have the best surf parties and know how to do some extreme surfing and we think all Aussies would be proud of our extreme surfing moves out of the water!

The rainbow cheer squad would have loved to have really spiced things up at my Aussie party with a few cheeky alcoholic drinks and fabulous food, but as we had a lot of work to do and with the party taking place on a bus for the most part, we did have to use our imaginations. 

It was agreed by all of Team Rainbow that a proper Australian Style BBQ on the beach would have made the best party food. Everything from burgers, hot dogs, salmon and shrimp and not to forget the chicken kebabs accompanied by pasta, salad and a large helping of coleslaw and potato salad.

As for a yummy drink it was decided that we definitely needed something cooling, refreshing and it would have to have a bit of a kick to it. The ultimate Team Rainbow Aussie Summer Sizzle Party drink would have to be 

Any Flavour Vodka Slush Puppies 

Part of the Aussie Summer Sizzle Challenge was for Team Rainbow to conjure up the next best Aussie Shampoo ingredient. After much debating it was decided that if Team Rainbow were to create the next Aussie Shampoo we would call it

Flying Fierce Shampoo for Hair Styles that need BIG Cheer Bows

The Flying Fierce Shampoo would have a gorgeous coconut and lime beach/holiday smell  to it and have the supernatural ingredient of fierceness which will give you and your hair that confidence you need to go and win, whilst making your hair super pretty,  and full of volume all at the same time. This would be the perfect shampoo for any cheerleader, dancer, performer or any girl who is wanting big hair for fierce hairstyles. 

Team Rainbow had a fantastic Aussie Summer Sizzle Party and loads of fun at pride and it was all agreed that our hair would not have looked as good if it hadn't been for the Aussie treatments that arrived in the goodie bag, which made our hair smell and feel lush. Team Rainbow loved the beach bag and towel so much so that we decided to treat it with some cheer spirit and give Aussie it's very own cheer bow!

And not only did we towel dry our hair with the Aussie Beach Towel we also turned it into a cheer bow! Beautiful!

If you or Aussie would like to see more of what we got up too on Team Rainbow's Aussie Party you can check out my Pinetrest board, where you will see how much fun you can have with cheerleaders and Aussie goodies.

you can also check out and follow my Instagram @ sunshinesprkle for more Aussie Summer Sizzle Pictures 

How would you beauties hosted an Aussie Party, I would love to know in the comments below 

Lots of Love

Team Rainbow


Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Barry M Nail Paints | NOTD

So a little while ago Barry M (famous for their amazing Nails Paints) added some new shades to their collection and I was an extremely lucky Beauty Blogger as I managed to win three of them in a giveaway held by the lovely Ellie over at Style and Starbucks Blog. So a huge thank you to you Ellie for picking me. I would love it if you beauties could check out her blog which is amazing and filled with the most fabulous fashion posts, just pop over and say hello!

So these new shades may not be so new anymore, but they are beautiful never the less and they definitely deserve to be blogged about.  The three shades that arrived in the post this morning were 'Silvery Lilac' 'Denim' and 'Copper'.

I've read a lot of good reviews around the blogging world on all three of these fabulous shades and I was so excited when they came though the door. Being the beauty blogger that I am, I needed to get a colour on my nails right away and so I also have a NOTD for you lovelies. 

It was a hard choice as to what shade I wanted to pick first, but I decided to go with 'Silvery Lilac' as I think its by far the most interesting  and unique shade out of the three.

As you probably guessed by the name 'Silvery Lilac' is a combination of silver and lilac but with a duo-chrome metallic finish. One thing that I love about this polish is that it's filled with lots of subtle, yet very effective glitter bits which really make your nails shimmer and sparkle when the light hits it.

I have to say for the nail polish addict that I am, I don't have many duo-chrome shades in my collection, mainly because it's only there more expensive nail polish brands that do them. But Barry M have really made something special here with 'Silvery Lilac'. You get a good mix of purple, silver and even green colours when you look at your nails and overall I think its a really fun and wearable polish to have on your nails; perfect to wear on a night out on the town.

So this polish gets a huge nails up from me and I know that I will be getting a lot of use out of it, so another BIG thank you to Ellie for picking me as the winner of your giveaway as this is not a polish I would have picked out for myself.

And speaking of nail polishes, I have two that I picked up from Turkey that will be held in a giveaway for you all very shortly, so please keep up to date on my blog as I wouldn't want you to miss out on the nail polish love that will be going around.

Take Care Beauties 


Tuesday, 17 July 2012

I Coloured My Hair Again | L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss

Hi lovelies! So if any of you who have/are colouring your hair with red tones to it will know that even with the best colour  treated shampoo, the red is very fast to fade and is in need of regular application of hair dye. A few months ago I posted a review on the L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss hair dye (which you can read here) and shockingly this is the last time that I dyed my hair.

I thought that with going on holiday, dying my hair before would be a complete waste of time what with all the pool dipping and bleaching of the sun on my hair. So now I'm back in the UK, I decided that my hair was in need of a hair makeover and I thought I would share with you the colour results. Last time I used the L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss I opted for shade 550 Mahogany, but I was wanting something I little bit darker this time so went for 360 Black Cherry

As with any hair dye you get, there is always the colour chart that's printed on the back or side of the box. Although we all use this a guideline very rarely does the colour actually match the finishing result. But I have to say that the colour 360 Black Cherry on my hair pretty much looked like how it did in the colour chart below. Before dying my hair, I would say my colour was matched to the brown colour you see in the picture below and it came out a little bit darker than whats shown in the picture... result!

As for the contents of the L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss you get your trusty protective latex gloves (which are made of giant hands), intensive colour conditioner, and the actual hair dye parts A and B and a nozzle applicator. And of course not to forget your step by step hair dye guide.

I have to say beauties, that my thoughts of the L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss match those of my previous review. The application of this dye is super easy and with the squeezy bottle and nozzle applicator I found applying it to the hair very easy and mess free.

Please remember though beauties, if your thinking about using any hair dye to do a small test of your skin before hand to make sure you have no bad reactions to the dye; You will find just how to do this in the instructions. 

So for the results.

First off let me show you just how my hair looked before application 

Please excuse my cheerleading clothes, but it was the only picture I had showing the back of my hair! Any beauty blogger will know that if your on your own taking a picture from behind is not easy!

As you can see my hair has gotten really light and there is a lot of natural Blonde highlights which I got from Turkey's super hot sun!

So this is the colour of my hair after application 


These were taken in natural daylight and as you can see there is a nice even and full coverage. However the camera is is not picking up my true hair colour in these pictures as it is a much darker and deeper shade of red than whats shown here. 

However this picture was taken on a lot later in the day and as you can see the colour is appearing much darker which is a much more true representation of what my hair colour is like after applying the L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss hair dye.

For those of you wondering why I choose L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss? Well the answer is because I find  the application very easy, I'm left with super glossy hair and I find that the colour lasts much longer than what it does with other hair dyes.

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