Friday, 7 September 2012

Beauty Swap

Hi girls, a little while ago Beauty Bloggers Unite (blog link here) announced on Twitter that they were looking for bloggers who wanted to participate in a Beauty Blogger Swap! As this is something I've always wanted to do as a blogger, I jumped at the chance to get involved and filled out all my info upon their blog. In no time at all Beauty Bloggers Unite paired me with the lovely Charlee over at Mystingaling blog and we both agreed on a budget of £13.00 to spend and we decided to just choose products that we thought the other would like, basing our decisions on the content of our blogs.

First of all, for those of you thinking about getting involved in a swap or get the chance too, I would definitely recommend you doing it as I literally had so much fun buying all my goodies for Charlee. It was like buying Christmas presents all over again! I always find that there is something so satisfying about buying things for other people and knowing that I was buying bits and bobs for another beauty blogger was lovely. I can only imagine this is because we both have the same passion about beauty and the whole time while picking out things I was thinking and asking myself questions such as 'will Charlee like this?, will it suit her skin tone?, does she like pink as much as me?' For me this was all part of the fun of the beauty swap, any excuse to buy makeup for myself or for another has to be top of the list of 'fun things to do'. 

So once sending my bits and bobs off in the post, the next part of the swap was me receiving my beauty bits from Charlee. It was lovely because we both managed to get our swaps on the same day! Big thanks to Mr. postman and Royal Mail! I was overwhelmed with how much effort Charlee put into her swap  for me, as I felt each gift was chosen with a lot of thought and it was clear to see that she had taken a lot of time to read my blog and have a look at what I liked, what suited me etc. I can honestly say I love each item and loved the surprise factor of it all!

So the final part of the swap, and is a must for any beauty blogger taking part in a swap has to be the blog post that follows up showing all the things that have been given. So below beauties you can see all the things that was sent to me from Charlee. Please be warned this is fairly picture heavy!

MUA Profesional Mosaic Bronzer 

I've heard a lot about this MUA Bronzer in the beauty blogger world, but have never gotten my hands on it just becasuse my Superdrug is poor and doesnt sell much MUA bits. I am so happy to have this in my collection and finally try it out.

NYC (New York Colour) Blue Eyelashes 

As you beauties know, I have been a little obsessed with falsies at the moment, and I adore these blue tinted lashes from NYC. I think that the tinted blue lashes at the end make these a little different and very wearable. I think these would look fabulous on a night out.

Cherry Carmex 

I am sure all of your beauty bloggers have gotten your hands on a pot of Carmex at some point n our lives and the cherry one has always been my favourite. I know this will be getting a lot of use, especially as we enter the colder months.

Garnier Skin Naturals Self Heating Sauna Mask

I love a good old pamper session and think that this Garnier one will be perfect for my skin, as it's suited for oily to combination skin. I shall have to let you beauties know how I get along with this one.

The Beauty Parlour Mattifying Papers 

Since I started blogging, I've heard a lot about these magical mattiifying papers which will remove any excess oil from the skin. Throughout the day I am always reapplying powder to get rid of any shine, so I'm really interested to see how these work and if they work.

Barry M Nail Paint in Chameleon Lilac

Charlee sure knows that I love my nail polish and I'm so excited that she popped this one in the swap as this is a colour I wouldn't have chosen myself. Not only is no ordinary nail polish, but its one that changes colour when you apply a top coat....amazing! This will definitely be featured in a future NOTD post.

So that's everything and I love all my bits. I shall be sure to do mini reviews on each of the items for you beauties, and let you know how I get on. I would also love it if you would take the time to have a look at Charlee's blog

Not only will you find fabulous beauty blog content, but you will also get to see a post on the bits that I bought for her. 

Lots of Love



  1. These are all really nice things to receive, it's amazing what you can get for a smallish amount of money when you look around :)


    1. I know, they are lovely its, I am over the moon with everything. I totally agree, it is amazing at what you can find when you shop around xx

  2. Ahh I'm so glad you liked everything & I was really touched by your lovely comments :) bring on the next swap! :D XXXX


    1. Aww thanks lovely, it's been lovely doing the swap with you. Yep I can't wait for the next one. xx

  3. I'd love to do a swap they sound so much fun! You got such lovely things :) xx

    1. It was a lot of fun lovely. If you get the chance to do a swap I would definitely give it ago xx

  4. hi honey! i just found your blog today and i think is really cute so i'm following you :) please check out my blog and if you like it follow me back :)

    much love,

    1. thanks for the follow sweets, I will be sure to take a look at your blog xx

  5. I'd love to do a beauty swap, when you think about it you get alot more make-up for your money when you shop around!


  6. LOVE those lashes, wow! :-)


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