Wednesday, 25 July 2012

I'm Addicted to Instagram

Hi beauties. I just wanted to get another post up for you this evening because for some reason I don't feel tired at all. So seeing as its eleven at night and there is no daylight to take any pretty pictures of beauty products I thought I would do a post on my favourite apps right now which you guessed it by the title of this post Instagram. 

Now I see a lot of you beauty bloggers do Instagram posts and I love to see them, and its especially great  for those of you who don't have iPhones and can't get on the app. I'm not sure if I am going to do weekly posts of my pictures but I thought I would just show you beauties a handful of the ones I've taken as and when the fancy takes me as some weeks there might now be anything picture worthy! 

So lets get started!

My Aussie Summer Sizzle Blog Post

Black and White picture trying on River Island top

Coloured picture trying on River Island top

Trying on Pink Peplum Dress from River Island

Trying on Shorts from River Island 

New Cheer Training Top | Watch Out It's Gunna Be Chaos

New Cheer Training Top and Zebra Shorts

These pictures were all taken within the space of three days, so as you can see I am a little obsessed with Instagram, if you would like to follow me you can find me @


I would love for you to pop over and say hi and I follow all beauty bloggers back, so just let me know that you are one.

If you would like to see more posts like this then just let me know beauties 

Lots of Love



  1. I sincerely hope you bought both the shorts and the peplum dress! The dress looks amazing on you.
    Mel x

    1. I got the dress, not splurged out on the shorts yet. Everyone at work told me they were horrid and popped doubts in my mind. But I do love them, come next payday they will be mine lol x

  2. I'm obbsessed with instagram too, the peplum dress is gorgeous! xo

    1. Thanks lovely, I love Insagram, whats your name on there I'll find you. xx

  3. Your dress is beautiful! Nice blog btw! xo

    1. Thanks Elle, I think this dress would look fabulous on most and it comes in a gorgeous navy colour as well xx

  4. Love your shorts! Also gonna follow u on instagram since im so new at all tht ;) xx

    1. Thanks lovely, got your follow though and followed you back sweets xx

  5. Love that peplum dress! It looks gorgeous on you hun but then again, is there anything you can't wear? ;) xxx


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