Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Primark Flase Eyelashes

Hiya Girlies! I hope your week has been kicking off to a good start. I wanted to share with you this evening another obsession that seams to have taken hold of me recently, which is false eyelashes. Now I'm no stranger when it comes to applying false eyelashes, if I'm going on a night out then I will always pop them on. But recently I've gone a bit TOWIE you could say and I seam to want to wear whenever I've got time to apply them. 

As we all know, no false eyelash lasts forever, I don't know about you but I normally get about 2 or 3 wears per set of lashes before there due for the bin. My favourite lash brand has to be Eylure as they are just perfect for my lashes, but with the average price of £5.00 per pack and with me wearing them so often can have a nasty effect on my bank account. But its OK because I've found the perfect cheap alternative lash and I am in love with them. These are Primark's Very Fluttering Sultry Lashes which only cost £1.00. Not only are the lashes cheap as chips, they also create a fabulous everyday look as they are very natural looking on and in no way OTT. 

I think these lashes are also perfect if you were like me and a bit of a novice when it comes to applying false lashes (practice really does make perfect ladies, and I've been doing plenty of that recently!) If you mess up, get frustrated and want to though them away, you know you've not broken the bank with only spending £1.00 on them.

The only teeny downside to these amazing lashes has to be the adhesive glue that comes with them, its shockingly bad! I must be honest and say that before trying the glue I didn't have high hopes for it, but being the beauty blogger I am, I had to give it ago. Don't get me wrong it did keep the lashes in place and hold them where they needed to be, but I found the ends of the lashes kept lifting up and it needed constant re-applying which was a pain. If you are wanting to wear these for a long period of time, and be lash hastle free I would recommend buying a lash glue. A favourite one of mine has to be Revlon's Precision Dark Lash Adhesive which you can buy from Boots or Tesco. 

Apart from the glue issue, these Primark Lashes are fab and I'm pretty sure that they do fuller and thicker lashes too for those of you who are wanting more of a dramatic/evening look. 

Have you tired these Primark Lashes? Let me know your thoughts babes!



  1. Aww wow! Ive never seen primark lashes!
    Your eyes look amazing I need to go and find some of these :)


    1. Thanks lovely, They don't have them in my local Primark as the store is tiny, but I got these in the big one at Cambridge. Hopefully you will be able to get your hands on some xxx

  2. These look great, my mate uses them and said they are really good. For a pound it sure is amazing :) must give them a go!
    Newest follower btw found you from Louis Mary's blog :) check my blog out?

    1. Thanks for the follow Sara Jayne :) They are really good and for the price you cant go wrong at all xx

  3. These lashes look so amazing on you.

  4. These look gorgeous. Ive heard about the Primark glue with these lashes - Im a big fan of falsies so luckily i have some proper glue i can use but these look beaut - and much more affordable than Eyelure! will give these a try :) xx

    1. If you love your lashes then you will love these ones hunni and the price is amazing. If you find the fuller thicker ones let me know how you get on with them xx

  5. I love them!

  6. Aww thats so sweet of you. I will be sure to have a look at your blog lovely x

  7. These are my favourite lashes i have tooo many pairs stock piled. i think theyre amazing. you look so beautiful in your pic sweets x

  8. Thanks for Sharing such informative information about "supreme adhesive",keep sharing.


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