Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Pretty Little Lockets | Vintage Jewelry

Recently I've been wearing these two items of jewelry which have been stashed away in a jewelry box since the beginning of the year. When my sister and I last took the long road up north to see my nana, she each gave us one of her lockets and earrings. There was no reason in particular, other than she was ready to pass them down to us. Since I was little I always remember my nana wearing this locket as it always had a picture of my sister and I in; I remember I would sit on her lap and say magic words to open it! As you can see the pictures in the locket are two young girls (my sister and I), but before we took the limelight I know it previously had pictures of my dad when he was a boy and a group family picture.

I was so touched when my nana gave me this and the pair of earrings as I know that this is something my Grandad bought for my nan just after they got married which was well over 60 years ago now. Sadly my grandad isn't with us anymore and I love that I have this little gift that he once bought my nana.

Now like I said I've kept these two items well hidden away for best part of the year, mainly because there is the fear in me that I will end up breaking or loosing them. But I was going though all my jewelry the other day and thought why not wear it? After all my nana used to wear this everyday and it's still in one piece. Now I don't really know what classes as official vintage just because I am fairly modern girl who buys things brand new (I am slowly trying to move away from this). But as these are so old I like to class them as a little bit of vintage, would you agree?

I have been pairing these two items with loads of different outfits and if you follow me on Instagram (sunshinesprkle) then you may have seen them featured; I wore the necklace on my most recent OOTD post which you can see here. These have been my 'go to' jewelry pieces over the last week, so expect to see them featured in a few more outfit posts.

Do you have anything that's been passed down to you that you love wearing? I would love to know beauties and your thoughts on what you would pair these little lockets with.



  1. The jewelry looks gorgeous!


  2. I love lockets, these are gorgeous! x

  3. so gorgeous! I love the pictures inside too. I cant see lockets without thinking Annie, but I think that's awesome 'the sun'll come out, tomorrow...'


  4. What a lovely sweet gift! Love it!


  5. Buying vintage jewellery like lockets is awesome. The feeling of being a part of history especially when it is passed down to generation to generation is simply cool. Lovely post Danielle.

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