Friday, 11 October 2013

Happy Birthday Miss Sunshine & Sparkle

OH MY GOSH guys, today is my blog's two year birthday! Can you believe that, because I most certainly can't, to me that just seams a crazy amount of time and I can't believe just how quick the time has passed, it's literally flown by. It only feels like a little while ago I was sat down this time last year celebrating my blog being around for a year and now I'm sat as the same desk letting you all know it's reached it's two year birthday! WOW!!

I would love to have a big fancy celebration with all you fellow beauty bloggers, although that is somewhat a little unrealistic and not very piratical, so this little blog post will have to do, so raise you imaginary champagne flute if you will as I'm about to make a classic blogging cliche type of speech... 

First of all I cannot believe that two years ago to this day I sat down at my computer and thought 'I'm going to start a blog', it was something I had been thinking about for some time - I remember having that week of work and thinking to myself I'm just going to do it! At the time I wasn't feeling my best, my confidence was a bit low and I had a lot of worry going on around me. It was my mum who sat me down one day and told me that I needed a new point of focus in my life, something I could channel my creativity into and a project or hobby to take my mind off all my worry- At the time starting a blog seamed like the perfect thing for me to do and I'm so pleased that I did as I have never looked back and it's something that's become a huge part of my life. I would even go as far to say blogging has been one of the best decisions that I have ever made, I'm not being at all dramatic when I tell you it's changed my life....

I know a lot of you will be nodding your heads in agreement when I say that blogging has changed my life. For a start it's been a platform for me to express myself, allowed me to be as creative as I like and it's wonderful to know that equally like minded and passionate people enjoy visiting and reading the content on my blog - that thought is so overwhelming, I never ever thought so many people would take an interest in what I had to say. Without sounding big headed in anyway, I feel incredibly proud of what I have achieved in the space of two years and it really does show you how hard work, dedication and passion can open so many opportunity and doors for you. I honestly believe I would have never gotten to experience certain things in my life if it hadn't been for my blog and for that I am truly thankful. 

However for me one of the highlights and the best bit about blogging for me is the amazing people that I've met along the way. I've made so many new friends though my blog and it's been incredible meeting and getting to know people who have the same passion and loves in life as myself. Knowing that I could talk for hours about the million different shades of pink lipstick is only a tweet away is amazing. I know the follower count of a blog is not the be all and end all, but I'm not going to lie, I still get that little buzz of excitement seeing the number on the side has gone up, it's still that same buzz I got when I noticed that I had my very first follower. I would like to say a huge HUGE thank you to every one of you who has taken the time to visit or follow my blog, on so many occasions it really has brightened up my day. I would class so many of you as good friends now, like I say you beauties have been one of the best things about blogging. 

To say a little thank you to you all and to celebrate in true beauty blogger style I'm planning on getting a little giveaway up over the weekend, so be sure to watch this space. Honestly though, thank you so much to each and everyone of you, I feel like you've been on this two year journey with me and have helped my blog be where it is today.

I would like to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Miss Sunshine & Sparkle and I really hope I continue to blog for many years to come and to keep on growing as a blogger. I hope the next year is filled with as much fun as the last two!

Lots of Love

p.s If you would like to take a peek at my very first blog post, you can take a look at it here, major and total cringe!! 



  1. Happy Birthday MIss Sunshine and Sparkle, your mums advise was fab hun and sounds like it was just what you needed and I'm so glad for that because although we've not met in person I do believe we have a lovely friendship. Your blog is amazing and you've achieved so much so a huge hug and well done for that and yes I'm raising an imaginary glass of champers for you moet in fact!

    Have a fab day gorgeous
    Liza | Glambeautys | YouTube

  2. Happy blogging birthday! Your story is lovely and I can totally relate!

  3. Happy Birthday to your lovely little blog :) - I started blogging for the same sort of reasons and it really is a great hobby! You've done a great job with your blog I really enjoy reading it :) x

  4. Oh wow two whole years :) Congratulations, you deserve all the success you have with it Danielle :)

    Amy x
    -A Little Boat Sailing-

  5. Happy two year birthday :)
    The highlight for me has to be meeting people too!

    Hannah x

  6. Congratulations my gorgeous friend!!!!! I am soooooooo proud of you, and all you have achieved!!! Keep up the good work <3 xxxxxxxxx


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