Saturday, 25 August 2012

L'Oreal Glam Shine Reflexion | Sheer Watermelon

Hi girls, hope you are all having a fabulous weekend! Today I have a quick post on a lip product which I have been in love with recently and that is the Glam Shine Reflexion Lip Gloss from L'Oreal. I don't know why but over the past few months I've seam to have neglected a lot of my lip glosses and just gone for a vibrant lipstick on my lips instead, no gloss needed. But this Glam Shine Lip Gloss has made me fallen in love with lip gloss all over again and I've found myself constantly applying it, and popping it over all my favourite lippies. I was a bad blogger and never took pictures of this lip gloss before I started using it and you will see from the photos that its been given a lot of love.

I know L'Oreal have had this range of lip glosses out for some time with its unique heart shape applicator wand, but I'm pretty sure the Glam Shine Lip Glosses in the reflexion range are the new ones they have recently brought out and you may have seen them worn by the lovely Cheryl Cole in the L'Oreal adverts on TV.

The first thing that drew me to this lip gloss was the gorgeous colour, the one that's being showcased in this post is the shade 172 in Sheer Watermelon. It's a mix of coral, peach and pink colours and is filled with lots of iridescent pink glitter which adds that Glam Shine. When applied the gloss is just like the name says and and appears very sheer on the lips, so this is perfect if your not a huge fan of colour on your lips. Although it does apply fairly sheer, there is some colour transfer which  I think just enhances the natural colour of your own lips.

One thing I love about this gloss is its beautiful shine and sparkle and it really makes your lips seam a lot more plump and it will really brighten up any everyday makeup look. With an ultra shiny lip gloss, you would think that it would lead to a horrible sticky mess on your lips, but there is no sticky feeling at all with this gloss. Once applied, it softens and adds moisture to the lips and you don't have to worry about any of your hairs getting stuck to your lips (girls with long hair, you will know exactly what I mean by this). 

The heart shape wand makes application of this lip gloss so easy and you can easily coat your lips on one clean, easy sweep, so clean that you could do this on the go without the use of a mirror. As for lasting time, the Glam Shine Lip Gloss wont stay on your lips for hours on end, but it will add shine and sparkle long enough to create impact, and like I say it's so easy just to top it up and apply some more!

 You can buy this from most places that sell  L'Oreal cosmetics, I got mine from Boots which retailed for £7.69 and now is the perfect time to buy as you get a free L'Oreal gift when you spend £15 or more on any L'Oreal products... Bonus! 

The top two pictures are the L'oreal Glam Shine Reflexion in Sheer Watermelon on its own and the bottom two show the Glam Shine over my favourite Mac lipstick in Impassioned.

I would reccomend this gloss to anyone and I am really keen to try out more shades, if any of you beauties have tired this I would love to know what shade is your favourite.


Thursday, 23 August 2012

Montagne Jeunesse | Four Week Regime

Hi beauties. As you know I am a huge fan of Montagne Jeunesse and have been using their products since the start of girly nights in and sleepovers! Recently I was contacted by one of the lovely people at Montagne Jeunesse and was asked if I would like to try out and review four of their popular face masks which are reccomended by Montagne Jeunesse as part of a four week regime for 'Glorious, Sunny, Summer Skin!'

Some of you girls may have seen from my Twitter account that the past couple of weeks have been so busy and hectic for me, and as a result my skin has not been in it's tip top condition, nor has it been able to keep up with my busy lifestyle; So I'm really excited to give this four week regime ago and see if my skin and I can see the bennefits. 

Week One

Start the regime with the Montagne Jeunesse Blemish Mud (great for battling blemishes and imperfections) 

Week Two

It's time for some anti-stress with the Montagne Jeunesse Cooling Cucumber Peal-Off Masque 

Week Three

Week three will be all about waking up your senses with the Montagne Jeunesse Iced Crystal Masque which will help to hydrate your skin

Week Four

Finish off the regime with the Montagne Jeunesse Very Berry (a masque which if full of antioxidants and will help avoid premature ageing)

As far as first impressions go this four week regime sounds as though it's only going to have good befefits on my skin and seams such an easy way to get beautiful skin and not only is it easy, I always find doing face masks is a lot of fun and who can say no to a good old pampering?

