Tuesday, 8 October 2013

The Autumn Tag

I feel like I've not done a tag post on my blog for the longest of time and I've been seeing the 'Autumn Tag' floating around on so many of my favourite blogs, I thought I would give it ago. Autumn has to be one of those times of years that I just love and seeing as the tress are starting to loose their leaves and chunky knitwear is starting to make an appearance, I thought that this Autumn themed tag would be just perfect.

For Autumn what is your...

1. Favourite thing about it?
For me I love that change in the air, everything feels a little more fresh and crisp and I love how the evenings start to get a little darker earlier. For me nothing beats walking the dogs in the afternoon, wrapping up warm and coming home to get all cosy afterwards. The feeling of hibernating away from the rest of the world when you get in is just blissful. 

2. Favourite Drink?
This question is a bit of a funny one for me as I'm a really fussy drinker! I don't drink any kind of hot drinks whatsoever so I'll guess I shall be sticking to my glasses of water.

3. Favourite Scent/Candle
When it comes to candles I only really like fresh or sweet scents, around this time of year you will always find me burning a Christmas Cookie Yankee Candle, I know its a Christmas scent but it just smells amazing.

4. Best Lipstick?
I love wearing deep berry shades and bright reds this time of year, last year my go too shade was Revlon's Lip Butter in Raspberry Pie, it's the most gorgeous deep berry colour. I'm also a fan of Revlon's Cherries In The Snow, it's a dark cherry fuchsia colour and just looks gorgeous on.

5. Go to Moisturiser?
My face doesn't get too dry around this time of year, so I usually stick to my Hydrating Light Moisturiser from Simple. However I do like to indulge a little when it comes to moisturising my skin over the colder months and Soap & Glory's Righteous Butter is a favourite.

6. Go to Colours for the Eyes?
I'm pretty much a naturals kind of girl all year round, however I do like to play around with some deep purple shades around this time of year just because I feel that you can get away with more of a smokey eye in the day time during autumn. 

7. Favourite Music or Band/Singer to listen to?
When it comes to music, really anything goes and it depends on what mood I'm in. I'm still really loving Ben Howard at the moment and Lana Del Rey. However I've been hitting the gym a lot lately and when it comes to working out, I love listening to Pitbull. But most of the time, wherever I go there is always music playing and I have no control over the playlist, so really I'll just listen to whatever is on.

8. Favourite Outfit to Wear (Boots and Scarf combo)?
I love rocking my wet look skinny jeggings this time of year, paired with an oversized sweater and some boots. I just find this look is great for daytime and one that can take you right into evening.

9. Autumn Treat (i.e new scarf or bad you have your eye on)?
There is so much on my wishlist right now, but if I had to treat myself this autumn it would have to be the new Toni & Guy Jumbo Tong. This is a fairly new thing added to my wishlist, but I saw Kayleigh from Couture Girl rave about this in one of her latest posts and her hair looked out of this world amazing. 

10. Favourite Place To Be?
The saying 'there's no place like home' couldn't be more true and this time of year I love coming home, having a pamper and hibernating from the rest of the world. I love wearing my pajamas, big fuzzy socks and plonking my bum onto the sofa and chilling out, nothing beats it.

So that's all my answers for the autumn tag, I wasn't tagged by anyone to do this post, but I do tag everyone that reads or follows my blog to give it ago. I would love to see your answers so be sure to let me know if you do it.

Lots of Love



  1. Fabulous darling, I'm a fussy drinker too but I do quite the opposite I only drink tea most of the time,,, eep! I know not good, I really should drink more water instead of 2-3 cups of tea a day!

    Liza | Glambeautys | YouTube

  2. Love your answers! I did this tag recently on my blog too :)

    xx- missmacbeauty.blogspot.com

  3. I'm the same way! H20 all the way, I hate anything fizzy and is almost feels....unnecessary. I also love the crispness of fall! Xx


  4. Hi I'm Arya,
    I love reading your blog post,I love revlon lipsticks. I really enjoyed reading your blog. Please can you check out my post at http://anythingandeverything.weebly.com/blog/autumn-tag. Thanks


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