Sunday, 16 September 2018

The Best Lush Bath Bomb for Busy Hardworking Mums

Lush Twilight Bath Bomb

Like most people out there I'm a huge fan of Lush! Actually I'm yet to meet anyone who doesn't like the brand - Lets face it, who doesn't love a company that not only make products that look and smell incredible but who also make the best bath products ever! I've loved Lush since my very early teens, before Lush even became a huge global brand. My aunt lives in Poole, which is the birthplace of Lush so whenever my sister and I used to stay there during the summer holidays, she would always take us to the Lush shop and treat us to a few bath time treats. One of my favourite products back then where the bath bombs and they are probably still my favourite things to buy from Lush almost twenty years later. Picking your favourite product from Lush is just as hard as choosing a favourite family member, so much so that I don't think I've ever tried a product from Lush that I didn't like or fall in love with. I'm always buying things from Lush, so I want to start sharing more of my favourite products from the brand. I thought the perfect way of doing this would be to start up a little mini series where I choose favourite products for all my different needs and today I thought I'd share my favourite bath bomb for us busy hard working mums.... Which of course is Twilight.

Mum life is rewarding, amazing and wonderful but can really tough at the same time. Whether you're a mum who works full time or one who stays at home, the job is the exact same. I work two days a week and spend the rest of my time at home looking after Archie and if theres one thing that's always certain, I'm always running around like a headless chicken with a million and one jobs to complete. One thing that's really important for me is to take some time out in the evenings at least once a week and have a good pamper session. This not only relaxes me and puts me in a great head space, but it also makes me feel more human again and I'm ready to take on the next set of mum challenges. Whenever I have a pamper night, I love to buy a Lush bath bomb and the one that I reach for time and time again is Twilight.

Lush Twilight Bath Bomb

Why is Twilight my favourite?

My main reason for loving this bath bomb so much is that it is so relaxing. Twilight has been infused with lavender oil which we all know is perfect for calming and helping with sleeping. I know a lot of people don't like the smell of lavender, but personally I love it - It's so so dreamy. I think its one of those scents that can really help my mind to just switch off and that's exactly what I do whenever I use the Twilight bath bomb. Twilight also contains Ylang Ylang oil which is known to help uplift moods and reduce anxiety levels, another reason why I love this one so much. As a busy hard working mum all I want to do when I relax is just switch off and I always come out of the bath feeling all zen like whenever I use this bath bomb.

Other the smell being incredible, Twilight is also one of Lush's prettiest bath bombs. The outside is a beautiful lilac shade with little stars and moons printed on it and as it starts to fizz away it lets out a blue fizz in the middle; the two colours combined turn my bath water into gorgeous twilight night sky, this combined with candle light is honestly so heavenly. You can also expect to see some really finely milled silver glitter that catches the light in the water and you guys know me I love anything that has a bit of glitter in it. What's really nice about this bath bomb is that it's a slow fizzer and it takes a good five minutes for the bomb so dissolve away. I don't know why but theres something really therapeutic about watching a bath bomb fizz away.

Whenever I use the Twilight Bath Bomb, I always have a great night sleep (as long as Archie doesn't wake me up) and I'm always pretty much ready to go to bed as soon as I get out of the bath. I feel like I never get enough sleep as mum and I'm really terrible for staying up late - So having a good pamper night encourages me to go to bed early too. Even if you're not a mum, Twilight is the perfect excuse to put your feet up for an hour or so and relax, I can't recommend it enough.

What's your favourite bath product when your in the mood to relax?


1 comment

  1. anything that has lavender oil, I'm sold! This looks like a great one, and I'm not even a mom yet but I need the relaxation too! haha
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥


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