Thursday, 10 October 2013

Hask Hair

If you've been reading my blog for a little while you will have heard me rave about some Hask hair products in the past, their little bottle of Argan Oil being a favourite of mine. You will know exactly what product I'm talking about when I say that's the little tube you see placed by the cash desks at Primark - If you've still not picked one up on your shopping spree then I highly recommend that you pick a bottle up and if you still need convincing you can find my full review here

Seeing as Hask know I'm a big fan of theirs and with a little help of my bestie and fellow beauty blogger Gemma Miss Makeup Magpie - One of the lovely ladies over at Hask got in touch with me and asked if I would like to try out some of their latest products and with hair products being a big weakness of mine of course I was going to say yes.

Yesterday the postman delivered a huge parcel which contained all the goodies you can see in the pictures above - WOW. All of the Hask hair products were perfectly placed in this bight pink shower container which was a lovely way to present all the treats for my locks. I was so excited to see that Hask have added shampoos and conditioners to their hair range. The first that caught my attention was the Hask Argan oil shampoo and conditioner. Like I mentioned I am a huge fan of the Hask Argan Oil so to see that the magic ingredient which makes your hair look and feel amazing had been infused into a shampoo and conditioner was amazing. The beauty blogger in me could not wait to wash my hair with this stuff, so I took these two bottles in the shower with me and OH MY GOSH they are incredible. Just like the Hask Argan Oil they have that delicious orange chocolate scent and after one use I could see such a dramatic difference in my hair. I wont say too much as I'm planning on doing a full review of this shampoo and conditioner, but already I've fallen a little bit in love with this duo.

The next products that caught my eye was the Keratin Protein shampoo and conditioner, and as any hair care lover will know, products that contain a little bit of Keratin will do your hair the world of good. Keratin is naturally found in your own hair, so using any hair products that contain keratin are only going to help smooth out and restore your hair - basically give you amazing looking locks. I can't wait to try and test these two products and see what difference they make on my hair. One thing I can say though, is that they smell amazing, very sweetly scented which I just know is going to make my hair smell delicious

My little hair pamper box also contained two bottles of oils, one being another little tube of the Argan Oil (thank you Hask) and the other a Keratin Smoothing Shine oil. I've never tried a keratin oil on my hair before, so I'm looking forward to trying this out and seeing how it compares to the likes of Argan and Moroccan oil. Hask also popped two sachets of deep conditioning treatment in for me. I've had the pleasure of trying the Argan Oil deep conditioner before and it was just amazing, so I'm so pleased to have another one to work its magic on my hair. The other sachet being a Keratin Protein deep conditioning treatment, which I'm really looking forward to try out - Not to mention I love its pretty pink packaging.

Last but not least I noticed that Hask has popped in two personalised Twist Bands, each one in theme with the two different type of hair ranges Hask had sent me. In case your not sure, Twist Bands are those much hyped about hair bobbles that have been made from a soft elastic which wont break or damage your hair, nor will they leave any horrible hair bobble dents once you've taken your hair out of that pony tail. Not only do they look so pretty in your hair, but they also make a cute little bracelet for those times you wear your hair down. I don't know about you but I always have an emergency hair bobble on my wrist, and lets face it, they are not exactly they prettiest of things to have wrapped around there - The Twist Band on the other hand, looks lovely on. I have wanted to try out one of these bands for the longest of time, and now I have two - Seeing those in there was just a lovely little surprise.

I think it's fair to say I have been well and truly spoilt by Hask and that my hair is going to be in the best condition ever with all these gorgeous products to try out. If there is anything that you would like to see me do a review on, then be sure to let me know in the comments and I'll add it to my review list.

What are your thoughts on Hask products? What are your favourites? Be sure to let me know.

Lots of Love



  1. I had no idea Hask did all of these products I LOVE the little oil tubes at the Primark tills so would love to give some of their other products a go :) The Keratin Protein shampoo and conditioner sounds amazing x

  2. They all sounds amazing, will look out for them x
    Freya's Fashion Chapter

  3. Oh wow this looks fab, I love those hair bands too! So cute
    Liza | Glambeautys | YouTube

  4. Great minds (or beauty bloggers) think alike I guess! I just purchased their Macadamia Oil & am loving it! It was only 3$ too! XX

  5. Sounds really good! I personally like argan oil formy hair, especially the pro naturals brand. But I love looking at other products.

  6. LOVE this post... I need to get mine up ASAP!!! You did a fab job photographing everything babe xxxxx

  7. I was literally staying infront of these Argan Oil shampoo bottles in a store today, but didn't buy them at the end, coz i didn't know anything about the brand. Now i guess i'M going to reconsider ;)

  8. Hey Danielle,
    I never used Hask products. But after reading your post, I think this is the one that I have to grab soon.Thanks for sharing your insight about this.

  9. I discovered this brand 4 months ago and now I am obsessed :) Lovely blog. One new follower xxx

  10. best hask shampoo has a unique line of hair care products featuring exotic oils and other unique ingredients from around the world to provide shine, moisturize and smooth.


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