Tuesday, 8 August 2017

New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes

New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes

One thing thats always made me feel very lucky as a blogger is being invited to events that I would never dream of going to or would pop up in everyday normal situations. I think every blogger out there gets that blogger buzz when you've been singled out to go somewhere and its one of the best feelings ever. Since having Archie I rarely get to go to such events now, mainly because most of them are in London and it's not so easy to get childcare last minute. So when Chloe contacted me on the behalf of Marks and Spencer asking if I would like to attend the opening of the new store in Rushden Lakes I was thrilled and of course I had to say yes. I've always like Marks & Spencer, especially their food halls, lets face it you can't beat a bit of M&S food and I'm always popping into my local one to top up my stash of Percy Pigs (they're my fave). I've always enjoyed shopping in there for Archie's baby clothes as well, as they have some adorable pieces.

New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes
New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes

Now if you live or know Northampton well, you will know that it is shocking for shopping. The town is really small, I mean it's ok if you need to pop to the shops to grab a few things, but you certainly wouldn't want to plan a day's shopping trip there; you'd be done in a few hours and leave with nothing that you set out to get. When we go shopping on a serious shopping session, we always take a trip to MK which is amazing and one of my favourite places to go. So when the Rushden Lakes shopping centre started being built, there was so much excitement and buzz about it. It's only 20 minutes up the road from me, which just means travelling a lot less for a good shopping day out. Last Friday was the day a lot of the stores decided to open, so I was excited to be invited to the Marks & Spencer's store and get VIP treatment on the launch day. I know a lot of you love shopping just as much as I do, so I really wanted to share with you all my experience at M&S and a nosey into the new store, its been done beautifully and makes that shopping experience even more enjoyable.

No store would be open officially without a ribbon cutting or having a brass band to welcome everyone into the store. I know this might sound completely normal to some, but I was quite excited for the ribbon to be cut, its something that I've only seen in films or TV and never really thought these situations took place in real life. It was really touching as the young lady who was chosen to cut the M&S ribbon was voted as a local 'hero' named Natasha and her story is remarkable and so inspiring; Natasha raises a lot of money for charity and has been a full time carer for her mum, written a book and does so much to help others and at only 17 she is such a strong and inspirational young lady, I don't think Rushden and M&S couldn't have chosen a better person to cut the ribbon for their store.  There was so much buzz and hype surrounding the ribbon cut and it was a really special moment to be a part of.

New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes
New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes

As soon as the ribbon was cut, the doors to Marks and Spencer where open and it was amazing, I've never seen so many people stand and Que up to get into a store. I took my step dad Tony, along to the store opening with me as he's a big fan of M&S and we were greeted with a glass of prosecco; We all know from the adverts that no one does food or drink quite like M&S so it was a fab way to start the morning. After that it was time for a good browse around the store. I have to say I was so impressed as the store is beautifully designed and the layout is fab. The only M&S that I tend to go in, is the local one to me and its an old store in desperate need of a re-fit, so this in comparison was amazing, everything was so easy to find and it was such an pleasurable and enjoyable shopping experience.

New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes
New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes
New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes

I've never really been one for the women clothing at M&S, as I tend to find they cater more to the older women. However I love their beauty range and they had some amazing brands on offer, one of my favourites being PIXI, I am obsessed with their Glow Tonic and I never knew M&S sold it, so this was like music to my ears when I saw a whole display in M&S dedicated to PIXI. I also had a good browse at the Rosie for Autograph range, the rose gold packaging is so beautiful and as I'm on a spending ban right now I had to fight every urge not to pick up everything in the range. The highlighters look so beautiful and have made their way onto my beauty wish list. Marks and Spencer also have so many other beauty products, a lot of them are their own products I was so impressed by the selection of body and bath products, the packaging looks gorgeous and everything looks so luxurious.

New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes

After spending way too much time in the beauty section, we had took a trip upstairs where my another two of my favourite departments are located, homeware and kids wear. I am obsessed with buying clothes for Archie, if you had a good look in his wardrobe and draws you would find far to many cute little things, so much so that I actually have trouble closing the draws because their packed; I just can't help myself. I always knew Marks and Spencer's where great for kids wear, but when I walked onto the kids department my heart literally skipped beats because everything was so lovely, I could have easily gotten carried away. I just had to pick up Archie this little banana top and leggings set because it is the cutest thing ever.

New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes
New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes

The homeware section in M&S is equally as exciting, they had so many lovely trinkets, candles and fragrances; More things that I spend way too much of my spare cash on. Does anyone else have an obsession with buying things to make your home more homely?

New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes
New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes
New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes

I think we can all agree that a good shopping spree works up an appetite, so the M&S cafe called right at us. If you're ever planning a shopping spree at Rushden Lakes, I 100% recommend the Marks and Spencer's cafe; It's located on the top floor and has amazing views of the scenery that Rushen Lakes has to offer. The service is amazing and the staff there couldn't do enough for us. I love the fresh bakery at M&S, so had to treat myself to one of my all time favourite treats, a Victoria Sponge muffin; trust me they are amazing! So much so that we had to pick some on the way out in the food hall.

New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes
New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes
New Marks & Spencer Opening at Rushden Lakes

Honestly Rushed Lakes has it all and I love having a new shopping centre right on my doorstep, we're already planning our next trip there; I can't wait to pick some more bits up from the M&S beauty range, stock up on my favourite PIXI Glow Tonic and treat Archie to some more clothes.

Have you taken a trip to Rushen Lakes yet? Whats your favourite department at M&S?



  1. I never knew they sold the Pixi range! Will have to go check it out x

    A Little Treat | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  2. looks like you had a great time and yay for a new store you can shop in around your area!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  3. Lovely pictures and I think Percy Pigs are amazing too haha. Also didn't know that M&S sold Pixi products, I'll have to keep an eye out next time I'm there x

    Freya’s Chapter

  4. We're big fans of the M&S cafes...the hot chocolates are just the best. How lovely to be invited to the opening, and to have Natasha cut the opening ribbon. Sounds like a great event.


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  6. Thank you so much admin for uploading such amazing opening ceremony with us in this blog is really fantastic.


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