Sunday, 5 February 2012

Snow Queen Makeup

Hello my beauties, if your in the U.K then you will know all about the downpour of snow we had last night and today it was like Narnia outside. I for one love the snow, so like a big kid I had to the urge to build a snowman, trudge around and hear the sound of my steps go creek creek as I walked in the fresh bits that no-one else had stepped in. 

When I got back inside, I was in snow fever mode and decided to a Snow Queen makeup look. It's ever so pretty but a little over the top for a Sunday afternoon you could say! But I have no intention of going out again so I can feel free to be a Snow Queen all day. 

Products I used Left to Right:
Front Cover Moon Dance | Front Cover Periwinkle | MUA Shade 4-Pearl

 Hope you enjoy this look my lovelies and I would love to know how you dealt with today's snow. If you didn't have any snow, then just tell me about your Sunday! 



  1. That is such a beautiful colour, I've had snow had to dig the car out today, not looking forward to the drive to work tomorrow, last year I went sliding on four wheels, no damage done except to my pride :)

    1. thanks hum. aww no i bet that took ages, so many cars have just got stuck in the snow where i am. your poor pride, i remember falling over last year in front of a big crowd cringe lol x

  2. This is such a pretty look, I love the colours that you used! There hasn't been much snow over here, maybe a centimetre or two? It did rain last night though so it has all frozen over :( Not fun!

    Frances x (Giveaway now on!)
    Twitter: @Francesss__

    1. thanks chick, we had about 5 inches i think and it was still snowing when i went to bed. i bet you were gutted, it looks so pretty when it snows xx

  3. Wow that looks gorgeous! Why not have pretty make-up in the house :) It makes you feel good. I've had no snow :( oh well means we can still drive about which is good.

    1. aw no thats a shame you didnt get the snow, but mu be good being able to get out and about still. all the roads are like mush now.

      thanks, we should all have a touch of sparkle whilst at home x

  4. Such beautiful colours :)looks amazing. I've had so much snow, but instead of going out in it, i've sat inside wearing my onesie watching films :) haha!

    1. thanks hun, lol that it a great idea theres nothing that beats the feeling of being cozy and warm while its cold outside x

  5. so pretty!
    and your lashes look so lush , what mascara do you use?

    1. thanks hun i used the maybelline cat eyes marscara with loreal studio secrets primer x

  6. love it!
    I stayed home most of the time but ended up making a miniature snowman..

  7. Very pretty. Love your lashes.

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  8. just having a flick through your posts and i absoloutely LOVE this look! How pretty! You have the loveliest eyelashes i'm extremely jel :) lol
    Must get these shadows - especially the Front Cover one! :) xx

    1. Thanks hun, a good lash primer will bump up your lashes. But you are beautiful anyhow babes xx


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