Friday, 4 December 2015

Blogmas Day 4 - Pregnancy Update || Week 24

Pregnancy, Pregnancy Update, 24 Weeks Pregnant
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Update, 24 Weeks Pregnant

I can't believe I'm now 24 weeks pregnant! Every week seems to amaze me, its crazy because never before in my life have I been on a countdown like this. I never fully realised just how long 9 months is. Imagine counting down the days or tallying up the passing days, everyday, for nine months, thinking about it just completely overwhelms me.

I'm trying to get these pregnancy posts up weekly now, for those of you who left such lovely comments on lasts weeks pregnancy post thank you so much! It really made my day. There has not been many changes from last week, apart from the fact that this little one is growing and seems to be growing very fast. I've hit stage two where nothing fits me, which is really frustrating. So far through my adult life I've been quite lucky and never been anything more than a size 8, so it's really weird now buying a pair of jeans that are a size 12. I decided not to pick up maternity ones because they just make me look really frumpy, but good old Primark sorted me out - Cheap and cheerful.

Actually whilst in Primark, my mum and I had a full on giggling fit because I bought a jumper that was so far off my pre pregnancy body. I bought a jumper in a size 20! Can you believe it?! I can't either! It was just so cosy, has plenty of room and I thought I could wear it off the shoulder. It's not the most faltering on, but its really hard to feel glamorous whilst being pregnant!

Other than laughing over sizing of clothes, not much has changed with me or baby, we're both doing really well. There has been a lot of movement this week though, which is honestly the best part of my day. I saw for the first time an actually kick underneath the skin of my tummy which was so nice to see.

How far along? 24 Weeks & 5 days 

Movement? Baby and I have had so many magical movement moments this week, not only have I seen the little one actually move underneath my skin but I've had lots of wriggles during the morning and throughout the day. The other morning I was lying in bed and felt a kick, so rubbed my belly and baby kicked again and this happened for three times. It was so lovely having a reaction like that. I feel like our bond is getting stronger and baby sparkle is starting to show some personality. 

Food cravings? I've had no food cravings this week, but I am now addicted to sparkling water. The midwife told me right at the beginning to avoid fizzy drinks that have a lot of sugar in them such as coke. I've never been one to go crazy for fizzy drinks, but I did fancy something with a bit of spark in the other day so bought some sparkling water. I'm now drinking around 6 bottles a day! Yikes!

Sleep? My sleep has actually been so good this week, but I have had the week off work so I think that has a lot to do with it, it's been so nice being able to rest and actually put my feet up.

Gender? Ahh I can't wait to tell you guys, I'm revealing the news on Tuesday next week for my birthday, so make sure you check back for that. I've nearly slipped up so many times typing this post up!

Symptoms? This week I've felt pretty much symptom free! I can't believe it. I'm just feeling so positive and happy.

Stretch Marks? Still none (yay).

Belly button in or out? Still in.

Looking forward to? James and I are heading to Germany this weekend just for a little overnight stay. This trip has been booked since the beginning of the year and we're heading off to the German markets which I'm so excited about. We're traveling by train, so its going to be a long journey, but it will be really nice to get away. I keep thinking it will be our last break just the two of us. 

Keep sharing your guesses guys on baby sparkles gender. I am so excited to tell you, eep! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below.

Lots of Love



  1. I love your pregnancy posts, they're just so lovely :) I think baby sparkle is going to be a girl but I'm excited for your announcement on Tuesday! Is it weird to think that this is your last birthday without having a child?! xx

  2. have fun in Germany! :) id also buy clothes from primark, think maternity clothes are a waste of money :P
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥


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