So I've started off week one with the Montagne Jeunesse Blemish Mud, which I'm pleased is first on the list as my skin has not been at it's best with little outbreaks and blemishes appearing every now and again. Montagne Jeunesse say:

'The Mud Masque will help to prevent any unsightly blemishes, invigorate your skin with it's formula of Aloe Vera, Willow, Rosemary and Witch Hazel, this special blend of nature's remedies naturally targets problem areas for clear, clean complexion.' 

Personally I am a huge fan of Aloe Vera and products which contain it, as its great for the skin and can really help with problem areas. The  mud masque has a thick consitency which has a clay like feel to it and the smell is pleasant (it almost has one of those medicated smells to it). Like with most face masks, you leave the Blemish Mud on for 10-15 minutes and during this time the masque will really dry up and you will feel you whole face tighten. One thing which I loved about this masque, was that it felt as though it was made for those with sensitive skin. There have been many times in the past where I have used mud masques and felt irritation or a burning sensation on my skin; But the Montagne Jeunesse Masque applied easily and left my skin with no redness or irritation. 

Rinsing off this masque was very easy too, and once it was all rinsed away my skin felt silky smooth. Already there was a noticable difference and my skin had more of a brighter glow to it. As for batteling belmishes and spots I have to say that when I woke up the following morning I could see that my skin had calmed down a lot and those pesky blemishes that were there were on their way out! However it did bring a few new ones to the surface (but I've always found this the case with any face mask as they bring out all the dirt and muck from your skin). 

Now its been four days since using the mud masque and the overall appreacance of my skin looks a lot better and I feel that Blemish Mud has made an improvemnet on any imperfections that have been on my skin. For those of you wondering I do have oily to combination skin which is on the sensitive side and have found that the Blemish Masque has not made my skin any more oily or flared it up in any way.

Overall I think so far so good for the Montagne Jeunesse four week regime and if any of you beauties are wanting to give this ago or try out this Blemish Masque you can purchase it for £1.09 (RRP) from the Montagne Jeunesse Website

If your not wanting to order online, Montagne Jeunesse face masks are now available nationwide in retialers such as Asda, Superdrug, Tesco, New Look and Morrisons. Like always beauties, all Montagne Jeunesse products are vegetarian approved, paraben free and made from natural ingredients and the company are very proud of it's great ethos for  ‘Conservation of Energy, Protection of Animals and the Environment.’

  Next week I shall be giving the cooling cucumber peel off masque ago, so stay tuned in for my review on that.


Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Off Duty | OOTD

Cross Printed Tee: £16.00 River Island
Wet Look Leggings: Miss Selfridge 
Boots: River Island 
Bangle: River Island

Hi girls. I just have a quick outfit post for you this evening. As you all know the weather that we've been having recently has just been so up and down, hit and miss that it's been improssible to plan any outfit. One minute there is rain and the next beautiful sunshine... what is up with that? So on the days where its not been so brilliant I have been living in my leggings, my wet look ones in particular and there is nothing more I like to pair wet look leggings with than a printed over-sized tee. I think it's the perfect way to create one of the key trends this season which is an 'Off Duty' look which combines military and grunge together. I love an outfit that looks effortless, but which can create a lot of impact! I love this cross printed tee, and its actually from the men's section at River Island. I got mine in a Medium, just so I can wear it off the shoulder comfortably. The boots and leggings were bought last year, but there are loads of similar things like this around, just in-case you are wanting to get your hands on these items.

Hope you enjoyed this short sweet post beauties and a big hello to all you new followers!


