Tuesday, 19 June 2018

A Little Tour of Archie's Nursery

I was scrolling through my blog the other day hoping that some inpirstation would strike (I've had a bad case of the dreaded bloggers block recently) and it occurred to me that I've never shared Archie's Nursery with anyone on the Internet. I know a lot of you who read here are fellow mums or mums to be and I know that I loved reading these posts whilst I was pregnant and I spent way too many hours browsing Pinterest for nursery inspiration. Archie is now two and it makes me a little sad to think that not only is he growing up, but its time to start changing things up a little bit in his room and start making things a little less babyish in there. Theres talk between the hubby and I about upgrading Archie's cot to a bed as he's almost out grown it (he's really tall for his age) and with a new bed I think it's time for a new theme (hello Pinterest). So before everything gets turned upside down and redecorated I thought I would grab some snaps for you guys and myself - Because let's face it, I would be gutted if I didn't have these photo's to look back on in a few years time.

When I was pregnant with Archie, one of the most exciting things was picking a nursery theme and picking out all the things to make the perfect room for our baby. For me I wanted something really neutral to give it that calming feeling. I can tell you, there was a lot of and still is late nights that go on in that room and when you're up with little ones in the middle of the night, having something thats really calming and a happy place to be really pays off. We decided to keep all the furniture in Archie's room white so that it would work perfectly with any bedroom theme as he grows older. Grey walls was a big must for us, but as its a fairly small room we only painted two of the walls this really soft grey and kept the other two white - This decision really paid off as the grey warmed up the room and the white still made the room look spacious. We actually started decorating the nursery before we found out Archie was indeed a boy, so everything was very gender neutral. As soon as we got the thumbs up from the gender scan, we started buying blue things for the room just to give it a bit more colour and make it look personal. I think the key to decorating the nursery is all about those smaller details and over the last two years we've picked things up as we've gone along which have just made Archie's room a joy to spend time in.

My favourite section of Archie's room has to be his chest of draw area, as the draw top is well out of reach of tiny fingers, its a place that I can add a few trinkets that are probably more for my own sentimental value. Whilst Archie is not tall enough to reach, I'm going to enjoy putting what I like there... for now. When I saw this really unique elephant lamp in Home Sense I just knew it would be perfect for Archie's room. It wasn't intentional, but we kind of went with an elephant theme with some of the details in Archie's room, which you'll see. This lamp was the last elephant piece we picked up and I love it. We actually have installed the Philip's Hue Smart lights in our home, so this bulb can be either brightly lit, or dimmed down which is perfect for those middle of the night calls. Next to the lamp, we have one of Archie's scan photos in a baby scan fame from Mothercare. My mum brought this for me when I was pregnant and in it's in this room more for my benefit than it is Archie's, but I love it so much and its a little reminder at how blessed I am to have such a beautiful and healthy little boy. There's also a photo of Archie and I next to it, which I love - This photo is always changing because the blogger comes out in me ALL the time and I'm forever taking family photos and love printing them out and getting them framed around the house. Next to the photo frame is this huge polka dot piggy bank which I love. I think every child needs a piggy bank and I love the size of this one! Again we picked this up from Home Sense and anytime James or I have any spare change, we just pop it in there - I know Archie won't appreciate this now, but he will when he realises what money is and that he has some to spend (I swear our boy has more money than us).

Above the chest of draws is a little wall feature that has these square shelves. We got these just to add a little more character to the room and as I'm not really a fan of regular shelves, I thought these were perfect. One of them displays a snow globe with a rocking horse inside that has the date that Archie was born written inside, this was a present when he was first born and it's something I'll keep forever. The other one has a little blue bear that my dad brought to the hospital when Archie was only a few minutes old, again these little things hold more sentimental value to me, which is why they are well out of reach from little hands.

In one corner of the room we've made a little reading area for Archie where there are two beautiful big pillows to snuggle into. Archie loves his books and its the one thing we buy him regularly (toys are for special occasions). It can be anytime in the day, Archie will ask for his crates of books to be brought out and we have a good cuddle up and read, we can spend ours here and I love it just as much as he does. All of Archie's books are stored in these gorgeous white wooden creates that have been painted with elephants and when there not in use these store perfectly underneath his cot. Again these two little finds are from Home Sense. Honestly it's the best place to look for unique things for a nursery or any other rooms in your home. If you go in regularly, you will always find something perfect and unique, I love it.

A large section of Archie's nursery is used for his cot, which is from Mama's & Papa's. We also had the matching baby changing table which used to live in Archie's room too, which is a nursery essential, but as he's too big for it we took it down and popped it into storage. You can see from the photos that the wooden crates from Home Sense fit perfectly underneath, which is a great storage solution. You'll also be able to see that Archie has almost out grown his cot, which is why he is desperate need of a big boy bed. We found this adorable baby elephant rug from Next Home not long after Archie was born and it fits in with the room perfectly. I don't know how we managed to find so many elephants in the same design with the same colour's running though them, I guess we just got lucky.

Next to Archie's cot his is bedside table and placed on top of that his is Duux night light. If you're looking for a nightlight for your baby or toddler, I'd highly recommend this one from Duux. Not only does it project stars of all different sizes on to Archie's ceiling, but it also has a noise sensor and when it goes quite in the room, the light will switch itself off, but if it picks up noise throughout the night it will automatically come back on, which is great for those times in the night where Archie might have a little stir. On the odd occasion he will pop back to sleep without me having to go in and comfort him so this nightlight has been really handy and useful. There's also a button on there that allows the sides of the night light to fully light up, which projects enough light to nagivgate the room or do an emergency nappy change in the middle of the night, this has also been really handy to have.

It may seem a little strange putting on a baby gate in Archie's room when we live in a flat and don't have the worry of any stairs and to be honest we very rarely use it. However we decided to pop it on there incase of emergencies, for instance James was fitting our living room TV to the wall the other night, it was just before Archie's bed and there was tools out and shape things everywhere, so its times like these a baby gate really comes in hand, even if Archie hates it. But most of the time it's left open and to keep it in place we have this lovely little bunny door stop that we picked up from Next Home. We got it mainly because of the colour and that it looks cute. Archie loves bunny rabbits and often we find him using it as another toy.

The only thing that I wish I had done differently with Archie's nursery is to have gotten some prints for his wall as they look really bare. But as we are going to be changing the room around we are going to wait, but its definitely going to be the first thing on my list of things to buy once we have brought his bed. I think we are going to keep the same colours running through in Archie's room when we redecorate and either go for a safari or woodland theme, we haven't decided yet.

So there we have it, a little tour of Archie's Nursery! I would love to know you decorated your baby's nursery and what themes you went for. Also if you have any posts or ideas for a toddlers room, please send them this way.

P.S Archie's room is never this clean, right after these photo's had been taken, all the toys came out! 


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