Thursday, 16 February 2012

Project Perfect

Hello beauties. A few days ago a Frances from FrancesCassandra posted a blog post titled 'Project Perfect' and since seeing this have seen a few other beauty bloggers put this post up. I think it was originally posted by Amy from Flaws and All (be sure to check out both these beauty bloggers as they are amazing). Project Perfect is to encourage girls to embrace flaws and turn them into a positive. It also looks at what we do like about our bodies and injecting some confidence into ourselves. 

It is so easy in today's society to have a misguided view on what the perfect body should look like. The media is always showing us how fabulous are favourite icons look whilst quick to slate anyone with wobbly bits or pimples. With so many images photo shopped these days it can make us all feel negative about our own bodies. Myself included.  We are all guilty of finding flaws in the mirror and thinking, 'why don't I look good enough?'. I have always been very insecure about my skin and scaring around my T-zone area and worst insecurity has to be my big nose. When I was in my teens I used to cover so much of my hair around my face as I thought it would make my nose a lot smaller. 

I have found reading these Project Perfect posts so inspirational and it defiantly helps to improve self images. All you have to do is. 

1. Post a picture of yourself and say in a couple of sentences why you like it.

2. Say somethings that you DON'T like about yourself and say why others may like to be like that. 
3. State three things that you DO like about yourself.

The reason why I like this photo

This picture was a recent one of mine and was used the other week in a FOTD. I like this picture as I feel that I have gone for a natural look and for me is something which has been hard to do. In the past I used to cake on my makeup from foundation, bronzer and blusher, so much so that I was lost underneath it all. Over the past year I have been making small cutbacks with the amount of makeup I would apply and this picture shows me that I have come along way. 

Three things I DON'T like about myself, turned into a POSITIVE 

1. I really don't like the look or the shape of my nose. When I was young I was teased about it. I always knew it was big but I didn't like being reminded or tormented about it. However over the years I've learnt to deal with it and am able to wear my hair off my face and show it off to the world. It may be on the bigger side but I have an excellent sense of smell.

2. I don't like the size of my pores or the scaring around my T-Zone area. You can't see it from the above picture, but up close you could count them all. I'm 24 and I still get spots I really thought that this would have passed by now. However my skin is no where near as bad as what it used to be and now I am older I know how to look after my skin a lot better. 

3. I have really oily skin. I am forever needing a touch up of powder to stop my makeup from falling off my face, especially in the summer time. Oily skin is something which runs in the family. The positive side to this is that my mum has hardly any wrinkles and she swears that It's not just her daily moisturiser but the oils from her skin which has kept those wrinkles at bay!

Three things I LIKE about myself.

1. I really like my eyes, they seam to change colour randomly from dark to light brown. It's my eyes that get the most compliments.

2. My body shape. I am one of these really fortunate girls who can eat whatever and not really put on any weight. I am a UK 6/8 and I don't put any limits on myself as to what I can eat.

3. I like my legs the look of my legs, they don't go on forever but as dancer/cheerleader they are nicely toned. Although it's not something you can see but I also love my flexibility which helps to keep those muscles toned. 

For me there is no such thing as the perfect body or someone being more beautiful than someone else. We are all different and need to embrace our bodies for how they look naturally. Confidence is they key to beauty and this post is great as it is all about turning those negative feelings  positives. I f you've enjoyed reading this then I urge you to take part and embrace your self image, if you do please let me know in the comments below.

 Take care and remember you are all beautiful!



  1. This is a great post, lovely, and you are stunning! Thank you for the link to my blog :)

    Frances x
    Twitter: @Francesss__

  2. I agree this is such a great idea. I've got this post in my drafts at the moment and im planning to post it soon :) Im exactly the same with my nose too. I really hate it and i was often teased about it at school :(
    We really do need to stop focusing on things that dont matter. As girls we are constantly reminded of what 'perfection' is and it needs to stop :( xx

    1. Look forward to seeing yours when you have it up and posted and think that its such a great idea. Its horrible when anyone is picked on for one of your features as it stays with you for a long time. It does need to stop lets hope this post can be passed on to loads of others to encourage everyone to be happy with their self image x

  3. I don't think your nose is big at all! I like the size of your nose, the nostril with is a good size and the height is nice too! I'd like to trade noses with you any day :) I'm not insecure about my nose though... just saying ha.

    1. Thanks hun thats so sweet of you to say. I think its just been one of those insecurities of mine, but it has gotten better over time. Im glad you like your nose too tehe x

  4. hiya Danielle your nose looks amazing hun dont change a thing, keep up the hard work hun x


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