Sunday, 19 August 2012

How To Walk In High Heels

Hi Girls. So recently I've started reading this book called 'How to Walk in High Heels' written by Camilla Morton, and its the complete girls guide to everything...yes everything. It's definitely worth a read as I think every girl can relate to it in someway and not only is it beautifully written, its also rather funny and useful. Anyway I was reading it last night and it completely inspired today's blog post.

As the title of this post and the name of the book suggests, walking in high heels is something which is not easy and I for one find so difficult to do (I know I am not alone here). But after reading the book its made me realise how essential heels are in every girls life and it's something that I really need to get more practice in doing. The book amazingly gives you a step by step guide on how to wear a heel, why you should wear a heel, avoiding heel dimelmas, tips, tricks and most importanty explains that the heel 'symbolises status and style'....OK this may be a little extreme, but a good heel defintily can make or break an outfit, give you confidence, achieve hight and give your legs and butt a good work out all at the same time. The only problem and downside to the heel has to be that dreaded pain. Lets face it girls we've all been there, chucking off our heels when we can no longer bare our feet throbbing; So much so that we actually don't mind walking on any mucky floor, filled with dirt, drink and god knows else what with just our bare feet. I think that it's safe to say that this is not a good look. I really don't want to keep getting my feet and myself in this state and therefore I've decided to do something about it!

So call me crazy if you wish, but I've decided that I need more practicing in walking in high heels. I know that the more I wear heels the more I will get used to it and that means more endurance my feet can take on those occasions that call for heels. I am not allowed to wear any type of heel at work, but I can wear a heel  out to dinner, a day out around the shops, or on a trip to the supermarket (yes the book says this is a fantastic time to practice your 'aisle glide'). Now I'm working my way up to wearing heels around Tesco's but until I'm ready to 'ailse glide' I've decided that I can slip on a pair of heels around the house while I'm doing a bit of tidying or getting ready just to get my feet more heel ready. I've done this today and I'm not going to lie, my feet have been in a lot of pain... But practice makes perfect right?

I don't know how long I will be able to keep this up for, but my goal it to be able take my favourite pair of shoes on their very first outing. Being the typical girl I am, a year ago I fell in love with a pair of shoes that I found in the River Island sale and to this day, shockingly they have stayed in their box. This is just because they hurt my feet way too much, are way too high and I can't walk in them for toffee! So this is definitely a working process but I am determined to get walking in these beautiful heels. Once I've mastered this the world of heels will be at my finger tips or toes in this case!

Do you have a pair of heels that you love and just can't walk in? Or have any tips yourself to walk in high heels? Let me know beauties.

P.S I especially love this equation written in the book. It's the ultimate motivation for walking in heels!


Saturday, 18 August 2012

That's Berry Daring | Bubble Bath

Hi girls. Just a quick post for you this afternoon as I think the pictures I've taken do all the talking! As a lot of you will know by now, I am a complete nail polish freak! I absolutely love the stuff. So when a family member brought me home two bottles of O.P.I polish on their trip to Florida I was over the moon. I was picked two gorgeous shades of pink and since having them in my collection they have been my go too polishes. I never know which one to wear on my nails, so today I've decided to wear both and showcase them to you lovely lot.

That's Berry Daring is the most gorgeous raspberry fushia pink that just looks amazing on the nails. The colour is a solid opaque colour and applies easily on, you only really need one coat for it to look exactly like it does in the bottle! When you look up at it close in the bottle you can see that it has a 'secret shimmer' to it with its cool blue/purple undertones. It's not the most unique polish in terms of colour, but it's bright, bold and looks beautiful on your nails. It's the perfect summer colour!

Bubble Bath is a very light pale pink polish which has a very milky feel to it. With one coat it applies very sheer and its definitely a colour that you can build up to achieve your desired look. In the pictures I've applied three coats just to get it a little more on the opaque side. I think this polish gives you very classy looking nails and makes your nails feel very polished. I was super pleased to receive this polish as I've always wanted to try one of O.P.I's softer polishes as I've nothing like it in my collection and I love how flattering it looks on your nails. 

