Monday, 4 November 2013

John Lewis Secret Santa Challenge


Now that November is here the countdown to Christmas officially starts, I always get so excited around this time of year because it's only a month to go before we can start opening up our advent calendars for a special daily treat and of course pop up the Christmas decks and turn our homes into little grotto's! This month I get to jump into the Christmas spirit a little early as I've been one of the lucky bloggers chosen to take part in the John Lewis Secret Santa Challenge. 

I absolutely love buying gifts for others over Christmas and I really think that it adds to the excitement of it all, seeing someone else's joy from opening such wonderful things. But I've never had to buy a secret Santa prezzie before as I've never taken part in one, which makes me even more excited about this campaign from John Lewis. 

For this Secret Santa challenge I shall be sent the details of another blogger on November 11th and will then have two days to research their blog, find out a little more about them and choose an item to gift to the blogger from a gift list that John Lewis will provide. 

On Friday 25th November, Christmas will have arrived early as every bloggers gift will be sent out and I will be able to share with you all what was gifted to me and what I decided to gift another blogger. 

I think that this campaign is such a lovely idea and will really create some excitment and buzz to the lead up to Christmas. I can't wait to find out which blogger I have to choose the perfect gift for. I would love to know if any of you beauties are also taking part in this challenge, who knows I could be your secret Santa :)

Lots of Love

P.S Who else is excited to see what the John Lewis advert is this year? Last years snowman one was my favourite! I can't wait to see how they are going to make my heart melt this year!



  1. Looks like a lovely idea! How do you sign up?

    Nyss xx

  2. Eeeekkk I am in this too! Cannot wait to see who we get given :) xxx

  3. That's such a cool idea :) hope you get something lovely!
    Keep in touch :)
    Andrea xxx

  4. This is a lush idea! Bet it's great fun!

    ~ Katie

    Little Miss Speeds World

  5. Oh wow how exciting is this?! I can't wait to see your next post about it :D xx

    Gemma | Miss Makeup Magpie

  6. What a cute idea! I always do secret santa with my friends, it means we can get nicer things, rather than only being able to spend about a pound a person :)



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