Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Thoughtful Post | Update

Image from weheartit 

Hello you wonderful lot. I thought that this would be a perfect time just to give you all a little update on Miss Sunshine and Sparkle. It's been ages since I last did a little random chit chat post and seeing as the football is on, I thought it would be perfect time to escape to my blog and talk to you beauty babes.

To start off with, a few of you may have noticed that I've not really blogged much this month. I really have no idea why this is, as there's been nothing physically wrong with me. Do you ever get that feeling where you feel that you simply do not have enough hours in the day? Well I've just found that I've been a bit wrapped up in everyday things and not given enough time to my blog. My only conclusion for this is that I started a blog, got seriously addicted and neglected other aspects of my life for a while and everything eventually caught up with me. 

However beauties, do not fear as I've taken sometime to get myself a lot more organised and you will see regular posts on here and a much faster response to all your comments that you leave. I read every single one and you have no idea how happy it makes me. I think it's my right and duty as a blogger to respond to them all! 

Which leads me onto my Mac Giveaway. I am truly overwhelmed by the response I've gotten and I'm so pleased that all of you are loving it and the effort you have gone too. Every time I get a Tweet or see a blog post  advertising the giveaway I'm touched. I really wish that I could give every single one of you followers a special gift to say thank you (in an ideal world). I'm excited to announce the winner in April and I wish all of you the best of luck. If you've still not entered you can find the giveaway on the link below.

I have so many ideas for blog posts beauties and I'm looking forward to sharing them with you and of course I would love to have you on board and get you readers involved. Miss Sunshine and Sparkle will always be a blog based on beauty and fashion, but I want to start making the experience and read much more fun and interactive so expect to see some new kinds of posts in the future! 

If you have any suggestions, or would just like to have a beauty chit-chat I would love to hear from you, feedback is so important and I take everything on board. Although were already full swing into 2012 I can't help but feel that good things are in store, especially for me and my little blog. If you would like to send me an email beauties, remember you can always reach me directly at

Take care lovelies and have a great evening. 


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