What do you think of these two shades beauties?


Friday, 17 August 2012

Khaki Jacket... Leather Sleeves... I'm In Love

Hi Beauties. I am sure that you will have seen on lots of blog posts by now on the most amazing Army Style Jacket going around. I know that there are a lot of high street shops selling different versions of this green jacket with it's leather sleeves all at different prices, so there is something for everyone. But I have fallen in LOVE with this beauty and have opted to get this one from River Island. Only I've not gone out and bought it yet (I will be later on today) but while I was at work yesterday I couldn't help but try it on at least five times and gave my self a million excuses as to why I need this jacket in my life.... Like.. It will never really date... will look fabulous at a festival... will go with so much and is so versatile ... and so on, you get the idea! So as soon as I get my hands on it expect to see another post dedicated too it (sorry I am a little obsessed ha). 

If you love this style of jacket as much as I do and are wanting to get your hands on it too, I've found all the best ones from the high street for you. I know that the Zara was to be the first high street shop to sell this but I can't find it on their website, but there are quite a few knocking around on Ebay. Also I'm sure I read from another blog that Primark have their own version, which means a much cheaper alternative for you beauties on a budget!

Like always fashionista's I would love to know your thoughts! Will you be treating yourself to this jacket? Let me know!


Riffi Tear-Drop Make-Up Sponge

Hi girls. A little while ago I was kind enough to be sent some Riffi Prouduts from Denman and one of them included the 'Riffi Tear-Drop Shape Latex Make-Up Sponge' which has become a much used item when applying my foundation in the mornings. Normally I am one to stay away from makeup sponges just beacuse I find them to carry too much bacteria and be a majoir cause of outbreaks (this is probably beacuse I never washed them out properly), so I was a little bit  on the unsure side when I was sent this. But I have to say ladies I am so pleased that I gave it ago, as I've found that it really does help to give you that flawless makeup finished look!

First of all let me tell you what you what Riffi have to say about their make-up sponge:

'Stress, an unhealthly lifestyle and pollution are all harmful, especially for sensitive skin. That is why you need a daily beauty routine for your face. The Riffi high quality make-up sponge is made from latex and helps to soak up the foundation and spread it evenly across the face.'

I can't tell you how pleased I was to find that there was a makeup applicator which has been made in mind for those with sensitive skin. Sometimes I find the bristles on foundation brushes to be a little harsh, or there are the makeup sponges which feel rough to the touch and crumble away only after a few uses. However the Riffi tear-drop make-up sponge feels so soft to the touch and has a spring like feel to it (like those memory foam mattresses, where they spring back into place once you've used it). 

I love how the sponges tear-drop shape fits perfectly into your hand, making it really easy for application and whilst Riffi have made the sponge to be absorbent, its not so absorbent that it will soak up all your foundation and let any go to waste. What impressed me most with the make-up sponge was that it made applying foundation really quick and easy, so if your on the go this is the perfect way to apply your foundation and getting it looking perfect at the same time; I also found that it was great to use for touch ups during the day.

The make-up sponge retails for £3.36, which some of you may find a little steep for just a makeup sponge, but what you are getting is quality and I think the Riffi make-up sponge is equally if not better than the Mac Wedge Sponges. So far I've cleaned and re-used my Riffi make-up sponge a few times and apart from the colour not looking too brilliant, its still in good condition and I haven't noticed any change in my skin where outbreaks are concerned. 

Overall I think that the Riffi Tear-Drop Latex Make-Up Sponge is an good thing to have in any girls make-up collection, an essential even! If you are interested in ordering yourself one of these little sponges or find any more information on Riffi Products you can do so on the Denman Website.

I hope this review was helpful beauties! What do you think of make-up sponges?


Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Fly With Me

I'm always on a hunt for a good mascara and as much as it's a daily essential makeup item and something that I've always used since the start of me wearing makeup, I have never ever found myself loyal to just one brand of mascara. As you UK Beauty Bloggers will know that NYX is not a easy to get hold of brand over in the UK and when River Island started selling a few of their cosmetics, I was well up for giving them a try, particularly their Fly With Me Mascara. River Island where retailing this at £11.50 which I thought was pretty steep (even with my discount) for a mascara, especially when I hadn't tried any NYX products before. So when it went into the sale for £2.00 I was keen to snatch one up and give it ago.

The first thing that took my fancy with this NYX Mascara had to be the fancy packaging! I thought that it looked very sleek with its black shiny cardboard box and I love how you can see pictures of the mascara and wand on the side. 

As you can see from the picture of the wand, its a plastic one with small bristles, which are narrow one end and ball-shaped towards the other end. The application of the NYX Fly With Me Mascara was very easy to use and coated my lashes with minimal effort. As the name of this mascara suggests, its a lengthening mascara and the unique shaped wand really does help you to get each individual lash, which creates the illusion of longer, beautiful lashes. 

I was really pleased with the overall length of my lashes after using this mascara. However there were a few things which I didn't like. -

The mascara is not very wet (I don't know if this is the right term to use here) I found that the fomula was very quick drying, which is fabulous if your on the go and just wanting to do a quick coat on your lashes. But if your like me and like to give your lashes a few coatings of mascara, I found the NXY Fly With Me, dried too quickly for me to do so. 

Which brings me on to my next point, this is not a volumising mascara. I'm aware that it states this on the box, but like I said I normally give my lashes a few coats to add extra volume and because of the light weight formula I was unable to do this,

Overall this is a great mascara, especially if you are someone who does have shorter eyelashes. The NYX Mascara really will make it look as though your eyelashes are flying away BUT unfortunately this is not the right mascara for me and for its original price I would not re-purchase it. 

I always feel a bit meh about doing a review on something that I have mixed feelings on, but I know River Island don't sell this anymore so I'm hoping this review might help anyone who is thinking of going to all the trouble and order it online. 

(I think really I just was hoping my lashes would look like the models on the box as hers as her lashes are full of volume as well as them being long)



Wednesday, 8 August 2012

A Week In Pictures | Instagram

Hi babes. Two weeks ago I posted up a post on how I was addicted to Instagram and since that post I've managed to get another one up and tonight's will be the third. I had no intention whatsoever to make this into a weekly feature (and I'm still not sure if I'm going to yet) but I thought I would just do an Instagram post again this evening. I did have a review lined up on a new NYX masacra that I had recently bought, but I took the photographs earlier and after uploading them to my laptop they are shocklingly bad (only the best for you guys). So the mascara post will just have to have to be put on hold for now and I really hope that you girls will enjoy my Instagram pictures instead.

Me posing in my new work clothes. Jumper is from River Island

I have been loving this Rimmel London Lipstick in shade 05 from the Kate Moss Collection

What I wore to work: Denim Shirt - River Island | Khaki Jeggings - River Island 

The next two pictures are me experimenting what I shall be wearing to the Boardmasters Festival this weekend. These clothes are quite old now so I don't have links for them, but what do you think girls? Shall I wear this to a festival?

St Moriz and Palmers Coca Butter Gradual Tanning Moisturiser are my secrets to the perfect fake tan! Would you like to see a blog post on this?

I downloaded a new photo editing app for my iPhone, the black & white picture is just me messing around with the filters and frames 

My Up Do

My Super Saturday Outfit, again old clothes girls (I'm on a spending ban lol )

So that's my week in pictures, as you can see I'm still loving this app on my iPhone, so if any of you beautites would like to add me just do so @ sunshinesprkle I follow all beauty bloggers back so be sure to let me know you have followed 

Take care beauties 

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