Sunday, 23 September 2012

Barry M Chameleon Nail Pain | NOTD Review

Hi ladies. A little while ago I was sent the Barry M Chameleon Nail polish in the shade Lilac from the lovey Charlee as part of a beauty blogger swap. If you've not checked out her blog yet, you can do so here. So seeing as its Sunday and the weather is miserable, I thought it would be a good idea to stay in and do a quick and easy NOTD post for you. 

For those of you who don't know, Barry M released the Chameleon Nail Paints a little while ago, which are beautiful metallic shades of nail polish. However as soon as a clear top coat is added, the nail polish will instantly change colour, which makes these nail paints a little extra special. This magic changing colour nail polish makes nail art easy for beginners and makes for a fun nail polish to have in your collection.

If you love metallic finishing nail polishes, then you will instantly love this lilac shade on its own. It only needs one coat for a nice even look on your nails and once on your nails its the most beautiful lilac shade which has a glittery, sparkly undertone to it, with a foil like finish. I'd be quite happy to wear this polish just on its own and I think it will be perfect for the colder months as its a very 'wintery' looking polish, the words 'Snow Queen' come to mind when I wear this on it's own. 

However the magic really happens when you add your clear top coat to the dried lilac shade. As soon as the top coat is applied the metallic lilac shade will change colour and become this deep, royal purple, which has a 'jelly' like look to it. Unfortunately my camera and the lighting I had today failed to pick up the true colour of this deep purple, but if I had to describe it, I would have to say it reminds me of the 'Cadbury's' colour purple. 

You could transform your whole manicure with the application of a topcoat to and wear the deep Cadbury purple shade on your nails, or you could get creative with some little nail art designs as I have done. Stripes, spots and french manicure tips will work really well as a nail art design when using the Chameleon polish and it really does make nail art easy. The only thing I would suggest if you are wanting to do detailed nail art with this polish, is to use a clear top coat which has a thin brush as this will make doing your designs much easier. 

Overall I love this polish and I am definitely wanting to get my hands on the other shades, I believe there is a pink and blue one. If you are wanting to get your hands and give this polish ago you can find it at Boots which retails at £3.99. If any of you beauties have tried the other shades I would love to know your thoughts on them. 

Please excuse the state of my nails, they are cringe worthy I know, but work and the cold weather have not been kind too them. I am looking for something to help with cuticles, do you beauties have any good recommendations?



  1. I have the pink and blue ones, I blogged about the blue a while back but haven't got round to the pink yet! They're good fun to play with aren't they! :)

    Jesss xo

    1. OOh shall have to have a look at your post as I want to see what they look like. they are fun to play around with and look really pretty on your nails too xx

  2. Great review hun :) I haven't actually tried these out but they do look a lot of fun to play with :)


    1. Thanks lovely. They are good fun and if you love your nail polish, they are sure worth a go xx

  3. Brilliant post lovely :) I wasn't sure how exactly it changed once you put the top coat on but it looks really good :)



    1. Thanks sweets, I love how they change with a top coat its like magic haha xx

  4. I never really knew this was what it meant by 'Chameleon'. I just thought they looked different depending on the light or something like that. Cool effect, it'd be great with the nail templates you can get :)


    1. I can imagine they will work great with nail templates, they are really fun nail polishes to have in your collection xx

  5. Love silver nail polish :)

    1. it does have a slight silver undertone too it, I love this one its so pretty xx

  6. Wowee this is beautiful!! I need it haha!! Xx.

  7. ahhh I seriously want to get one of these, they seem so fun! x

  8. Oooh, I love the color!


  9. Pretty metallic colour. Nice for winter. X

  10. Nice colour :)

    I invite you to

  11. I so want to try these but so scared they wouldn't work!! xxx

  12. Oooh, such a lovely metallic shade. I have spotted these in Superdrugs, may have to pick one up when I'm next there.

    And your nails look fine! Seriously, you should see the state of mine, urgh xo

  13. that's such a cool concept! love the colour too :)

  14. Thanks for sending your link on bbloggers chat! I like your blog, just started following. Hope you visit mine too. I really like this metallic shade! It's so cool!

  15. lovely nail design! your blog is sooo gorgeous!


  16. What a pretty nail colour xx


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