Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Tag | Blogging Love

Hello beauties. I am back in the UK and ready to jump in the deep end with my blog and have lots of lovely posts lined up for you. I've literally written a long list with all the blog post ideas I have lined up. Is anyone else a crazy list maker like me? Let me know!

So on top of my list was the 'Blogging Love Tag' which was created by Kayleigh over at Couture Girl Blog (please please check out her blog as it's fabulous and she is such a sweetie). So I read Kayleigh's Blogging Tag at the weekend and knew immediately that I had to do it and I urge you beauty bloggers to have a go at it and get it spread around the blogging world!

Its really simple all you have to do is list five reasons why you love blogging, your blogging aim, your top blogging tip and the name of one blogger who has inspired you along the way.

So in no particular order

The Beauty Bit

I've always had a huge passion for beauty products, weather it be makeup, false eyelashes, absolutely anything all the way to shampoo and conditioner. However since I started blogging about beauty products, the way I use and analyse a product is completely different. If I'm in the shower washing my hair, I think to myself what words I can use to descibe this product in a review, how well does it work, is it a review that needs to be shared with the world (more than often that answer is YES).  I can honestly say that becoming a beauty blogger has made the whole experience of trying out new and old products a lot more fun for me and there is nothing more I like than typing my thoughts about it up on my blog.

Taking Pictures

This may sound a little daft as anyone can take a picture, but I've really enjoyed taking pictures for my blog. When I first started my blog I would just place the product in front of me and snap it, but as I've realised along the way that there is defiantly an art in taking pictures (one I've not yet mastered, but I can see my improvements). I find the whole process of taking pictures quite relaxing and when I have the right pictures I can see how the rest of the blog post will take shape. 


I can see this one being in a lot of peoples top reasons why they love blogging and its simply because its so true. Beauty Bloggers are some of the nicest people I have ever spoken too and the interaction between us all is fabulous. I've spoken to so many lovely beauty bloggers since I started blogging the support and advice some of them have given to me has been amazing. Not only is the beauty community ready to give you a helping hand, recommend any products for your personal needs, but they also make wonderful friends.

Finding New Products

I've found so many new products that I am in love with though reading peoples blogs and though blogging. If it wasn't for the beauty community I would have no idea how amazing Mac's Mineralize Skin Finish was or what to what to expect when I buy the latest product from Lush. Not only have I learnt a great deal about products but I've also gained so much product knowledge on brands I never knew existed.


Having a blog is the perfect outlet to be creative, weather it be from pictures, writing or content. I love how there are no right or wrongs. Its completely your space and you can quite simply do as you please. I love how one day I can do a post of a review and the next a nail art tutorial. I also love those blog 'Eureka' moments when a blog post idea will just come to you in the middle of the day unexpectedly and that's it you will be on a roll for ideas all day.

My Blogging Aim

I never started my blog with specific aim in mind, like all of us I started off with no followers and it was just a space I could call my own. Now its a space that's viewed by followers and people that search for something in particular. So eight months into blogging, I've found my aim is to keep growing as a blogger and to create content that people enjoy to read. Your only as good as your last post and for me it's important to keep improving on my own work, so it a better place for my readers.

My Blogging Tip

My number one blogging tip would have to be 


Whether your blogging for the first time, or have been blogging for years, I think its so important to have fun. If your not having fun then you shouldn't be blogging. For me when I read blogs, I love to read things that I've not seen before on other peoples blogs. Don't blog about what you think people want to hear about, blog what you want to blog about. Let your personality shine though in your writing and you and your blog will go far.

Blogger Who Has Inspired Me

This is an easy question for me, and I know loads of you will be very familiar with her blog. It is of course the lovely Louise from the A Sprinkle of Glitter Blog. I first started out watching her Youtube and though it found her blog. I had heard of blogs before  but I honestly thought it was something only technical wizards could get involved with, but Louise really opened my eyes up to the blogging world and completely inspired me to start my own blog up.

So that's it for all the questions beauty bloggers, and I think it would be fabulous if you could all get involved as I would love to read your answers, just let me know in the comments below. I have to say if you really love blogging then you will love this tag, so thank you Kayleigh!

Lots of Love 



  1. I loved reading this and i love your answers. I know what you mean about the taking photos part - as soon as i have the right photos i'm good to go - the photos can make or break a post for me! When i look back at my older posts I think 'cripes i posted THAT?!' haha. I love finding new products too - some of my favourite products i'd never have tried unless id started blogging :)

    great answers..ive just done the tag too :))

    1. Thanks hunni, I cringe as well looking back at older posts especially the ones in the beginning haha. I will be sure to check your answers too hun, I love this tag xx

  2. Great tag, I love hearing about how people got into blogging and what they enjoy about it. x

    1. Its a good one hun, it really interests me too xx

  3. Thanks Becca, I will be sure to hop over to your blog and have a look x


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