Monday, 2 July 2018

3 Ways To Keep Your Hair Hydrated & Healthy This Summer

With the heat wave last week, it feels like summer has officially started in England and I love it. This week is still going to be hot and with these scorching high temperatures, it actually feels like I'm abroad and as I'm not actually planning on going away anywhere this year, I'm enjoying every ray of sunshine. With the weather being as hot as it is, it's really important to up our beauty routines and take extra care of our bodies and today I'm focusing on keeping your hair happy and healthy. I mentioned this over on my Instagram the other day, but when I go away on holiday I pack everything to ensure that I look after my body and skin, wether this be taking sun creams, after suns, lip balms, hydrating shampoos.... You get the idea. But I think because we never expect it to get as hot here in England and the majority of us work five days a week, you don't think this heat wave is the same as heat you get when your on holiday - Does that even make sense? I think a few of you will know what I mean. I guess what I'm trying to say in a nutshell that it can be easy to forget to look after yourself in this weather because you're doing normal everyday things still. With this in mind, the last few weeks I've been upping my beauty regime and I thought I would take you though my top 3 tips on keeping hair happy, healthy and hydrated this summer. Right now my hair is in the best condition that its been in for a long time and I can only put it down to these three steps.

Ditch the styling tools and embrace heatless hairstyles:

A big one for me is leaving my hair dryer and styling tools well alone - Pop them in a cupboard out of the way so you won't be tempted. It can be really hard to not style your hair with any heat, but I promise you that your hair will thank you for it in the long run, especially when it's as hot as it is. A way that I get around this is washing my hair in the evening rather in the morning, that way I have the time to let it dry naturally. I'm pretty lucky in the sense that my hair is naturally very straight, but when I leave it to do its own thing and dry on its own, I find that it goes ever so slightly wavy, but as its the summer I'm all about creating those natural beach waves, so for me the more texture the better. I love using a good sea salt spray to enhance my waves, not only does it make them look more styled, but the wave will hold for much longer without looking like a frizzy mess. Another way that helps me avoid any heat is braiding my hair. I take myself back to them time when my mum would plait my hair before bed and I'd wear pretty curls in my hair at school the next day. To make the look a little less school girl and more suited to my age, I brush though the curls the next day to loosen them up a bit and add my favourite texturing products for that perfect beach look. The Matrix High Amplify Wonder Boost works amazing on second day curls and really helps to uplift them.

Swap and change your shampoo and conditioner:

I think everyone has a scent that whisks them away to holidays and sunnier climates. For me its shampoo & conditioner and whenever I've been abroad I always take my favourite Aussie Hair Care products with me, the scents are beautiful and they just take me back to happy memories. Aussie is one of those hair brands that I've loved pretty much all of my adult life, but I only tend to reach for them in the summer because they do exactly what I need and that is to replenish my hair and restore all that goodness that the sun has taken out of it.  The Miracle Moist range is my favourite as it works wonders on hydrating my hair and as soon as use this, I can feel the difference in my hair right away - It feels smooth, sleek and ready to swish. If your hair is feeling particularly dry, I'd recommend using their 3 Minute Miracle leave in conditioner as it always gives my hair that extra boost of hydration. I think we can sometimes get stuck in the same routines when it comes to shampoo and conditioner, but changing things up in your shower will really help to improve the condition of your hair, especially if you reach for ones that offer hydration and repair. Because it is so hot, I like to also use hair oils and sometimes leave my leave in conditioner in for a few hours or over night; I just incorporate this into one of my pamper evenings, its something you and your hair will thank. For an extra boost of nourishment I'll also spray a leave in conditioner in my hair on those days when I know I'm going to be out in the sun all day.

Keep hair out of direct sunlight and drink plenty of water:

Last week I reached for my hats an awful lot. I know they are not the most stylish thing to wear and theres only so many outfits a snapback or floppy hat will go with, but wearing a hat now and then will really help protect your hair from the sunlight and stop it from feeling so dry. Just think, we wouldn't leave the house on a hot summers day without protecting our skin and not applying suncream, so it goes without saying we should do the same with our hair. I have a really small head, so I can't pull off hats very well and I never leave the house thinking I look good in this.... But most of my days out are spent in the parks or enjoying family picnics so I'm not really fussed about my appearance and how it looks. Some of you will look fabulous in any kind of hat wear, so embrace it and keep your locks protected.

A little extra tip and note to self

Water is key, we all know the importance of keeping hydrated, especially in heat wave weather. I find that drinking lots of water not only keeps my hydrated and keeps my skin looking clear, but it also helps my hair. Water, water, water, don't forget it.

I think these simple steps a really easy to incorporate into my beauty routine and as I mentioned earlier, my hair is in great condition.... It's not felt this good in a  long while. Let me know what your top tips are and what you do differently to keep your hair looking great in the heat.


1 comment

  1. Im Obsessed with keeping my hair extra healthy and hydrated in the summer, its just so important! Lovely post thank you.

    Abbey Hearts xx


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